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Chris Benoit found dead

Guest Cathal

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Guest The Beltster
...the conference already told us that. It said he had a prescription for them...
Because he has a prescription doesnt mean he isnt abusing them. Hogan ALWAYS had prescriptions for his steroids, what difference does that make? All Benoit needs is a doctor who is a mark and he will be able to get anything he wants, or get prescriptions for 20 different doctors...thats how wrestlers do it.


You dont get to Benoits size from working out alone, and an anabolic steroid prescription is only enough to heal muscle tears etc, its not going to help you gain 50lbs more than your natural body frame is built to hold of solid muscle mass.


Come on man.

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...the conference already told us that. It said he had a prescription for them...


The media will want to spin the steroid angle but they were already shut down at the press conference, it won't stop them from trying though.


True, that. The press will ignore the tragedy and point the finger, not at the perpetrator but at the alleged cause.


"Video games made my Timmy shoot all his classmates.."


"Ninja turtles made my Kenny cut that boys head off!!"


What a load of bollocks...

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Guest The Great Ahmar
If Steroids make you a killing machine, surely the TNA roster would be dead by now? Steiner is always pissed off withouy roidsm with them he must be nuts?
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Guest The Crippler
What i am saying is that Eddie got into the Hall of fame after a very public death (Weather you agree with it or not) and i would hate to see the WWE do the same thing for Chris after the events of the past few days.


We dont know if he would have gotten into the hall of fame eventually. However when he would have hung up the boots i would have said induct him because of what his legacy he has got from working around the globe working in three of the major fed's in north America ect.


However if he was introduced then it would show to fans that crime (which whatever angle you look at murder is) does pay


I see where you are coming from but it is a mute point. They've removed him from all the listings of their DVDs. There is probably as much chance of me or you being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame as Chris.

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Guest Kanenite
was there any sign of him losing it on ECW this week against Elijah?


If it's anything I watched it and he didn't seem very cheerful. He had a decent match mind but his attitude wasn't typical of his usual self. I think he did what he was tols to basics.

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Their press release was absolute right though.


-- There are no signs of rage whatsoever


-- The drugs were perscription


-- Roid rage does not cause people to kill their family


-- The family were choked or smothered, not pumped up with roids


And I'm sorry, but Fox News was sensationalist to the hilt. Did anyone even see the press conference?


"She was tied by her feet and hands, blood under her head, and with a bible next to her. Any questions?"


"Yeah, steroids?"


I'm not doubting Benoit took steroids, but so did Hogan, Savage, and so have (probably) Batista, Lashley, Scott Steiner, etc etc. 90% of the wrestling world, in fact.


The difference between them and Chris Benoit is that they didn't kill their wife and kid.


What was it you was in him on ECW ?

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Guest The Crippler
I think it's easy though to find things retrospectively. Benoit wasn't exactly a high fives sort of guy. I watched the match earlier and thought he just looked intense as normal. He did all his same sort of things. He entered the ring, raised his hands. Nothing much else but he never did do anything like that anyway. Then after the match he was doing the belt round the waist thing that people going for titles do.
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I think it's easy though to find things retrospectively. Benoit wasn't exactly a high fives sort of guy. I watched the match earlier and thought he just looked intense as normal. He did all his same sort of things. He entered the ring, raised his hands. Nothing much else but he never did do anything like that anyway. Then after the match he was doing the belt round the waist thing that people going for titles do.

It wasn't really retrospective though, in terms of I didn't know he was a murderer at this point.


Long story short, I was talking to Jayden as the Elijah Burke match was shown and I just noticed that Benoit's eyes didn't look "with it". He just looked a little more cold, very tired and his face just worn down. "its weird, Benoit looks so old and worn out here in his face" was my exact quote. That was before 2am...

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Guest Craig

And I'm sorry, but Fox News was sensationalist to the hilt. Did anyone even see the press conference?


"She was tied by her feet and hands, blood under her head, and with a bible next to her. Any questions?"


"Yeah, steroids?"

Yeah, that pissed me off. They were focused more on the fact that a man possibly took steroids then the fact that a man killed his family, then himself. It was just ridiculous.

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Guest The Beltster
-Fox News anchor Smith then summarized the press conference and what it reconfirmed or revealed. He said he missed "one of those PPV things the WWE folks do." He added: "We have reason to believe he was a steroid user." He said steroids were present in the home. "With a doctor's prescription - you bet - but they were there." He discussed the situation with reporter Trace Gallagher regarding "roid rage." He wondered how long it can go on and how long it can last. "We're look at three separate incidents of roid rage over the course of three days," said the reporter. Dr. Steven Garner was interviewed. He said roid rage can cause such incidents. He said there are very few documented cases, but there are strange stories related to steroids. He said, "There people develop psychosis and that's a total break with reality. They don't know what they're doing. They halucinate. They don't know what they're doing. They hear voices in their heads telling them to kill people." He explained that once a user get off steroids, his testicles cannot return to producing testosterone at a normal level and depression can result - leading to suicide with teenagers. A former homicide investigator was interviewed next. He said he has been on scenes where he's seen people trip out due to steroids. "They get this unbearable strength and they seem to lose their mind," he said. "If they drink alcohol at the same time, it adds to it. It's taken about six or seven officers at scenes I've been at to hold a guy down who was flipping out from roid rage." Smith said: "Think about this guy. This guy's sitting in his hosue with a dead wife, then he's got a dead kid, then he's dropping Bibles all over the place. Then he's killing himself. You can't even process that." The doctor said steroids mixed with other prescription drugs make it much worse. They went on to note that "60 wrestlers" have died under the age of 45. "It's astounding. Astroniomically astounding. Nobody really focuses on it because wrestling is kind of a circus, an athletic soap opera. We don't really care about the players, apparently, because this is a continual cycle or drugs, road shows, alcohol, and they're travelling 250 days a year. The more wild your show is, the more money you make. That in the end turns out to haunt you. The doctor said typically wrestlers take more steroids than their should. Reporter Trace Gallagher and Shep Smith agreed that WWE is "under the fence." They brought up the HBO Real Sports interview where Vince McMahon got mad at the subject being brought up. "I know it's entertainment and it's not regulated the same way professional athletics are, but somebody is going to pay hell if this turns out the way we think it is."
Indeed they are...
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Guest DanielFullard

A word I always associated with Benoit in terms of my feelings towards him as a worker has just vanished...that being 'Respect'.


Forget his wrestling career for a moment and look at the cold hard facts. Here is a 40 year old man who has murdered his wife and his 7 year old son which is both an evil and unforgivable act. There is no doubt he was one of the best in the ring ever and had fantastic matches but the fact of the matter is I cant respect a man who can kill a 7 year old boy, let alone his wife, in cold blood and then hang himself. I know most of us were Benoit fans but we should not let that cloud our judgement of what has happened here. Benoit it appears is a cold blooded, child-killer and for that evil, hideous act there is no justification.

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Guest The Crippler

Fair dos Draven. Just didn't see it myself. Thought it was business as usual. If anything, he was hitting his suplexes a lot sweeter than he has in a while. The German Suplexes were great.


You have to love Fox News. The single most awful news station in the Western World. They're ridiculous.

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Guest The Crippler
A word I always associated with Benoit in terms of my feelings towards him as a worker has just vanished...that being 'Respect'.


Forget his wrestling career for a moment and look at the cold hard facts. Here is a 40 year old man who has murdered his wife and his 7 year old son which is both an evil and unforgivable act. There is no doubt he was one of the best in the ring ever and had fantastic matches but the fact of the matter is I cant respect a man who can kill a 7 year old boy, let alone his wife, in cold blood and then hang himself. I know most of us were Benoit fans but we should not let that cloud our judgement of what has happened here. Benoit it appears is a cold blooded, child-killer and for that evil, hideous act there is no justification.


The "cold hard facts" people are starting to piss me off to be honest.


You are talking like we are all retards who need to be told every five minutes what he did. We know what he did. We know it was wrong.


You have offered nothing particularly constructive apart from the obvious!

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See how stupid Fox are? A man just killed his wife and child, so let's focus on the irrelevent steroids that had nothing to do with this tragedy.


I fully expect the next Fox crawl to read:


"Walking Steroid Dead. Roid Rage The Cause. Steroids Found, Killed People Using Steroids, No Other Reasoning For Murders Are True, Nothing But Sterois... and up next: Crazy Man Kills Family, Must Be A Mental Breakdown"

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Guest NoBULL

I'm sorry but..the explanation ???


The Explanation given for the death of Chris Benoit & his family by authorities really fries me! It's far worse than some of the stories cooked up by Vince or some other odd ball to make the public/audience believe in the shows! I'm sorry but..the story is easy read & for anyone to try to lead people to believing there's not foul play & a possible kidnapping involved is beyond logical thinking! Barney Fife himself was a better detective & could tell more about facts & see things more clearly! Now that's sad! It doesn't take a genius to tell the story that authorities are realaying to the public doesn't hold water any better than a pan with no bottom! True it doesn't add up why someone would stay in a home with dead bodies unless they're being held there against their will by force possible a gun or worse! My god Barney Fife would know that much even Gomer for that matter!Duhhh

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Guest DanielFullard
You are talking like we are all retards who need to be told every five minutes what he did.


But people on here are trying to defend his actions and/or make excuses for what he did. I can appreciate people had so much respect for him and might not want to believe it's true but some of the comments on here trying to excuse his actions are crazy.



And its a shame the press are turning this into a steriod angle as as WWE.com and other people are saying, this doesnt seem like a Roid Rage induced kill but rather a cold, calculated murder.



I feel great sympathy for the extended families and particualry his other two kids

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Guest Nicole
There have been cases in the past where murderers have sat with the bodies in the house, maybe because they can't contemplate what they've done. You don't know what his mind was like, the police haven't made up this story for their own amusement. It's a tragic fact.
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