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Everything posted by Omega

  1. Omega

    Problems at TNA?

    Kurt Angle, the world heavyweight champion, is flogging personal vids on twitter. This is probably all you need to know about how dire TNA is to work for right now.
  2. Omega

    Problems at TNA?

    There was a time when the MCM and maybe Roode and Storm could have done something in the WWE but they all held on for it to happen in TNA and now their moment is done.
  3. [spoiler=ICW ]http://www.insanewrestling.co.uk/news/stories/Stevie_KLR_NAK/10985339_10153882457199126_7145595142339150449_n.jpg
  4. That's not my point though DC.
  5. You can't lump tablets in with pc's except to say that they offer another reason why having a console becomes more of a luxury. I don't expect the console to die in the next year or anything but I look at all the various console manufacturers there have been and then. Consider whilst console creators come and go the PC remains because it never relies on one manufacturers ideas. Look at Nintendo, sat firmly atop the console tree for so long and now reliant on a mobile platform. When Sony or MS fail to capture a decent market share and that leaves you with one console out there, never good for an industry to rely on one source for innovation. All the while there's a universe of possibilities being explored on the PC where there's no limits on design. Real indie gaming can create a game from nothing, it can buck trends and isn't reliant one the single input of how one company believes gaming goes.
  6. If you check out any minecraft content on youtube it's all people running different mods of the game, the reason minecraft is still so popular is because of the community content and less about the updates to the game. Skyrim is also still being played because of the mods that change up the game play whilst the elder scrolls online is dying on it's arse.
  7. And I firmly believe the opposite of just about everything you've said. You're also massively wrong about modding but I'm not here to convince you about it and I don't care enough to keep saying the same thing over and over when my point and reasoning is pretty clear.
  8. Who the hell said anything about running them at top spec? GTA V on the PS4 and Xbox aren't being run at "top spec" compared to the top setting on PC so your point's rather wasted. the point is the potential for people to simply swap to PC from Console is massive but no one is going to drop their PC to only own a console. Being a ubiquitous piece of tech like a mobile phone is now means the PC is much more likely to be the place gamers go to. And you'd be massively wrong about people running mods, almost every PC game has them and most people run them. If you think about the numbers of people playing games like WoW or Minecraft where there are thousands and thousands of mods that improve the way a game plays and that change the user experience in small subtle ways and the fact the game is customisable to the way you prefer to play and at your whim and then start telling me modding is some secret black art people don't use. There's already mods for GTA V, DAYZ is the most successful pre-release game of all time and only exists because someone created a mod for a fairly terrible FPS army RPG in Arma.The Multi-player mod created by fans for Just Cause two caused the game to leap into the top ten most purchased games years after the game was released and had stopped being updated. Modding is business these days.
  9. I have always disagreed with the point of view that PC's are more expensive that Consoles because you never compare like for like. Your paying £400 for the brand new top of the line console that does one thing well or you can buy a decent PC for an initial outlay of say £800 that will play modern games at good settings AND do all the other things a PC can do. I paid less than that for my rig over 5 years ago now and the only thing I updated was the CPU because I do video editing and needed the extra cores, I could have left the i3 in there with the GPU and been absolutely fine. Also after a year all the parts of the top line PC's drop more significantly than a consoles price so you can update the PC bit by bit when you can afford it and maintain the same level of performance for longer than any console stays relevant. It's bullshit of the highest order to suggest that PC's are constantly more expensive. The more you outlay the longer before you need to upgrade as well so what you do pay extra for pays back anyway.
  10. Disagree there, most people own at least a laptop if not a desktop. they will already do some gaming on those machines, even if it's super casual flash gaming. If consoles simply shift out poor AAA games that eventually end up on PC where they can be properly modded and updated then I can easily see people wondering why they pay £400 every 2 years for a graphics update.
  11. They aren't time sinks though and at the end of the day there's still an appetite for a game you can sink hours into that isn't repeating the same simple task repeatedly or hamstrung by cooldowns/timers. Mobile gaming and touch gaming are fun no doubt but they aren't going to replace gaming in the future. As I say, I think consoles in general will die out and PC gaming will eventually replace them, maybe the steam console will replace them for a bit but in the end everyone lives their life through their computer, it's always got a place. A console works as long as people care about going out and buying the next one and I can't see that lasting.
  12. I think unity could be a thing, it's used outside of the gaming industry as well so as a platform it's not dependent on just that to finance itself. However at the moment it's a pain for browser gaming as it's yet another plug in to be downloaded and the games tend to be much bigger so if you're stuck on a slower connection can take a while to load. One day though...
  13. Also Comic Book Adaptations = Zombie Survival Games. But still, I stand by my point that Watchdogs was the first real serious attempt to create a blockbuster game out of the gates by investing millions into a new title and it bombed. A well financed movie has a much higher chance of doing well compared to a well financed game.
  14. I think Watchdogs finally killed off the lingering hopes of the gaming industry that it was going to become the movie industry. You simply can't make a blockbuster game, gamers are much more critical than film goers and a badly made game is death.
  15. I agree with Chris, I think AAA gaming is going a bit like WWE these days in that they are a bit directionless, relying on rehashes and old names to carry on with innovating. I think Steam is almost like NXT in that there are some class acts coming through as well as a lot of generic replications that won't go anywhere. PC gaming is really better than console gaming in terms of variety and choice, I think in the end the best Sony or MS can hope for is that their controller becomes the PC master race's choice when they want to play a game that works better with a controller.
  16. Neville is never going to beat Cena for the title, I mean just never. I know I recently said you can't predict anything but Neville beating of all people John Cena in the next few weeks is as likely as Rollins dropping the title to Sami Zayn. The problem with the theory that whoever takes the title off Cena gets heat is that it either has to be a heel beating Cena for the title in which case why would you be hyping the heel or it'll be lost in a multi-man match where Cena doesn't get pinned or if he does it's after some ridiculous move or interference in which case where's the rub of beating Cena actually happen? I mean, I know the real reason is that you "have" to keep Cena a champ whilst not actually being world champ but it's just so transparent and at the same time they've basically killed the best new heel they had on the roster in Rusev by having him bitch out to Cena for the last however many weeks.
  17. I genuinely don't know what this whole Cena as US title holder is about. It isn't elevating the belt and nothing has changed about the Cena character so it's not interesting. He could have quite easily beaten Rusev without the belt for the same reaction and you can't tell me there isn't someone in the midcard who might as well have the title for what it's worth.
  18. Noam Dar favourited one of my tweets... sploosh.
  19. Omega

    Problems at TNA?

    Garbuick says it's mutual. Taz's tweet here: https://twitter.com/OfficialTAZ/status/588450023613988864 I think TNA is in a much worse way than they are letting on if tis is cost saving.
  20. PWmania are behind the times, the film wrapped up already! :)
  21. That's rather the point of why it felt such a waste. Why bother coming in for that one Mania match only to job to a semi-retired guy. It's no payoff for the years people have been wanting to see Sting in the WWE. If Vince wanted Sting to come out on RAW and basically suck WWE cock verbally and say how amazing it is now he's there and he can see why it beat WCW into the ground etc then that would be fine, I think the fans would actually be behind that more since I'm guessing these days people feel that the better product won out at the time. As @The Beltster said it's a waste regardless of who goes over and I doubt Trips was actually that fussed about jobbing to Sting if he was asked. It's all about Vince.
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