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As many people on here know, i am a fan of pretty much all things NFL. So it was expected of me to purchase Madden NFL 06 any play it to death. And thats what i have done. I used to enjoy the ESPN NFL 2k series, but last year it took forever to be released, so i moved to the Madden series. The 2005 incarnation contained a very in-depth franchise mode that saw me take the Jets to 6 Superbowls in 7 seasons, losing one to the Eagles due to a late field goal. But i digress.


This season's Madden promised to be bigger and better, with the addition of the new Superstar mode. Now me, i started off 06 going straight into the Franchise mode again. I thought, why go into something different? The franchise mode is exactly the same as last year though, and it got dull very quickly. Dont get me wrong, its still very involving, dealing with draft picks, contracts, trades, the team, coaching staff, prices etc etc. Taking the Jets to the Superbowl again was great, but something was missing. So i decided to go for the Superstar mode, the new feature placed in the game.


Its great, you start off by choosing your parents (if only eh?), which determines the best position that you the player would be suitable in. I went for a set of parents that put me as a quarterback, as i want to be at the forefront of the team, maybe its an ego thing who knows. But after an IQ test and a press interview, you get drafted. And dont expect a first round pick either, as you are a decent player, but not a star yet. NFL fans may not like the next bit, as you can and will get drafted by any team, not the one you know and love. I was drafted in the third round by the New Orleans Saints, which is fair enough. You then go through training camp and preseason in an attempt to put you higher in the depth chart and possibly to starter. (or you can cheat by just putting yourself in at starter via the myweb bit in your apartment). Oh yes, you get a website created by a "webmaster", you get a schedule which states all your things to do ike training, games, and interviews, and also you get an email similar to the oine used in Def Jam Fight for New York. The season gets under way, and you control the team as normal during games, taking them to glory. As your star status progresses, as do your surroundings (mansions await the superbowl winners).


Thats a wonderful new feature, and its got me hooked. Another new feature that has impressed me is QB Vision. This gives the quarterback a limited area of vision (depeding on difficulty and the experience of your qb), and passing within that area will be a lot more accurate than passing out of it. It can be moved obviously to find different recievers, but you have to be quick sometimes to find an open reciever and pass before getting sacked. The feature can also be turned off, which is better for newer players, and for people like me who cant get used to it!


I love the game, its great for diehard fans of the game and rookies alike. Chris2K knows what i mean, as he has just purchased it for the superstar mode! But yes, one of the better incarnations of the Madden series i think.

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Chris2K is sitting here impatiently waiting for it to arrive. I'll chat about it later if I can put it down :P.


EDIT: Change of plan I'm guessing, as I appear to have no post today. Crap.

Edited by Chris2K

It arrived in the end, and I immediately started a Green Bay Packers vs. San Fran 49ers. I lost it naturally, mainly because I wasn't aware you actually had to manually catch passes. In trying to make it catch it automatically, I've managed to turn everything on to automatic, from passes to kicks to catches, and I'm winning everything.


It's a great game, I just need to play around with the settings ;).

You dont need to physically catch the passes. The default settings see that you choose who to throw to (with triangle, square, circle etc), and if the recievers are open or handy in coverage then they catch it automatically. Then as your player catches the ball, you take control and run. You can try and do it manually, but its best left to the PS2! Same on defense, you can try for an interception with the Triangle button, and depending on skill/talent etc the player will either catch the ball for the pick, swat the ball away, or miss it completely.

Damn i need to get get me Madden 2006 if the soundtrack anything to go by the should be hot as hell


Peace V

I turned most of the music off, I thought it was dreadful.
Peace V


please im beggin' just add it to your Sig.


anyway, i might get Madden but i have no idea how American Football works :P

I'm getting there. Jacked it back up to Pro so I had all the options back, and tied with the Tigers 7-7, my touchdown involved a nice 25 yard rush from Ahmad Green, who also took the ball into the endzone after a few more plays.


Just need to get the hang of where to rush and how to evade tackles now...



I hate being so frustrated but when you can't get past the halfway line before your pass gets intercepted and they throw perfect passes that are never dropped, unless you're there in which case it's an obvious drop, it's difficult to be anything else.


I'm too good for Rookie, and not good enough for Pro. Brilliant.

Tied 7-7 with the Tigers? What game are you playing Chris? I think you might be talking about the Cincinnatti Bengals?
I meant Titans, Tennessee Titans :(.
Nice to know your getting the hang of it Chris! So did you start the Superstar mode? And if so, who drafted ya?

I briefly started it, but when the settings got screwed up it meant I didn't play it for a bit. I was drafted as a QB by the Redskins, Round 4 Pick 28.


I picked Jason as my agent, and have put in a lot of practice sessions. Doesn't look like I'll be in the team soon though!


Just beaten the Berlin Thunder on Pro by 62-0, so I'm getting there ;).

I used to watch American football years ago but haven't seen much in ages apart from a few college games on NASN when it's on for free, should I consider getting this any way as superstar mode sounds interesting.

Edited by Anime Otaku

Ended up getting it in the end, it arrived today, finding it fun though I am only playing on rookie mode, I'm going to have to put the difficulty up a bit though as i have scored 213 points in 2 games! I got drafted by the Ravens as QB and went right into the team as the starter.

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