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What's more important - lyrics or melody?

Guest whothe_h_isshane

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Guest whothe_h_isshane
I've always been into lyrics, I especially love spoken word and rap. This is the reason I don't like to listen to genres like EDM because the lyrics are often either non-existent or very boring. But I know some of my friends love EDM because of the melody and danceability, I guess. They don't care much for lyrics. What do you think is more important for good music?
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I'm with you on that, lyrics are the most important to me. Not that the melody isn't important too, they both have to be good. But I can't really get into instrumentals, classical, EDM, etc - because they have no lyrics. I can enjoy lyric-less songs but only if they're short.
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Well, I also love some good lyrics coupled with a good tune as that is what really defines music. On the flipside, I also love instrumentals so classical and jazz music appeal to me much more than EDM does. Doesn't modern music now tend to focus more on the tune rather than the lyrics? End of a musical era perhaps?
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Guest Castle
I find the lyrics important when I'm listening to rap music, although the beats are also important. However, I also listen to other kinds of music such as trance, in which case the melody is very important.
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Guest Mecha Jaraxxus
I prefer songs with no lyrics. I adore listening to classical music for this exact reason. It's incredibly relaxing. Also, as @Gareth The Great mentioned, I honestly can't understand what most vocalists are saying when I listen to a song!
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Guest whothe_h_isshane
Half the time I can't understand what they're saying. I guess that means I'm into the melody. Is the beat the same thing as the melody? Jeez, let me go google that.


Beat is something else. Melody is what you would hum along with and it would be immediately recognizable. And it's interesting that you and @Mecha Jaraxxus say that you can't understand what they're saying. A friend of mine recently told me this too, that he can't remember lyrics, and hardly ever understands what they're singing. No matter how often he listens to a song. I thought this was interesting because to me it's so easy to understand and then remember.

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