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Everything posted by JobberJoe

  1. Randy Orton... TO SMACKDOWN? Do you know what that means? Finally... FINALLY... we can see that Cena and Orton feud we've been waiting for!!
  2. Liking things like Cody F*CKING Rhodes!!! What a man. What. A. Man. EDIT: Kofi on the show TWICE? Remember that two thousand year long title reign he had and never defended the belt? Sure could've used being on Raw twice then!
  3. Yeah Hancock - I'm sick of your opinions! Get rid of them or get out.
  4. Shouting at the invisible kid - amazing!! Stupid Jimmy f*cking up Truth's career.
  5. "What?" ruins wrestling for me. Possibly more so than anything else. However good on Truth playing up to it.
  6. Yeah, that's exactly what I thought. They complained that he didn't show anything but, like, if some punk ass kid came along and was like "Yaaaawn, why we doing basic bumps when I do can do...?" *flipflipflipflip* You'd smack the little b*tch about for being too big for his britches.
  7. I spent this morning watching all these bad boys and it's great. Specifically loved "This is WWE DROPPING the ball with Zack Ryder" and his reaction to his dad wearing a JoMo t-shirt. Oh, and of course THE cameo.
  8. :lol A point that's too hard to explain isn't a very good point at all then.
  9. That's a bit silly - that would be like saying Dynamite Kid or Tiger Mask weren't highflyers because what they did in their day is relatively unimpressive compared to what Pac and Jack Evans is doing nowadays. Nah, doesn't stick with me.
  10. I really enjoyed it - decided to give it a watch on recommendation from Matty and thought it was great. Austin was superb - it's wonderful to see him doing more than his usual "what? what?" *stunner* schtic. Yeah, shall have to try and keep up with this!!
  11. Ups and downs. Thought WHC starting was stupid. Furious that Del Rio lost - Edge breaking the car afterwards was f*cking moronic and made me hate Edge some more. However Christian was superb for his wee bits and I really dislike Blubbery Brodus. Tag match could've gone longer, but for what it was I loved it. I got to see everything that I would've wanted from the match in 90 seconds, so why not. Rey/Cody was absolutely brulliant - probably my match of the night. Thought the story through it was really well done and that Rey hanging on the ropes from the knee brace shot was great. Can't really remember Punk/Orton which is a little embarrassing but I think I enjoyed it enough. Not even sure who won... ha. I, compared to a lot of people apparently, didn't mind Cole/Lawler. It certainly wasn't as bad as Bret/McMahon - although I'm wondering if the squashing of Cole's face against the ColeMine is colouring my opinions. Post-match was b*llocks with the reverse decision and the stunnering of everybody and blah blah sh*te. As others have pointed out Taker/HHH had such stupid pacing issues it was unbelievable. From about the point of Trips beating Taker with the chair and screaming at him to stay down I thought it was very good, but in the bigger picture... it was just so NON-STOP. Unfortunately didn't work - although credit to them for trying something different in, as has been pointed out, THE predictable match of Mania. 6-tag had Trish working her ass off which was nice, before bringing Snooki in for the swEEErve and straight to end. Smart booking, well done them. Miz/Cena wasn't great and the double count out was sh*t, the restart was sh*t, the Rock Bottom was sh*t, Miz' victory being overlooked was sh*t and the People's Elbow was sh*t. Awful start, awful end and a mixed bag in the middle - oh well.
  12. T'be fair though, Lawler in his hey-day dropped Kaufman with like, what, a thousand piledrivers? And once his neck was broke, Lawler dropped him once more right onto the ambulance stretcher just to teach him about touching women!! Different era, different era...
  13. HO-LY SH********T!! If that man has got himself into a bit better shape then I might pull every f*cking string I have to be there!!!
  14. Aww man I hated X3 with a passion - all the more BECAUSE I enjoyed the first two so much. As others have said - the way they dealt with the entire Phoenix story was embarrassing. I mean, that is one badass story you've got right there and then made it feel so... unimportant... My favourite thing about it was all of McKellen's big speeches to the mutants about how it's time to take over the mutha'f*ckin' world!! Like, I was ready for attacking folk in the cinema at his command!! I've never re-watched it, which maybe I should... but then I think about it and just decide not to.
  15. T'be fair on the Jean Grey thing - they killed her off so they could go into the Phoenix story in the third film. They could've come up with a more sensibly way of finishing her off though, if they felt it was SO necessary. As for Nightcrawler - I think for his introduction it worked well to be a rather more sombre character who, if had been a part of the third, developed into the happier, more playful chap that we know as he finds a proper home and family to be a part of. Just ma' take on things :P.
  16. If we get those posters in I might try get hold of the Magneto one - yuuuum!
  17. Kevin Nash's most recent run with TNA always p*ssed me off to no end - just the constant talk of being there for the money and not caring about anything else. Like, it was totally the way they put it over, but it was trying to make a character out of Kevin Nash's infamous real life attitude to wrasslin'. And it was just awful and I hated every moment. Anderson's "Pro Wrestling Is Real - People Are Fake" t-shirt makes me want to tear his face in two. OH! OH! OH! The spot where a guy is on the ground, and the other jumps off the turnbuckle and Mr Grounded-chap just lifts a foot up to kick them in the face. The guy jumping has landed vertically... like, WHAT THE F*CK WERE YOU GOING FOR THERE?! IT WASN'T GOING TO HIT, REVERSAL OR NOT!!
  18. The only hockey team I know are the Vancouver Canucks cause a friend from work is obsessed with them. So I'll say them then. I don't know if that's good or bad.
  19. You should write a stand-up show and call it "TNA on a bike".
  20. Yeah, as others have said - great setting (ye' olde detective with a broad who's got legs from here to ya-ya), nice effects and a very intriguing twist with the facial stuff. Anybody else apart from Rockstar and I'd be a lot more sceptical than I am. However I have good faith it's gonna be a lot-a-lotta' fun.
  21. The trailer... I want to love it... but the pain of X3 is still too fresh a wound for me to be won over. I so want to be won over though :(.
  22. I just wanted to say to Brother Bubba Dudley Bully Ray-Ray, congratulations for that huge quite literal and physical weight that he's got rid of. Good on him, he looks much better for it!
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