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Gamersyde has a nice collection of the trailers and screens, here.


IGN E3 Coverage here.


Gamespot E3 coverage here.


Game Trailers E3 Coverage here.


Again like the Sony thread, the keynote isn't due until later but I thought I'd get the thread underway because like with Killzone, another highly anticipated title has shown it's trailer pre-keynote. That game being NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. Here's the trailer thanks to IGN; NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams


Been waiting an age for the return of the purple jester whom flys through Nightopia, and finally it is here. I think it looks great, and can't wait to see how they implement the Wiimote in practice, as the trailer shows a ickle detail on that front.

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I'm with Clarkey on this one, can't wait for the return of NiGHTS!!! I just hope the Wiimote controls work well with the game and don't ruin the flow which the original had.


I reckon Ninty might surprise us with a new Zelda for the Wii as well in some shape or form as they've been working on it for well over a year now.

Nintendo showed some goodies there, Mario Kart looks great and Zelda too. What about the Wii Fit? It looks like a good idea but didn'tseem to be working so well on stage, it's bound to sell millions though, since it's basically step aerobics with the addition of fun.


Metroid Prime 3, looked pretty snazzy too.

Edited by Clarkey

Main things confirmed by Ninty


  • Introduction of the Wii Balance, basically a wireless step which doubles up as a set of scales. This is the new controller to work alongside the title Wii Fit, which is basically what it says on the title along the lines of Wii Sports/Play and collecting info like Brain Training.
  • Mario Kart Wii revealed, with a global launch promised in the first quarter of next year. Wii Wheel add on to be bundled with it, basically the say as the third party click on add ons that came with the likes of 4X4.
  • Super Smash Bros Brawl release date Stateside released (3rd December), and Mario Galaxy Stateside (12th November).
  • Metroid to support a new periphial, the Wii Zapper, alongside a host of other first person shooters on the Wii.
  • My Sims and WWE SD Vs Raw '08 were talked up, as they promised more third party support for the Wii and DS.
  • New Wii Channel, Check Mii Out revealed. Basically vote for other peoples Mii's .
  • Flash Focus: Vision Training in Minutes a Day to come Stateside on the 15th October.


Eurogamers rundown, here. Of course the links above have other tidbits.


Nintendo did some very good titles, but it did seem very obvious and predictable what should be shown. I guess this is the sign of the E3 more than both Ninty and MS not letting out their wares. X07 and TGS should reveal the fruits. I'm extremely excited about getting my hands on Mario Galaxy. The Zapper looked cool and I'm glad its finally getting released (I prefered the original design when the console was first designed for pure asthetics, but this integrated the nun-chuck too which could be interesting). The wheel I thought was less interesting particularly when Excite Truck got across the feeling really well just by asking you to hold the controller differently. Wii Fit did look like it'll be a phenominal success, with health being at the top of alot of non-gamers minds. Metroid impressed, Galaxy looked (again) like one of the most fun games in a very long times. They really hyped it up well too - best Mario since 64? Mario Kart looked as good as I hoped, just hope it plays more like the SNES version than the 64 and GC versions, and I'm always interested in seeing how Nintendo will use the controller.


It was such a shame it was so dry and full of figures, completely at odds at what Nintendo stands for, and I hoped for a lot more.


A link to some tidbits, images and trailers from the titles on show


Zack and Wiki


Coming from Capcom, this is really the first point and click (but only distantly point and click) adventure on the Wii. Zack the pirate, and his monkey Wiki explore Treasure Island solving puzzles utilising the wiimote in different ways such as, as a saw, to solve puzzles to further them in their quest. Heres a link to some screenshots and trailer here.


Sega Announce Sonic RPG on the DS


By Bioware of all people: "SEGA of America, Inc., SEGA Europe, Ltd., and Canada-based developer studio BioWare Corp. today announced a partnership to create a new video game based on the classic SEGA flagship icon Sonic The Hedgehog. The exact name of the game is undetermined, and it will ship in 2008."


Along the lines of Mario RPG one could guess, but only a good thing.


Sonic and Mario at the Olympics


What it says on the tin, more shots revealed, here.


Some of the trailers:


Mario Galaxy




Mario Kart Wii (from keynote presentation)


Wii Balance, from presentation


Wii Fit from presentation

Edited by Clarkey

any mention of a Star Wars Light Sabre duel game?

The European release schedule (thanks to Kotaku):


Big Brain Academy for Wii (Nintendo) 20th July 2007

Trauma Center: Second Opinion (Nintendo / Atlus) 10th August 2007

Super Paper Mario (Nintendo) 14th September 2007

Metroid Prime 3 Corruption (Nintendo) 26 October 2007

Forever Blue (tentative title) (Nintendo)

(US title: Endless Ocean) Q4 2007

Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo) Q4 2007

Battalion Wars 2 (Nintendo) Q4 2007

Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles (Capcom) Q4 2007

Pokémon Battle Revolution (Nintendo) Q4 2007

Wii Fitness (Nintendo) 2008

Mario Kart Wii (tentative title) (Nintendo) 2008

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Nintendo) 2008





Nintendo DS Software Release Date

Elite Beat Agents (Nintendo) 13th July 2007

Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl (Nintendo) 27thJuly 2007

Freshly Picked - Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland (Nintendo) 14th September 2007

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo) 19 October 2007

Donkey Kong Jungle Climber (Nintendo) October 2007

Naruto DS (Nintendo) October 2007

English Training 2 (tentative title) (Nintendo) October 2007

Mario Party DS (Nintendo) Q4 2007

Vision Training (tentative title) (Nintendo)

(US title: Flash Focus: Vision Training in Minutes a Day) Q4 2007

Advance Wars 2 (Nintendo) Q4 2007



As usual, we get messed around but oh well.

The European Schedules for Nintendo games are ridiculous, they really need to get their fingers out of their bums and work on release dates closer to the US release dates. I mean come on Paper Mario has been out ages in America and is a brilliant game but everyone in Europe has to wait till September 14th? What a joke. I'm so glad I opted for an American Wii with them being this bad.

I say the Smackdown vs Raw demo on Gamespot last night. It looks EXCACTLY THE SAME AS THE LAST GAME, and last years game, and the game before that...


Honestly, i'm not getting this one, even the entrances are the same, you get 10 seconds of loading before each entrance and another 10 seconds before the match starts. Same with the ending, the wrestler just stands there for 5 seconds after a pin then another 20 seconds of loading.


Just fix this simple thing for God sake. No chance in hell am I paying for the same game with a new case this year. It's become FIFA. I'll hold some hope for TNA iMPACT! instead.

To be fair it was the Wii version that was demoed, not one of the two next gen versions. As I was saying in the chat room last night, most of the problems last time around were due to Yukes being dumped with creating a 360 version during development of the PS2 version, leading to a compromise on both. They were pushing too much out of the PS2, and too less of the 360 version; the rushed release date adding to the problems. But they did build a good groundbase to build upon in this years version, and I believe they didn't need to change too much; just fix the problems from last time around and expand on some of it. It looks like they have with the combined GM mode etc, but shall find out when there is a playable version. The Benoit situation should lead to the title getting delayed while they remove all traces of him, another positive as it means more development time. I'm still very positive on the title on the next gen formats in particular; I can understand the criticism but I do think it is coming too soon, and slightly unfairly until we see the full picture.


I was disappointed Midway decided not to truly showcase Impact though. They had their chance to one up Yukes, so I can only assume it is not near enough to a good build to be shown off yet. We need a competitor on the market.

Liking the look of the Sonic and Mario Olympic game.

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