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Fidel Cashflow

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Everything posted by Fidel Cashflow

  1. This is just hilarious I'd be hard pressed to find someone more upset than you during the grammar gimmick, and yet, here you are, doing the exact same thing. Brilliant.
  2. Dear oh dear, people need to calm the hell down. This is the internet. Why what some people choose to do on the internet irks some of you so is actually bemusing? And just the icing on the cake, a completely unnecessary and a thoroughly "I Take This Sh*t Far Too Seriously" moment with a "US VERSUS THEM" decleration. I mean...wow. I've been chosen as a moderator of this forum, and I'm pretty sure everyone knows I both post and enjoy spending some e-time with the people of that other place. Am I one of "them"? Am I a mole leaking highly valuable e-secrets? Or am I simply deep undercover on that site, keeping an account up just to see what they're up to (which I'm now positive several people here who claim to not care at all about the lot do) to fight the good fight for TWO? That's what everything is, right? Just drama, backstabbing, power moves, and dastardly villains everywhere. Fall back and get a grip.
  3. I marked...so hard. He was fun in Japan and all, but D'lo is back where I need him. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP
  4. Next week Jeremy has the GT-R on Fuji, so the Top Gear v D-Motor (German car show, Sabine is one of the hosts) showdown will be the series finale. Awesome.
  5. I'd suggest not wasting your time watching shows from now. Start at Final Battle 2004, then go through 2005, their best year.
  6. You obviously don't know badass. And you also don't know clothes. Jeans can run up into a couple hundred dollars once you start messing with the right (or wrong, depending on your take) designers.
  7. Batista's swag is untouchable right now. It's why I think he may very well beat Punk for the title, however, I can see people's problems. Punk is the champion at a time when WWE is the best it's been for a very, very, long time. Now, it's not all due to him, but he's a factor. It just further shows that there's calamity reigning everywhere. Batista on the belt would be a return to a bit of a "norm", and the "norm" is the last thing we want right now.
  8. I think you got it right. He's getting a new theme all right. This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRRGPBmCp_I
  9. My Grandfather was a huge wrestling fan, so if I asked my grandmother, she'd name the likes of Snuka, Backlund, and Martel. Hardly mainstream icons.
  10. Oh no. Remix>OG. Even if he does revert to old Kane, the song sticks.
  11. I'll have to disagree, and offer up the match I feel is the best non-finish match of the 90's: HBK v Mankind: Mind Games '96
  12. Daaaaaaammmmmmnnnn I was full speed ahead in my growth spurt at 16 (A whole 13 months ago). 6'0-6'2". Anywho, to uphold my new responsibility and moderate myself back onto the topic..... I doubt Rey will ever be the guy who boost ratings on a show where things aren't dire/hopeless. He's a valued part of the drink, but he'll never be the one that mixes it.
  13. I think a midget beat you up as a child. It'd explain everything.
  14. We all know this was solely due to the fact that Ken Doane = Ratings.
  15. I've heard that's a problem with them outside of the U.S. Here, however, they're on SPIKE in Primetime. Not couldn't hope for a better gig.
  16. Summerslam is the best one. "And a special appearance by Randy Orton!"
  17. Being a Top Gear fan in the U.S. is rough, rough business.
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