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Everything posted by Ogmore

  1. I do consider many of Voldermort's murders to be crimes of passion, but I can see your viewpoints as well @Maya and @Hal. I tend to humanize him. I can't help but think back to him living in that orphanage. That's no way for a bub to grow up. Did Tom Riddle's cruelty cause his alienation from his caretakers and peers or did the alienation and lack of care create his cruelty? I think he sought admiration and loyalty because he didn't get it growing up. And if people had to die in the meantime - well, that's okay with him.
  2. No way mate. Voldemort uses fear to rule. Showing that he'll take revenge against anyone who dares to cross him is a big part of that. Revenge is one of his main tools.
  3. It's just too easy to hit the "share" button I suppose. Or, maybe they're already biased so they naturally buy into an article if it says what they believe to be true. The truth is becoming less of a thing. Some of what gets shared seems really outlandish. Do you ever comment on the post or attempt to discuss the matter privately?
  4. Ogmore


    I like watching them too, depending on the sport being showcased. There's usually a few athletes who were wounded while serving in their nation's military. I like hearing their stories and it sounds silly but it motivates me to try harder and whinge less.
  5. Yes! The Attitude Era was more of a circus. I miss it really. Is there not a professional wrestling group of Australians that are televised there? I was under that impression from a uni mate, but maybe I just misunderstood him.
  6. That depends on what you mean by "revenge". Are you strictly talking about getting even? If so, then Bambi is a good example, off the top of my head, where revenge isn't a theme. It's not like Bambi used his antlers to run through the hunter's child. No human was harmed, even though Bambi saw his mother killed by a hunter while she was trying to save him.
  7. I thought the nuns would turn out to be evil. I can't recall a mask wearer during the films who didn't out to be psychopathic. I understand branding the word "pig" onto an abusers forehead isn't exactly normal, but at least they have a logical reason for their aggression. Sometimes Penelope seems barmy, sometimes she appears all there. What happened to the guy with the pro-purge coach? I thought for sure Jenna's unborn baby was going to be sliced from her womb or her husband would be killed so Lila could run off with Jenna. That scenario would give Daddy Stanton the grandchild he's always wanted. I'm clearly not good at the guessing game though.
  8. Have you checked out the incredible Xbox consoles that teams, celebrities, and singers have helped design for the charity auction? Some of them are really brilliant. Way out of my price range, but brilliant nonetheless. The auction event is called "Consoles for Kids" and will last through October 3rd. It's a benefit for Make-A-Wish. I bet they'll make a lot.
  9. @AmyRichmond I'm in Wales and you can watch The Purge series on Amazon Prime Video which is included with Amazon Prime. The only minor negative is that the latest episode becomes available about a day after it airs in the U.S. so you have to make the effort to avoid spoilers if that matters to you.
  10. @theVman and @Bondys10 if you buy the game mates, please come back and let us know how you get on with it. I'm happy to throw my money at them, but only if the game works without a bunch of hassles. I'm surprised the WWE hasn't done more with virtual reality.
  11. I'm not sure which is more chilling - that so many people with and without affluence buy into the propaganda that it's beneficial to have that 12-hour window where anything goes, or that so many individuals and groups found ways to make money off it. Did you watch the latest episode?
  12. I've seen the first two films in the franchise, but don't recall any murders or other crimes in church. Maybe I missed that part or it happened in a later film. I haven't watched the first episode of this television series yet, but I'm looking forward to streaming it this weekend. I don't mind spoilers at all and appreciate your humouring my many questions.
  13. Nostalgia only goes so far with me. I'll happily settle into a game that might not have the best graphics or be compatible with the latest gear, but I'm not putting up with glitches that make gameplay unbearable.
  14. I'm glad you started this thread, Luna, as I'll definitely be streaming it every week and it's nice to chat about it. I come up with the most ridiculous questions when it comes to The Purge franchise. Are churches, nursing homes, and such considered sanctuaries? What time zone are we working with here? I figure the hours have to follow Eastern Time in the United States in order to keep your financial markets humming. Why don't those wealthy people flee to another country? Like I said, I contemplate the silliest things. I'd like to prepare just in case... I hung in there until the end, but don't know that I'll watch another season.
  15. I think having multiple relationships at once is much like those couples who have 19 kids. In theory, it all sounds good because there's plenty of love to go around. However, beneath the surface lurks the drama, neglect, and someone with hurt feelings. There's only so much time and attention to go around. Someone will always feel overwhelmed and someone will feel shortchanged. I don't even like to share a pair of trousers let alone a bird.
  16. I'd rather be in a band because I'd have someone to keep me company on tour, someone to collaborate with, and someone to blame when it all went tits up. Are you a dog person or a cat person? Yes, you must pick.
  17. I got burned big time on the last game. I couldn't stand to play it and haven't tried again in ages. I'm waiting to see how others get on before spending money on the latest version.
  18. Unfortunately, the ole job takes me away from the telly. I binged most of Game of Thrones. That was an adventure! I don't look up spoilers and am happy to have the storyline play out as it is. It doesn't upset me if I happen to run across spoilers though. I'd say they're unavoidable really.
  19. As brill as it sounds, I just can't see it happening. I 100% believe Rousey will reign supreme for the women, but I'm not sure about the others. I'm leaning towards Roman Reigns, but I rarely get these things right. I guessed incorrectly that even though Lesnar's contract was running out, he would defeat Reigns during Summer Slam, simply because Vince seems to have Lesnar on a pedestal.
  20. Oh, definitely. So, are one of those two women your favourite female wrestlers from days of yore? I've always seen Alundra Blayze as mostly known for dumping her WWE title belt into the trash during the WCW vs. WWE rivalry years. Bull Nakano was mostly known for her rivalry with Blayze. Their notoriety was more about gimmicks than their skills in the ring. I'm sure I've forgotten what's what since then. I miss the drama between WCW and WWE. Monday Nitro was the gift that kept on giving.
  21. Same here. She participated in a lot of events that up until then had been male only. I think she opened the door for serious female wrestlers. It became less about sex appeal and more about talent.
  22. I'm trying to jazz myself up for exercising and eating better. I'm not heavy, or I'd try one of those weight competitions for motivation. It's the healthy eating and just not sitting for long hours during work that's the hardest part for me. I'll look into some smartphone apps to see if I find something user friendly. I don't mind spending money, but it's foolish to do so when its unnecessary. Thanks for the tips, mates!
  23. I'm the proud owner of the complete Kung Fu television series staring the one and only young grasshopper, David Carradine. I discovered the programme as a child during one of its rerun marathons.
  24. I'm talking about those sporty devices that act as a heart rate monitor, step counter, calorie tracker, and so on. Did the device help you improve in the long run or did it feel like a nag you were happy to give up? I'm asking because I'm meant to be eating healthier, drinking water, and exercising. The Fitbit Charge 3 looks enticing at the moment, thought it could just be an easy way to feel like I'm doing something without actually accomplishing much (well, besides spending money).
  25. @Zack T that would do my head in, mate. You've got to be dead tired the next morning. I'm grumpy if the cat nudges me too hard in the middle of the night. No way could I deal with that many restroom disruptions without being a zombie the next day. I'm Welsh...and Catholic, sort of. So, it's in the blood. Not so much that it requires an intervention mind you.
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