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metel gear solid 3

Guest shelton

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Guest voice of reason
No, Big Boss is cloned in 1972, they take his DNA to create three soliders exactly like him, those soilders are Solid Snake, Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake. The person whom you play as in MGS1 and MGS2 is Solid Snake, DNA of Big Boss.


I highly doubt Eva will be in Metal Gear Solid 4 and if the storyline will follow from Part 2. If Eva was 28 in MGS3 which was set in the 60's, add a good 30-40 years onto that too keep upto the current Metal Gear Solid 2 storyline and she'd be around 60-70 years old, so I doubt it. :) Saying that, Ocelot was still in MGS2 so who knows. :D


Gah I love the Metal Gear Solid storylines. :D


That was a half truth.. Big Boss was the bad guy of Metal Gear 1 and 2 on the MSX and unofficial sequel Solid Snake on nes.

Metal Gear 4 is apparantly set in 2028. Considering this makes Snake 56, you may well be playing as someone else, possibly under Snake's tutilage.

Finished MGS3 the other day, clocked in at just under 15 hours. Turned it on expecting to play for an hour, but instead played a couple to finish it, then the end sequence takes another hour in itself.. it's nice to get some loose ends from the other games tied up- I feel like playing the other games again now- Probably the best Solid on account of being the most varied and intelligent, but definitely walks all over Sons of Liberty.



Incidentally, for all those that have finished the game, you may be amused at the spoof hidden footage and alternate endings over at Konami's website. Answer the questions to prove you're not cheating to get the material, and enjoy.

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Guest Anime Otaku
woohoo! i finally beat it today.... did anyone else Cry at the ending? also why is it the women that always get the best deaths in the three MGS games? also when you are viewing certain cutscenes you can look around and when you look at The Boss The Sorrow is standing behind her holding a sign with numbers on it, it this the amoutn of time you have been playing for? and does anyone know what quote is should use for the boss/joy if i decide to change my sig to have the cobras phrases on it (For unbareable torment, The Pain ect) provided it can fit Edited by Anime Otaku
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Guest voice of reason
When the timer on the C3 is going, the sign Sorrow is holding is the amount of time left on the bomb. And no, I didn't cry at the ending- I'm not that emotionally fragile, but the alternate ending is fabulous.
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just completed it, i didnt think hideo could top the inovativeness and emotive depth of metal gear 1, but wow. the twists at the end make more sense and are more satisfyingly cunning than the stupidness of the end of metal gear 2. bah i could talk about the greatness of this game for hours, ranks right up there as my personal favourite along with final fantasy7 and deus ex. Incredible.
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Hey Taj, I was emotional at the ending too. As for the boss camo's, you have to beat them without killing them, except The Sorrow, as you just have to get to the end of the river. (The skeleton you see is The Sorrow)


The voice at the end is Ocelot's.


As for the bosses, they are quite easy to beat if you know/stumble upon how.



The Pain: Dive into teh water, his bees cannot harm you, and just shoot the sh!t outta him.


The Fear: Use the thermal goggles and hide behind a tree at teh back of teh area. he will jump from tree to tree, but you will see him cos of the goggles. When he stops jumping to shoot at you, you can get 3/4 shots in. Also he will stop to eat food from time to time, so shouot him then too.


The End: There are a few ways to kill The End. The first, longest way, is to use the thermal goggles again after running around the whole area, finding the sniping positions, and watching, waiting to spot him, you only need to shoot him 3 times with the sniper rifle in each location. Quick tip. On teh first section he is directly in front of you on the cliffside. Also, shoot teh parrot at the beginning, as he gives your location away. The other two methods are, to shoot him with the Sniper rifle after the cut scene when you are in the water, near the dock area, or turn the game off, leave for about a week, an when you come back, the end will already be dead. As the bullets that drain your stamina, just remove them with your knife Bub.


The Fury: No real strategy here, just hide behind the pillars, but try to be at the bottome of the screen, so you don't have to go into 1st person view to see him.


Volgin: Wait until he has attacked and shoot him in the back, teh Scorpion or shotgun work best here. When he goes to the electicity supply to recharge, pump him with as much as you can. **oo-er**


The Shagohod: Very easy this, shoot the treads to stop it moving then shoot the rear of the vehicle/Volgin when you get the chance. Three hits each time with an RPG should do it.


The Boss: Do not stand up here. Lay down among teh flowers nad she cannot see you unless she walks on you. Activate the thermal gogles and teh shotgun. Crawl around and she will eventually stand up and walk around, if you are close enough, shoot her with the shotgun, and agaim while she is on the floor. Now get up while she is down and run & roll into a lie down somewhere else. If she is far away, but can see her heat, use the sniper rifle. It will take most of the 10mins you have, but you should have no problems.



This game is amazing, with great scenes, great characters, great backstory, and a joy to play.

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Guest Anime Otaku
i'm going back through it getting the few camos i missed, like the end's and also to earn bonuses like the Stealth Camo and The End's Rifle from the start. also a little note for people who are just starting, the end does NOT drop his camo for a stamina kill he drops his rifle instead (which is still cool) but to get his camo you need to sneak up on him and hold him up, to get his rifle from the start next play you need to use the tranqueliser pistol MK22 only in the fight to knock him out. btw does anyone know a way to make sneakinging up to him easier, although now i have the sorrow and the fears camos they should help
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Guest snake
i did mgs3 in 12 hrs 55mins to me i found this the hardest and best mgs game made i ejoyed it alot more then i had would of guessed just hope they keep up the good work and try not to over due the mgs series so people get bored of it and dont wanna know it no more
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Feenix
hope they keep up the good work and try not to over due the mgs series so people get bored of it and dont wanna know it no more


I'm reliably informed by my friend Chris (admin of planetmgs.com) that Kojima doesn't want to make any more MGS games. He always saw it as a trilogy and there was only ever going to be three Metal Gear SOLIDS.

That doesn't mean there wont be other Metal Gear games in the future. But, moreover, Konami own all the rights to Metal Gear Solid, they can make another one if they like. With or without Kojima's help. So if they want to do another one, Kojima may either have nothing to do with it. Or, lead the project simply so it's done his way.


Either way, I doubt they'll let Metal Gear just die on us now.

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I bought this game a few weeks ago and began playing it frequently, however after the first few days i seemed to lose interest. I dont know whether its the jungle, or just the feeling that is too similar to the previous incarnations, but i cannot get back into the game. I feel i have wasted my money now.
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