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Everything posted by Omega

  1. Omega

    Problems at TNA?

    Shera was in Ring Ka King the Indian produced wrestling show run with TNA and was as green as sick puppy shit and awful. He won the "title" at the end of the tapings so I wouldn't be surprised if they do something like that.
  2. His nipples look like Iced Gems...
  3. As noted, Kurt Angle’s brother David Angle was arrested on Sunday after allegedly killing his wife at their home in the Pittsburgh area. Kurt issued this statement on Twitter today:
  4. Omega

    Problems at TNA?

    The Hardy link surprises me, fool me once and all that stuff. Not sure what he really offers them these days.
  5. Breakfast Club Transformers the Movie And just to be different: Castle in the Sky My Neighbour Totoro
  6. Omega

    Problems at TNA?

    I can believe Jarret thought that deal was a rib when he first heard it. "so you want to buy this dying company from me and in exchange I get to use the only useful assets from it? Sign me up Dixie...."
  7. Omega

    Problems at TNA?

    There's been more payroll disruption at TNA but apparently this is because all the payroll has moved from Panda Energy HQ to Nashville. You have two ways to take that; either Panda want to ringfence all of TNA from their main operation because they want rid or are getting rid or TNA is being set up as its own business and all is well. You decide.
  8. Omega

    Who is hotter??

    To me she looks like a very good post-op transexual. You could crack rocks off that jaw and it puts me off. Plus her right boob has a completely straight line down the cleavage. Nope. Not for me.
  9. Omega

    Who is hotter??

    Brooke Adams has a better jaw than Cena, not a fan.
  10. Omega

    Who is hotter??

    Velvet Sky looks like a plastic receptacle for collecting herpes.
  11. Omega

    Who is hotter??

    Velvet Sky.... lol jk. I always loved Victoria/Tara and Steph back in the day.
  12. It has to be a dusty finish, I can't see another way out of it. If it's a dusty finish using a coconut or kilt then it'll be a perfect tribute...
  13. Omega

    Hogan Fired

    You think? I would expect him to sit out this years Mania at least and then see what happens if they pop him back in the HoF and see if it gets any media attention.
  14. Omega

    Hogan Fired

    Has cats all my life pretty much, they're all different. My first cat used to puke and shit his guts out the moment the cat carrier hit the back of the car but one of our latest ones simply got in, sat down in the box and chilled out. That cat was aweome, just lying in the backseat and then jumping up on the parcel shelf.
  15. Omega

    Hogan Fired

    The cat in the back seat....
  16. Omega

    Hogan Fired

    It is a pretty sweet Typewriter and Lamp combo to be sure...
  17. Omega

    Hogan Fired

    Fucking musicians... ;)
  18. Omega

    Hogan Fired

    I think Scott Steiner thinks he's right, I dunno, he said a lot of things. Some of which are plausible and some seem a little like a story. Truth is Hogan is, probably, no more of a douchebag than Steiner was even if he's a racist.
  19. Omega

    Hogan Fired

    He'll be back in a very low key way in a couple of years, you just need to let the outrage die down enough to pop him back on the network unobtrusively, then a few t-shirts here and there etc then probably under the cloak of a bigger enws story he'll pop back into the HoF with no ceremony. I still doubt he'll appear on TV again unless it;s for something major like Vince popping his clogs or they wheel him out for WM 50 in a red and yellow wheelchair/iron lung.
  20. Omega

    Hogan Fired

    No pointing in keeping it on the shelves if it isn't selling and I suspect if anything is being recalled there's money to be saved in doing so rather than having stuff returned as un-sold rather than any panic from PR. I thought the whole Fag thing had already been put out there and Hogan apologised for it and it went away. Gay people don't really count though.
  21. Omega

    Hogan Fired

    He comes out in Klan gear, burning cross and a big God Hates Fags sign...
  22. Omega

    Problems at TNA?

    So wait... [spoiler=Spoilers of TNA stupidity]they did another KOTM or were they qualifieers for a KOTM or they just did random singles matches and then someone won the KOTM belt
  23. Omega

    Problems at TNA?

    If your only criteria is "has wrestled in TNA" then what are you making out to be famous? As I said, it's an alumni page at best but I guess in one respect you are right, it makes no difference it's just a massive, massive waste of time.
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