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Everything posted by Burakiosaurus

  1. first set of tickets have arrivedddddddddd http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/Burakio/ManiaTix_zpsb67c558b.jpg
  2. Then the moving stage thing that brought him to the ring at WM III, running over someone in the process
  3. Hogan running in to save Cena from a screw job from someone works for me. Heck, Hogan in any capacity at Mania and HoF as I'm going to both and will go nuts.
  4. Got my tickets as part of package. I expect Warrior to show up and press slam Heath Slater or some other jobber. Maybe all three members of 3MB back to back, press slam them all, stack 'em up and then the big splash.
  5. El Torito needs to do a heel turn turn and have a feud with Hornswaggle. He's wasted with the love children of Vega and Tito Santana. And yes to Cesaro getting a decent singles push. Programme with Punk would be want I'd want to see personally.
  6. No idea where I am, but it's with the package so not too far from the Dome. Booking my DG:USA tickets soon and I fancy going to the Kaiju Big Battel on the Friday night too. Anyone tried airbnb in New Orleans for before or after 'mania?
  7. Erick Rowan has been pretty goddamn awful since he's been on main WWE tv. He's just sloppy, monotone is his actions and is cumbersome. Mason Ryan had a decent match on NXT recently with that Gusev guy, and is the archetypal 'big man' that Vince would have a massive hard on for. Not sure if that is still the case though.
  8. Cena nearly broke Bryan's neck! Damn that looked messy and very close to Bryan never being able to walk again...
  9. Burakiosaurus

    WWE NXT 2013

    Whhhaaaaaa? That section sucked. I'm hoping for Emma to get a severe beat down. She is one of the most annoying characters in a long time!
  10. The promos and anticipation would be the best part, leading up to him appearing...after which it will go downhill. But WWE would be able to build the shit out of it and then probably make a decent amount in merch sales.
  11. Going to be booking with 3 other buddies on Monday. I'll probably fly into New Orleans, then rent a car and drive to Houston to do the Space Centre and another 2-3 days there then fly back. Can't wait! Going to book Dragon Gate, ROH and some others as well that usually roll into town. Chikara was good last year says my buddy who I'm going with. Bring it on!
  12. Burakiosaurus

    WWE NXT 2013

    in hot pants and that white vest thing she has on above. saying that, Paige looks like death warmed up, get that girl a sunbed
  13. Burakiosaurus

    WWE NXT 2013

    and not talking, and not wrestling
  14. Burakiosaurus

    WWE NXT 2013

    Emma is so annoying!
  15. Just watching the Punk match again, and damn that looked painful when he banged his knee on the table.... Trying to think where Punk goes from here now. Would like to see him feud with Ziggler, as I reckon they could pull off some good matches, but not sure how the booking would work.
  16. I guess you could call it him playing the role of the Heel and not listening to the crowd? But yes, they would have gone Batshit crazy. I want the Fandango theme to be played whenever I walk into a room now...my buddy who was there with his friend is claiming they started off the whole thing by humming it when he first came out, not sure if I believe him or not!
  17. Hmmmm, I would say Brodus Clay. I get his gimmick is supposed to appeal to the kids with the whole dancing thing, and yes, WWE needs characters like him. I just can't stand the guy right now.
  18. If Punk loses to Rock, then make him enter the Rumble at #30 and win. Got to keep that guy in the main event picture
  19. This is much more intense than Cena and Rocks build last year already. In Punk's DVD when he comes back from the Jericho match, you see him bump into Rock in the hall and see 'follow that' in a jokey way, but you can he means it. Just hope it's not a stinker like Cena vs Rock was. Punk's promo was good, not as good as the Pipebomb of 2011, but still good. Can't help but think it was wasted on most of the audience though, but I enjoyed it so that's all I care about. And goddamit after Christmas I don't need more ice cream!
  20. Here's Mr Perfect hitting one of his famous dropkicks: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100721203314/prowrestling/images/8/82/SummerSlam_1989-1.jpg I can only imagine Dynamite is getting a send off here: http://a4.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/54/fd3158c89b495878ecfa975d3531dd44/l.jpg Raven close up: http://www.wwe.com/f/styles/ep_trending/public/video/thumb/2012/10/19970821_wcw_raven_debut.jpg
  21. Cesaro is growing on me with each showing...want to see him in longer matches with those further up the card this year.
  22. Just watched Punk's ECW debut against Justin Credible off his DVD. Decent match by Punk given it was about 5-7 minutes
  23. I'm waiting for the Special Edition one next year, which will no doubt be over priced and a blatant cash in from the studiom but I don't mind being taken for a ride and ripped off :D
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