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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Guest Chriscare

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Guest Chriscare
A week... I finished it in about 8 hours. :(


I don't really play games for hours at a time, I get bored. I'd guess I've done a total of maybe 5 hours thus far. I'm not that far though, a lot of the stuff has taken multiple attempts, and those hint scenes are really annoying the 20th time round, there should be a way to skip them.


Starting to wish I'd have chosen an easier difficulty level, there's far too many numbers of bad guys that block my attacks all the time.

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Guest Chriscare
I've barely come across any camera problems to be honest. 1 instance it was zoomed in when i was getting killed, which was annoying, but other than that its been fine.
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Guest Anime Otaku

I got it just after lauch, it's pretty fun though I'm stuck at the Junk Chasm bit. Very fun game though. Only disappointment is not getting the AT-ST in the first level like in the demo.

Also, as far as good Star Wars games try Battlefront as well as KOTOR 2

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Just had my Darth Maul duel, it was epic one of my greatest gaming expriences in many of a year.


Both Starkiller and maul are down to red when suddely with Maul down on the floor ready to be taken out. A chuffing glitch sets in and Maul dissapears.


Chuffing brilliant.

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Guest Al Stevens
Just had my Darth Maul duel, it was epic one of my greatest gaming expriences in many of a year.


The best part about that fight is when Proxy is about to turn into Maul "Duel of fates" opening starts and it just makes it dare i say it, one of the best Star Wars gaming experiences ever.

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Ok beaten Maul now, but it froze on the next part so i've turned my 360 off in disgust.


Happened earlier this evening as well when i was fighting the Bull Rancor, i could'nt defeat the thing mainly because it had no energy bar, i mean WTF??


The Fulicians spawn points are also getting really on my tits!


Even with my gripes i'm really enjoyin this game, some of the force powers are just crazy, nothing like taking down 7 stormtroopers in one go. Not exactly sure where the story is going but it's very intresting.

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Guest Chriscare
This game is gonna take me forever to complete. Because of the stupidly hard difficulty level i choose every level takes ages because i keep forgetting i need to be tactful rather than just merking everyone. And by the time i've gotten to the next save point i've had enough for one day.
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Guest Nemesis Enforcer
Was playing the Wii version of this a few days ago and I was really impressed with it, so much so I am probably going to get it on PS3 pretty soon, possibly for my birthday
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