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Funniest moment you've experieanced whilst playing.

Guest Ruderz

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Well, the title says it all, so I'll start off.


This isn't so much a funny thing but more so astounding. I got too frustrated playing Blacksite, so decided to give the online a go. I hosted a match, got a few kills in the warmup as I waited for more players, then boom, the match started, and boom I unlocked three achievements. By the end of the match I had two more (should have been three) making a total of 5.


The first was "Home Field Advantage" which means you get 10G for hosting a match. The second was "Boot Camp" which was compete in your first online match worth 10G, and the third was "*Can't remember the name*" but it was if you started a match at the top of the leaderboard (achieveable by getting kills in the warmup) worth 49G (wtf? 49!? you're thinking.)


The fourth was complete a team deathmatch ranked match, worth 10G. "We fear the reaper. And the final was "*also can't remember the name*" but it was for being top of the leaderboard at the end of the match, worth 51G (added on to 49 makes 100G, aha how smart eh?)


Totally astounding I could get 130 G in one online match.

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I was playing on the ol' Gameboy Advance a few years ago; Super Monkey Ball if I remember correctly... Chris Rock was on the TV and he told some of his funniest jokes, bamn bamn bamn, just like that.


Oh, how I laughed. That was my funniest gaming moment.


Funny times also to be had on Champ Manager Italia, waaaaaay back in 1994/95, hacking in to the programme and typing in your own commentary, so your route to goal could read like this:


But Boban intercepts it!


Nice turn.


Boban plays a through ball to Lentini.


Lentini through on goal.


He's bearing down on the keeper.




The keeper was left with no chance.


Especially as he was picking fluff out of his bellybutton.


I thought the "picking fluff" line was eye-larious back in the 90's. Still do.



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Probably playing Neverwinter Nights online with some of the guys from on here... Reno had a habit of hitting anything and anyone nearby even if they were friendly. Watching him run around the outside of a house Benny Hill style after he ****ted a guard dog was brilliant. :lol
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Guest Dr. ZERO

Actually, my funniest moment probably involves Reno too... But my moment consists of two Randy Savages in Hawaiian shirts beating each other around the head with various household objects as Reno and myself speak exclusively in puns.


Gosh, what a wonderful guy! :')

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Guest Anime Otaku
Lucasarts RPGs generally were really funny, Monkey Island was king but Grim Fandango deserves a mention, almost all of it, seriously even the image of Glottis cramming himself into the (relatively) little Hot Rod Hearse thing was funny. The GTA's up to 4 were great fun too, though I hear The Ballad of Gay Tony is a return to form on the humour front. Also getting your hands on explosives in games with destructible buildings can be a laugh too due to the sheer ridiculousness of it. For instance launching an artillery strike on the oil rig in Mercenaries 2. Also in Mercs 2 embracing the idea "There's no kill like Overkill" can be funny as hell.
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The game: Smackdown! Shut Your Mouth! on the PS2


The situation: Me playing as Stone Cold Steve Austin, my friend as Eddie Guerrero.


Firstly, we both spent quite a while attacking the referee, in an attempt to make him bleed. After this didn't work, we decided to work together in an effort to stack two tables on top of the announce table, then I would use the Stone Cold Stunner to put Guerrero through all 3. After spending what seemed like forever trying to get the tables on the announce table, we finally got them there, and then I attempted the Stunner. A graphical glitch followed, and none of the tables broke, leaving Stone Cold on his a$$ and Guerrero selling the effects of the Stunner on the floor. On our second attempt, the two stacked tables broke, but the announce table didn't. We continued like this for roughly an hour, until we finally suceeded in breaking through all three tables. It was hilarious trying and failing all that time.



I have a lot more, but that'll do for now. :)

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I remember when I was younger and playing Smackdown, myself and my brother designed the first ever "Blindfold Cage Match".


We did this by getting into the match and then turning off the television.


Thinking that he would try and play the game properly I immediately ran for the cage and started climbing up it in the name of victory. Turning on the television after maybe three minutes (sure of my victory) we find that his little character is not only climbing as well but is ahead of me.


The d*ck.


That's barely my funniest, just probably most imaginative.


I get very aggressive online and am known to shout at people for very little (some would say "no") reason. I also like playing games like Gears of War and trying to encourage my team to take part in certain attack patterns (like getting us all to go in from the right) for no other reason than thinking it's really funny to mess around with people like that.


I like to think that I'm fun to play games with, even if it's just to laugh at me...

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Guest MojoPogo
I used to have a habit when playing driving games of trying to "steer" the joypad. Bear in mind this was in the days of non motion sensitive pads, so i looked like a right gimpoid.
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Guest Dave7g
After starting GTA for the first time in months, I was getting back into the controls. I just picked up Gay Tony and was driving at high speeds through the city bringing him where he needed to go, I was trying to find the button to change the radio station and instead, in mid-conversation at about 100 mph, bailed out of the car and got knocked about 30 foot by a taxi.
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After starting GTA for the first time in months, I was getting back into the controls. I just picked up Gay Tony and was driving at high speeds through the city bringing him where he needed to go, I was trying to find the button to change the radio station and instead, in mid-conversation at about 100 mph, bailed out of the car and got knocked about 30 foot by a taxi.


I think all GTA players have done that a few times. Always makes me laugh.

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Metal Gear Solid 3 i think.. the first PS2 game.. Me and my mate were playing and i was hanging from a ridge, shimmying underneath a platform with a guard on.. the guard starts taking a piss right on my head.. My mate chokes on his drink laughing and ends up choking/vomiting in my bathroom.
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On the achievement front falling off a stack of shelves on Dead Rising and getting gamer points for it was stupid, as is the fact that on one EA game you get some points for pressing start on the main menu.


Metal Gear Solid on the PSone was also funny when you hid in the cardboard box to hide from the wolves in the cave (how that would actually work, the lord only knows) only to have one **** their leg and take a wizz on you...


The first time I ever took on the Big Mighty Poo in Conkers Bad Fur Day was also a side splitter as well as the first time I ever pulled off a Friendship as Liu Kang on Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.

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On the achievement front falling off a stack of shelves on Dead Rising and getting gamer points for it was stupid, as is the fact that on one EA game you get some points for pressing start on the main menu.


Metal Gear Solid on the PSone was also funny when you hid in the cardboard box to hide from the wolves in the cave (how that would actually work, the lord only knows) only to have one **** their leg and take a wizz on you...


The first time I ever took on the Big Mighty Poo in Conkers Bad Fur Day was also a side splitter as well as the first time I ever pulled off a Friendship as Liu Kang on Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.


The Simpsons Game that.

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Guest Da Showstoppa
After starting GTA for the first time in months, I was getting back into the controls. I just picked up Gay Tony and was driving at high speeds through the city bringing him where he needed to go, I was trying to find the button to change the radio station and instead, in mid-conversation at about 100 mph, bailed out of the car and got knocked about 30 foot by a taxi.


I did something similar in a vehicle, trouble was it was an Anhilliator helicopter and I was in the air. I pressed "y" accidentally and waited for Niko to plummet to Earth, which he did. In an amazing bit of timing he landed on the railway just as a train was coming - so as the screen went funny, I was treated to the sight of Niko being blasted up the track!!


Also nailing someone in the pods in No Mercy was funny - Ding!


And the stupidest thing I've ever done in videogames (admittedly very funny) was in Goldeneye on the 64. During a deathmatch I placed a proxy mine on the ceiling above me - then stupidly I looked up to check it was in place BOOOM!!

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Guest Dave7g
Two idiots called around to my house in the Sims 2, they got stuck playing on the console. They were there for days, then they just died. Now their ghosts are scaring the crap out of me and the two blondes that live there. One is my wife and the other is became pregnant while the wife was out at work. Oh if only real life was such fun...
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Guest JamesMXPX
I had many a fun time on the original Sims - putting the rosebud cheat in, building a house of 4 squares, removing the doors and letting them rot. Especially when there's eventually a kid and he gets stuck in the house and can't attend school, and then gets made to go to military school.
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