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Everything posted by Snarky-Guru

  1. I think the USADA's determinations are meant to do our heads in. Tom Lawlor popped for the same banned substance as those other four UFC fighters. Likewise, he wasn't found to have knowingly procured ostarine, but the USADA still suspended him for two years. So perhaps the other four fighters should count themselves lucky. Then again, the six month suspension does seem harsh when you consider that Jon Jones has failed multiple drug tests and sometimes goes unpunished. There's little consistency to the USADA's decisions.
  2. I think it's an effort to combat the short attention spans that are supposedly prevalent today. A moving video gets and keeps the readers' attention so they'll stay on the website longer. That might be rubbish, I'm just guessing really. I'm not sure which browser you're using but try adding the Noscript browser extension, or something similar, and see if that helps.
  3. I've tried many times, but I can't seem to quieten my mind. It does seem beneficial if you can manage it. Have you tried any of the apps that are supposed to walk you through it, @RegentLennox?
  4. With Charlotte, I think she's in the same situation as Roman Reigns. She didn't come to the WWE with any street cred, but corporate liked her enough to give her a big push - again and again and again. I guess some fans feel that it's undeserved. I don't dislike Charlotte personally.
  5. The kids should be kicked out of those schools, regardless of if they knew. They didn't get in on their own merit. If you buy stolen goods, no matter how innocent you, are you still have to return them. The degrees that have been earned should also be cancelled out. Several of the kids did know about the cheating and actively participated in it. If they were willing to do that, they'd be willing to cheat throughout school too. Who's to say that the degree was really earned. Why was Lorie's bail set so high when compared to the others?
  6. I got over my fear of spiders through learning more about them and facing them head on so to speak. So, I guess it works to some degree, @jack25.
  7. I try taking the same route you do, but if it has been a month or two and I still can't figure out a puzzle or find a clue I have to find in order to advance, I'll google it so I can keep playing.
  8. Fans are fickle. It doesn't take much for fans to turn on celebs with a vengeance. I'm sure some of the hatred that's spewed on social media affects some of them. And in a world where both actors and actresses are subjected to sexual harassment and worse, sometimes at a very young age, I imagine it altars their view of self-worth.
  9. I don't care for the stuff either. I don't think it has much flavour at all, so you have to load it down with salt and butter because it's like eating air otherwise. I get Incredible Iron's assumption, though. I tend to assume everyone loves chocolate despite having a best mate who despises the stuff. I bet you save loads of time, money, and calories. It's not quite noon and I've already helped myself to a package of Maltesers. I'm all about treats.
  10. And silly me read that as Mandy Moore and went off to find the news article announcing her new wrestling career. Jeez. I enjoyed The Miz and Shane as a team together, but it's gone on long enough. I like seeing Kofi finally getting some credit. It's long overdue in my opinion.
  11. Well, that's partly thanks to the actress Samantha Morton, who can elevate any programme. Really though, the plot is becoming quite good again. I'm ready for Beta to make his appearance and I enjoy poor Lydia's character as well. I've never seen a programme go off the rails for more than one season then loop around to become fantastic again. I think that's where we're heading though.
  12. The thing is, Floyd Mayweather has a nasty habit of agreeing to a fight only to pull out of it afterwards. So even if he accepts, I won't believe it's going to happen until he's actually in the ring. Besides that, Mayweather already beat Pacquiao. He has no incentive other than money and he makes plenty of money anyway, thanks to promotions and appearances. Why risk hurting the brand? Why not walk away a winner? By the way, who do you think would win if they were to have a rematch?
  13. Have you ever seen a film or programme that had an unsatisfying ending? Maybe the bad guy came out on top, a once lovable character turned rogue, a fantastic character died, two characters wound up romantically involved who were never suited, the show ended too quickly with lots of loose ends ignored, or a twist ending mucked it all up. I've probably seen a fair few, but one of the most unsatisfying had to be the film Titanic. I so wanted Jack and Rose to get their happily ever after. What's yours?
  14. I'm with you @Chuckyy, I indulge in takeaway far too often. I also fill my trolley with sweets, crisps, and other bad for you but tasty tidbits. After work I don't feel like cooking up a meal. It doesn't help that I live near an offie and I can always hear my favourite chocolate bar calling my name. @FlyyGurl If you're trying to quit smoking at the moment I wish you tons of luck! I think whether you become addicted is highly influenced by your genetics. I have mates who smoke socially every now and then and they have no problem putting it down. It's the same with treats. I have mates that can follow the popular wisdom of "everything in moderation" when it comes to diet. Whereas I want ALL the chocolate. I suppose it's a miracle that I'm not heavy.
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