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  1. What's new in this club
  2. Madden used to have a 'Fair Play' feature, but unfortunately it didn't last very long. It was a fantastic option for those who prefer to play SIM-style
  3. Another year of Madden is here and I wanted to gauge interest in a Madden Sim League. If you're not familiar with a SIM league, I'll give a brief explanation. Everybody who joins the league would be able to select one team based on a random-order draft. This would be their team for Season 1. There would be no MUT aspect to this league. Some basic rules - You play like a team would on Sundays. You would only go for it in reasonably situations or from reasonable field position, no taking advantage of exploits, onside kicks only when it's reasonable, etc. I haven't dipped my toes into the Madden-sphere in a few years, but if I could get enough interest in a SIM league, I'd absolutely make a return.
  4. I hope different because why else put out a new release. I really thought that they were pretty much done too. Heck I've been playing these games for years.
  5. Just when I thought the franchise was finished, WWE comes out with the news of a September release. I wonder how different this game will be from the others? https://thesportsrush.com/wwe-news-wwe-2k-battlegrounds-confirmed-superstars-release-date-and-story-mode-explained/
  6. I stopped buying the WWE games a few years back, just for that reason. It does not surprise me that they are releasing every couple of years.
  7. I'm pretty surprised by the announcement too, @Knox. I thought WWE 2K21 was already in the works. What bugged me about WWE 2K20 was that they got rid of so many options that I loved in previous versions. Every release has been full of glitches though.
  8. With the last two versions it seemed like the developers were rushed to get them out, which is why they were so buggy. The lag while playing online was just terrible. I'm sure there'll be other WWE centric games in the future, but they're smart to slow down the number of releases.
  9. I finally played WWE 2K20 which was enjoyable, but a bit underwhelming. I waited so long in hopes that they'd fix the glitches so maybe that's why I found it underwhelming. I built it up in my head. What did you think of the game? There's usually a new release of the WWE's gaming franchise every year, but it looks like there won't be one coming up in 2021. That's pretty surprising. Do you think the franchise is done for good?
  10. @theVman and @Bondys10 if you buy the game mates, please come back and let us know how you get on with it. I'm happy to throw my money at them, but only if the game works without a bunch of hassles. I'm surprised the WWE hasn't done more with virtual reality.
  11. Guest

    WWE 2K19

    I'm pretty pumped for the game this year, it sucks that some people haven't been included that really should've been (e.g. Ciampa, Kai etc.) And the fact that they've only announced two modes atm sucks too, but hopefully they turn it around with the MyPlayer story and improve Universe mode too
  12. Guest

    WWE 2K19

    For me I wish they would stop wasting time on Showcase mode. This year is Daniel Bryan. I find it so boring just playing out all the stuff we have seen on tv and most of the key bits you dont actually do, you just get in position and press a button and the cut scene takes over. I wish they would either do an original story that incorporates as many as the roster as possible or scrap it all together and focus on making Universe mode great. last years game i thought took an great step forward with universe mode and gigantic step backwards in Carear mode, all that walking around backstage was so tedious and made me not want to play the mode.
  13. I got burned big time on the last game. I couldn't stand to play it and haven't tried again in ages. I'm waiting to see how others get on before spending money on the latest version.
  14. WWE 2K19 is supposed to come out in October and the creators are teasing which wrestlers are in the lineup. The entire list hasn't been revealed, but so far Cena, Lynch, Orton, and Flair haven't been included. I bet they'll be revealed closer to time to generate buzz. Are you planning to purchase the game? I'm going to sit on it for a while. The last game was incredibly buggy at first and I'm not making that mistake again. Hopefully this one won't be full of glitches.
  15. I got this yesterday and have been giving it a bit of a go around. One nice surprise was having Joey Styles on commentary (alone) for the Austin v Whipwreck match.
  16. Argos has this on sale right now; £10.00 for last-gen and £15.00 for current-gen consoles. Unfortunately, all the local ones are sold out and reading online, there appears to be a number of people who have bought multiple copies (some even going into double figures), which is ruining it for others.
  17. Yeah, I agree. I was a different time, a different WWE, a different generation of consoles... Hell it was 15 years ago - wrestling games have moved on a hell of a lot since then, some of it for the good, some of it for worse but they've moved on.
  18. Matthew has posted his thoughts on the game below, he wasn't as impressed as Matt: WWE 2K16: Musings of a No Mercy fan
  19. Got this last night and have been playing it since. A lot of emphasis both in the achievements and the way the game is laid out if now on the MyCareer and Showcase modes and less on just having random matches and the online multiplayer which is a good thing given previous titles. There is a tonne to unlock, the graphics by and large on the One version are quality although Renee Young looks a bit, well, wrong in the face (poor Renee). The commentary is a bit better, with relevant titbits on superstars but by and large, like most wrestling games, it is the weakest part of the game. The creation suite is extensive, the NXT part of the career mode longer and it encourages you and enables you to pick rivals once your outside of the tutorial part and complete your first one. Some of the moves as well, damn it has a good move list for CAW and the appearance side is excellent as well. There is a lot more replay value in this title then there has been in the past - I've not even gone that deep into the Showcase mode yet or touched the Universe mode either but it just feels deep. Also the game plays in a more balanced and less arcade manner then before and blows the later Smackdown v Raw games out of the water.
  20. Rusev (w/ Lana) v Rick Rude and they've got the full and proper "Ravishing" entrance this time.
  21. WWE 2K16 will have a smartphone app that allows you to take pictures of anything and upload them straight to a server for use in the Creation Suite.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOz-OWBiw5M Looks like the Creation Suite is going to be MUCH better than last year.
  23. Are WWE games good anymore? I used to play years ago but they started to decline so haven't played one properly for a while

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