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OK I'm a little bored of what I've got, so I'm considering going in and grabbing something in the next few days.


I have BioShock and Blazing Angels 2 on my list of maybe's (I loved Blazing Angels 1, seriously, even thought it was panned!), and thats it.


I've not been in looking for ages, so I dont know whats new out.


Any advice? I've heard Halo 3 is poop.

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Not new but Gears Of War is probably the best multiplayer game out there.
Also the Single player mode is killer (i've yet to experience GOW online..... But i will have to buy it again before i can :lol)
I have GOW, great game. I've got Crackdown, GRAW, GRAW 2 and so on. When it the new WWE game out and also, when it NBA 2K8 or whatever its called out, does anybody know?
FIFA 08!
I have GOW, great game. I've got Crackdown, GRAW, GRAW 2 and so on. When it the new WWE game out and also, when it NBA 2K8 or whatever its called out, does anybody know?



November 9th for the WWE game and October 25th for NBA 2K8.

Belty i believe there might be a demo of it on live.


Also i cant wait till the new smackdown game.... Probably gonna get killed by everyone on here but hey, thats the fun of Mulit player

Dude get Halo 3. I'm enjoying the multiplayer alot more than Halo 2. I wouldn't exactly say it's crap, and I know I'm going to get slaughtered by saying this, but it's the best mulitplayer game on the 360. I don't enjoy Gears of War that much.
Skate. is awesome and fun on or offline, also Call of Duty 4 is out in about a month, having played both the COD4 and Halo 3 MP betas I'd say COD4 has the better online by a country mile. PES6 is out soon too, also Ace Combat: Fires of liberation is out soon and looks excellent.
Its Pes 2008 out soon and the demo is absolutely dire

I really didn't like Blazing Angels 2. I rented it and in just veered from having no idea what's going on, to being impossibly hard to being bland. Some parts were quite fun though.


I'd personally recomend Dead Rising, Army of Two and Kane and Lynch.

Stranglehold looks to be a fantastically fun way to kill a few days.
The Strangle hold Demo was awesome and you can buy it at the moment from Gamestation.co.uk for £19.99 for the 360. I ordered a copy yesterday.
Stranglehold looks to be a fantastically fun way to kill a few days.


I'd say rent, don't buy. It's fun, but very short and very easy with no real replay value. It won't last you the week.

Yeah, Stranglehold doesn't last very long (4-5 hours), it is good, but not at full rrp price.


Avoid Halo 3, I don't know you personally, but I'm 99% sure you'd think it's shite. Wait for Call of Duty 4 (Nov 9th)


Bioshock is awesome, but if you really enjoyed Blazing Angels, get Blazing Angels 2. Most reveiws say it's more of the same - but better. Certainly not being as panned as the original.

Anyone know when "Wheelman" is due out? Oh and wait a month for Project Gotham 4 - looks ace.
Wheelman's out on the 26th of this month. PGR4 is out Friday the 12th.
Wheelman's out on the 26th of this month. PGR4 is out Friday the 12th.


Excellent, it'll have to be PGR4 first then! I hope Wheelman is as good as the trailer suggested.

Oh intresting i think i may be picking up a copy of PGR4 for sure.

I've spent the last few days playing BioShock for an hour or so per day as I've been sick, I love it, really great game. Visuals are superb and it makes you nervous at times. Really think its good.


I'm looking forward to Army of Two and COD4. I just wish Res Evil 5 wasnt so far off, its the game I want more than anything as it stands.

Resi Evil 5 looks amazing and it's one of those games which i think is going to one of the better selling games in 09 (unless a big selling game is released).


However i think the gap in Surival Horror is going to be plugged next year with Silent Hill five.


Here's a link to some in game footage.



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