What a start!
Jordan Pickford was pretty awful and made some big errors as goalkeeper. I'm surprised he's lasted as long as he has. It didn't seem to hurt overall, though.
Kiss, Beatles, and?
Sorry it's taken me so long to see this. Does Chris Lowe sing? I have no idea if he can or can't. He does perform spoken word vocals and those meet the OP's criteria in my opinion.
Kiss, Beatles, and?
Ben Folds Five. Ben Folds writes most of their music, but there have been some group collaborations and all three obtained songwriting credit for those. All three guys sing. Their egos get too big.
Music you discovered through gaming
Have you discovered any great bands or music tracks through gaming? Some games have brilliant soundtracks. Red Dead Redemption led me to the song, Far Away. The Borderlands led me to The Heavy, which is a fantastic rock band. Tony Hawk's games always had great soundtracks back in the day. I found Primus and The Dead Kennedys through one of those games.
Writing A Novel
I'm no writer, but maybe you'd find it easier to dictate your novel into a recorder and pay someone else to do the typing. Some people find that faster. Or you could get voice recognition software that essentially performs the same task.
Kiss, Beatles, and?
Do you count duos in the mix? If so, I think The Pet Shop Boys qualify. Wait, does it have to be the lead vocals or do backing vocals also count? If backing vocals count too, then The Who qualifies. I would add Guns N' Roses, but while I know that Slash can sing, he doesn't like to, and I don't recall him singing on an album.
Lesnar vs Jones, but for real this time?
I haven't been watching WWE much for close to a year now, so I'm out of the loop. Did Lesnar sign a new contract with the WWE? Maybe the possibility of his return to the UFC is being floated around as a tool to secure a more favorable contract during negotiations. I know that Lesnar has done something like that in the past. But yeah, I'd like to see those two face each other in the octagon.
New releases
I'm looking forward to the release of Cyberpunk 2077 in November. It was supposed to be released earlier this year, but was delayed a couple of times. Some fans went bonkers over that news, which is a bit silly, but it's definitely a highly anticipated release. I'd say there are just as many female players as males, but I think it might not look that way because more blokes are competitive gamers, so they're more easily seen. Your three-year-old can already work a tablet? That is amazing.
Hilarious article
Have you all read this hilarious article on CultofWhatever? The article writer basically assesses each wrestler and decides which ice cream flavour they'd be. It's clear that the writer put a lot of consideration into it and is a longtime fan of professional wrestling. I wish more wrestlers were included, though. We need a part two. I think the writer nailed Randy Orton perfectly.
Netflix Series
I've watched so much telly that I'm running out of good programmes to binge. I've worked my way through Stranger Things, and if you haven't seen it, you should check it out, especially if you're into sci-fi/mystery type stuff. Now I'm working my way through Alone, which is a survival series that's also quite good.
Biggest fall from grace
Lori Loughlin, star of Fuller House and Hallmark sweetheart, who bribed college officials to get her two children into college. She's still fighting her case, despite mounds of evidence that she's guilty. Same with her daughters. The photos showing each girl pretending to row have surfaced. Her two daughters knew what they were doing and were complicit in the scam, but you'd think Lori would plead guilty and serve her time in order to spare her daughters.
AEW Discussion 2020
I guess I'm just concerned about AEW signing too many wrestlers to their roster. It could end up like the WWE, too much talent for a few spots of action. I still think he's hilarious. He's fun to watch (and hate). MJF is one of AEW's most over wrestlers right now.
AEW Discussion 2020
What do you make of the rumours that EC3 is heading to AEW since WWE released him? I think the bloke was one of WWE's most underrated wrestlers on its roster, but I don't see how he'll fit with AEW either. He's too similar to Moxley, Jericho, Page, and Omega.
Tyson Fury and Muhammad Ali comparisons
Fury has won some impressive titles, just needs to medal at the Olympics, which is up in the air thanks to the coronavirus. Muhammad Ali was nominated for two Grammys, but I don't think he won. Maybe Fury could tie that honor with some sort of nomination for his reality programme.
Netflix Recommendations
I have no idea what Tiger King is about, but apparently it's popular because I hear the name mentioned often. What are you in the mood for? Have you seen both seasons of You? It has elements of crime, passion, mystery, and psychopathy. Did you like Longmire? I've thought about giving it a go.