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Everything posted by JobberJoe

  1. Crowd sign... Chuck Norris Can See John Cena. It's real, it's DAMN real.
  2. Aww I bet there are people out there who really believe Rock was coming out to award some money. You all forget, he hates wrestling and gives nothing back. Cena said so, he wouldn't lie to his fans.... Khali should be given his own 20 minutes segment every week. There's a problem - there aren't phones in India so Khali is being made quite nervous by the voices from nowhere, just before people start going on about how 'useless' he is. Have some consideration... he's just uneducated. ^true story.
  3. You know what that advert says.... It pays to be retarded ! It's a joke. Calm down. Ladies and gentleman... it's time for RAW... IS... COLE ! !
  4. Morrison > Most Things ...... Most things > Matt ...... Matt < Anything That's Even Vaguely Almost Entertaining - including paint drying. Hey, what the hell... Ric Flair. WOW, that's incredible... I've not seen him since.... last week....
  5. What did I say ? DESERVE to lose. And it happened. .... Just saying... And my day has JUST BEEN MADE ! !
  6. HBK... ? WHAT....... ? Over... selling.... Miz & Morrison, down with that sickness. Haha, it's Version 1... I hope you're about to lose. You DESERVE to lose. Matt, fall off the stage, please ! Sorry, now Jeff's there... he's more likely to fall off the stage. Take Matt with you ! I WANT Miz to kick the rainbow haired warrior hard ! Crowd sign to the right of the hard camera of some guys face. Search for it - worth the effort ! Miz is good at doing his dirty work when he has to.... Hahahaha.
  7. So does HBK (that's a lie... his isn't 'sometimes'). At least Jericho tells the truth with his jackassery. If you're going to be bad - at least have the guts to be honest about it !
  8. Well, there's the proof, a tiger never changes his stripes. Stupid HBK... God doesn't smile on you ! His receeding hairline ? Every friend he's betrayed ! A miracle indeed.
  9. Aww, right there I thought DiBiases' son was gonna show me something special on the commentary.... Then he didn't. 'It took him ten years to become a champion... (interest is perked) but on Sunday, I'll... show these guys.... and... become... a champion... (awww, good try)' I'll keep listening though, maybe I'm being too harsh....
  10. Come on ECW, win the battle royal and finally take Edge and HHH. You guys deserve it !
  11. YASS ! Take that Jeff ! ! Haha, glorious. ----- As much as I hate Jeff there are parts of me thinking a him/Edge fued might not be horrific. I assume that's the reason he's going to Smackdown, so they never have to tarnish the PROPER WWE title with his name.
  12. Bad spelling and grammar. It annoys me senseless. It is an ever growing problem and dear goodness drives me potty. People passing their opinions as facts, and not willing to admit they're wrong. Those who cannot argue constructively. I LOVE debating (that's such a classier word) but if people aren't going to 'play fair' so to speak... then it justs gets stupid and infuriating. It isn't a hard thing to do, but many people's egos refuse to let them be outdone. It's only a friendly discussion folk, grrrrrr. Gimmick posters can annoy me, for a short time it's fun but soon enough it gets tiresome. Haha, I dunno, there are many types of things that annoy me. Mainly to do with people and their ignorances, or general idiocy. :) Just a few bits and bobs.
  13. Which point ARE we arguing ? I asked why WWE are bad at putting together matches... your 'evidence' is irrelevant to this argument instead making general attacks at WWE and hoping no one will notice... 1) What defines working a match for you ? Making it look realistic... wait a second, the MCMG aren't realistic but they don't matter because they're entertaining... But that means they can't be the best workers therefore must be a lack of talent and so are actually a weakness as to why WWE can't put together matches. I think you might just be begging the question a bit.... bad lad. That's a fallacy that is ;) 2) Your argument has NOTHING to do with how WWE puts together matches. 3) No, actually restrictions being smart has everything to do with how WWE is BETTER at putting matches together, knowing when the big spots will mean something. I would directly make an argument against what you said in 3) but, basically, it doesn't make sense. I'm not being cruel or harsh... But I genuinely cannot make head nor tail of it. Are you saying that, overall, TNA has better television shows than WWE or they have better PPV's on average or what ?!
  14. Lack of talent - what makes talent for you ? ^This also has VERY little to do with how well WWE put matches together. Booking direction ? Someone wins, usually cleanly... I would've thought that's fairly clear booking direction ? Restrictions... WWE are more often than not very smart and save the BIG STUFF for BIG PPVs where it will bring the moolah in. Putting BIG out every week leads to people not caring as much when supposedly 'special' stuff happens at PPV. No offence but I'm gonna get you to define your arguments word for word. I don't want silly generalisations and pointless 'blanket statements'.... clear things up for me and everything will move much more smoothly. Good man.
  15. ...... Maybe...... Do you ? What makes WWE bad at putting matches together ?
  16. So.... You're now admitting they DO look that way ? Therefore proving EVERYONE who has argued against you right ?! That's all we're looking for. It might not matter, point is they still look scripted and overly planned......
  17. THAT'S NOT HIS POINT. Sorry... The point EVERYONE is making is they look like they are waiting for cues. It does not matter if it is entertaining or not. They look like everything has been mapped out and memorised. It does not look spontaneous and therefore less realistic and, in a matter of fact, for many less entertaining (Belty would murder them with 24" pythons I'm sure). You can't keep ignoring the actual point of the argument, it isn't logical and doesn't solve anything. ------ Sorry for caps at the beginning - but bajeeebusy.
  18. Sonjay 'I may be a Guru but I still haven't found eternal peace or the ability to work' Dutt. And the Moto.... see DC below.
  19. The whole seven or so.... Must be pretty electric. ;) Or you're possibly saying that the excitement levels MAY be the reason people watch it.... I'm not sure. There is a lot of stuff in TNA that comes across as scripted, just the way the wrestlers act; you can feeeeel that they're waiting to jump at the right moment, side step and roll on cue.... Although I don't mind it in small doses, it can get a bit irritating. When wrestling is trying to put over two people trying to BEAT one another, the existance of this anticipation between the wrestlers themselves isn't a positive thing. I've been watching TNA from as close to day one as anyone really, seen way back when AJ Styles, Amazing Red and Jerry Lynn defined the X-Division, when Raven was bloodied by Mitchell and Jarrett's reigns of terror, right up to Impact, the cracking highs and now the repetitive lows. But there are still times that I watch and get annoyed at the, to use a cliché, ballet they're putting forward. It isn't even as easy to say as 'It's AJ's fault...' because there are many faster matches that I watch and am just blown away with. But then the next week, the same two guys and I roll my eyes with the badly sewen together spots.... It's a ridiculously hard balance to get, but to say TNA are not guilty of it is silly and rather gulliable... .... in my opion of course ;)
  20. I would assume, and I'm just throwin it out there, fighting for some kind of government organisation against terrorists. Who knows though, eh ? Or probably main eventing in TNA, laughing as WWE collapsed due to him invading their television tapings and grenading Vince McMahon. Something like that I'm sure. 'Taker can wrestle. But he's a big name, he's that bit older and so doesn't put the same effort in unless he feels he 'should'. When he was in the title picture, especially when he was being pretty much guaranteed it back he was raising his game constantly to make sure everyone know he deserved the spot.
  21. That's cruel, we all know how sensitive TPiB is about his education. Ach, Smarks and marks they are all silly labels to try help us belong and look down on others. In the end though, we're all wrestling fans. And isn't that what REALLY matters guys ? :lol Your hero and mine, Me.
  22. I'd saaaaaaaaaaaaaay, but don't HOLD me to it, that the RoH roster... Are making money for their company ? I mean, maybe not WWE types of money - but none the less enough to stay in business. I dunno, are you saying RoH guys go out and do stuff they have no idea about ? Cause, I dunno, I would on the whole disagree with you. Would've thought that would be a much bigger problem in WWE where they are rounded into the 'one style' - so they're being forced into a mould they might NOT be completely comfortable with ?! Just a thought. Good Ideas - Making the tag titles important (one for the future) : Punk winning MitB (I agree it's soon but I think it could work) : Keeping Taker's streak up : Santino : whoever teamed up Miz 'n Morrison, GENIUS : Cade & Murdoch on Raw Bad Ideas - Orton as champ (I'm still to be won over, he has his moments but overall I'm unimpressed) : Keeping JBL off commentry, it makes me sad (even more so when I listen to Smackdown). Your hero and mine, Me.
  23. Hell it's been said a few times in the thread but DEAR GUD. That was an utter Raw and a half. Bravo to it. Excellent on every level. Glad to see Cryme Time back. Orton's music wind-up was great fun and it was excellent how he just rubbed it in everyone's face. Flair send-off was beautiful. When the Horsemen came out - just WOW ! I sorta' wondered afterwards if it would have been better them coming out last but I just didn't care at the time. It was, awww, just so damn beautiful. Matt Hardy attacking Orton - I don't care. Matt Hardy shouldn't get too excited, since his injury bit the Smackdown jobber ranks just haven't quite been the same, the 'shoulders to the mat-roof lights' desires will come calling back and he won't be able to resist. I was happy with the Punk/Jericho match. I laughed that the Santino/Maria match was rated higher on the card than Hardy/Orton. For a while I've not quite GOT Santino, but I've finally got it, just over Wrestlemania. What a fantastic lad he is. But yeah, brilliant Raw. Let's retire Flair every week says I.
  24. Malakai/Malachai (sp?) who is now one Kevin Thorn I believe...
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