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Everything posted by Boomer

  1. If I want something different I like Haribo stuff, like Goldbears and Happy Cola. I used to be near a theater that let us bring outside food, so sometimes I brought in a burrito or hamburger. They're too messy, though.
  2. My late father had odd eating habits. He liked eating plain butter. No toast with it, nothing. He would sometimes eat raw egg for breakfast and again, with nothing else.
  3. I really liked Quincy, which was produced by his daughter, Rashida Jones. I've also seen each chapter of the Up series and look forward to the next one, which I think is later this year.
  4. I laughed a lot when I saw Beverly Hills Ninja. It stars the late Chris Farley, and Chris Rock and Nathaniel Parker have roles. It's a really stupid story that got terrible ratings and reviews!
  5. My favorite actor is Gary Oldman. However, Adam Driver, Kate Winslet, and Winona Ryder are close behind. I'm pretty sure I'm missing some names, too.
  6. Someday maybe, I would love to see Table Mountain and the beaches in Cape Town, South Africa. Another place that looks and sounds fun is Taipei, Taiwan. I would want to go to a night market there and eat nonstop.
  7. I used to wish I was around during Beatlemania. It would be crazy but cool waiting in line for the newest record or concert tickets. Now, I sometimes wonder what it would be like growing up in the same decade but in a newer multicultural place, like Hong Kong or Singapore. Probably fun, but only if I had wealthy parents.
  8. I never got into The Princess Bride. Something in my brain shut down when I first tried watching it, and I've tried several times to give it another chance. Forget it. I even tried reading the book to see if that would help, and it sure didn't. Is there a cult or other favorite film you just never really liked?
  9. It will have only a temporary effect on his career. Seems like others in entertainment have eventually been fine after Tweeting or saying controversial stuff.
  10. Boomer

    Reading Tips

    I'm not the most attentive or speedy reader, so I need to keep trying different tricks to stay engaged. What else might help is focusing more on dialogues (fiction) or on the first and last sentences of longer paragraphs (nonfiction).
  11. Boomer

    Prison shows

    Not a show, but The Shawshank Redemption is one of my all-time favorite movies about prison and more. Shawshank's warden, Norton, is truly vile. The Stephen King novella it's based on is also a good read, and turns out the movie follows it pretty well.
  12. Boomer

    Reading Tips

    Don't feel bad about sometimes skimming or skipping ahead; re-read as needed. Lightly predict what will happen next. Tell people what you just read about, and don’t feel bad about quitting a bad book. Maybe there’s just certain writing styles or book types that match up with your interests better?
  13. The other night I had dinner with a much older friend, and the whole time I kind of wanted to go home and get ready for bed. This had nothing to do with her company. It was only 7:00 and I was caffeinated, too.
  14. Pudding Pops were good. It's weird that Bill Cosby was the spokesperson. Other snacks I miss: Altoids Tangerine Sours, Apple Newtons, and Crispy M&Ms.
  15. The Rock was good in San Andreas, and he'll be in the sequel. John Cena was hilarious in the "Mad Lib Theater" sketch on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.
  16. Yes! Brass instruments add much warmth and some softness to the traditional carols. "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" is one of my favorites with horns.
  17. I'll go first: The Vince Guaraldi Trio's A Charlie Brown Christmas and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" by the Jackson 5. Others are fine as long as they're not playing on a never-ending loop!
  18. @Cherry-Chan, almond milk and cocoa sounds delicious. I drank Rice Dream by itself ages ago and remember it being light-tasting. With tea I prefer dairy milk or half and half. Nothing in my coffee, though.
  19. Boomer

    Cult Classics

    Another film that I believe has cult status is Twelve Monkeys with Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt. The ending scenes put a little lump in my throat! I've seen it a couple of times already.
  20. If I could afford it, I'd love to celebrate Christmas or New Year's in Hawaii. I also agree that the ads at this time of year are overplayed — and seem to keep starting earlier.
  21. I deleted my Twitter because I got too addicted to a few of the hashtag games. My Facebook is in inactive mode. I know I miss some friends and family updates, but I figure that I'll get a timely enough text or email if someone needs to share urgent news.
  22. Seeing Pikachu live-action is kind of cute, but Ryan Reynolds doing the voice? Never imagined Pikachu sounding manly. If the movie does well, this will become a franchise that goes on and on.
  23. Boomer

    Cult Classics

    What did you think? When I get angry, I think of something that Elizabeth Darko said to Donnie at dinner. Shouldn't say it here. I didn't care for Clerks, either.
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