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A little news :)

Guest Majik

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Guest sammychow

Indeed, i think we should all just hope this deal is as much a certainty as Hammerlock seem to think it is.

I can see that reacts against this possibility are justified, i like a lot of other fans have seen to many promises of UK wrestling getting Nationwide exposure disappear after initially being proclaimed as the real deal.

From the statements that have been made it would appear that Hammerlock are prepared to let bygones be bygones with some of the workers who they have had disagreements with in the past...as they say that they are going to gather the best UK talent available and in my opinion no one federation in the UK at the moment has enough depth of talent on its roster to sustain a weekly programme, it will only work with co-operation.

So i will, like others, keep my fingers crossed that this will actually happen. Come on guys, feel free to bitch and slag if this all goes tits up..but until then live the dream!!!!

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*Would like to divert Pabster and Adam's attention to the "Delete posts" option if needed*



As for a TV deal, I say if it DOES happen, then I'm all for it. Anything to get away from the Nothing but WWE on TV routine that we all have to go through every week.

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I can't believe it. Someone chooses to tell us about a possible development in the Uk scene and you diss him without knowing all the facts.


Oh and the tv deal would be great, Would be real cool to watch what Uk wrestling is like...and all about.

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Guest Peter K

Call me strange if you want but I sense the mystery TV deal would be Channel 4 showing NWA-UK after a change of heart what with the chaps from the Hammerlock's decent showing in the Scrapheap Challenge.

Only a hunch, perhaps I'm wrong.......:(

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Guest Xipe-Topec

You either have a TV deal or you dont. And if you do you plug it too hell and back. Why? Because you want the word to spread and for people to watch your show and look-out on that channel. Why keep it secret? So that no-one will know when its on or what channel its on? This all seems kinda lame to me.


Dont get me wrong, id love to see Hammerlock on UK TV, but if they have a deal then why dont they announce it? Its no good keeping it quiet, the only reason I could see for keeping it quiet would be because the show is moving from one channel to another, but it seems rather perculiar how they have a deal, yet wont say when it starts or what channel it will be shown on.


I hope that Hammerlock havent announced this pre-maturally. :(

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Guest Rudi El Fire

The other reason could be that if they are in the final throes of negotiating a contract, for legal reasons they cannot release details until the ink is dry on the contract and the show has been set into the schedules, either in order to satisfy advertising laws (can you advertise a product that is yet to be manufactured?) or simply because the TV company wants to retain control over their own schedules, not get forced into commissions by letting production companies release show details before the station does. At the very least, I should imagine the station would require some kind of pilot show to verify quality before finalising an entire series.


So my reaction is, great news, look forward to seeing the show, would love to see the Scrapheap Challenge timer replace the timerkeeper and bell (nice gimmick?), hope nothing happens to scupper it at the last minute and as such can understand the caution in releasing details.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest ......cjr......
The Key To Succes Is Patients, Im sure as soon as there is more news we will be informed. For now Breath in, Breath Out, Be Patient It Makes All The Diffrence. lol Edited by ......cjr......
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Not to be sceptical but isn't it rather strange the news has gone from oh massive news can't wait to tell you, to absolutely nothing of any sort. Hhmm not be negative, but looks like a Wrestle Xpress rumour at the moment, unless anyone can change my mind
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Guest Pabster

Last rumour I heard was that they were very very close to finalising the deal with the TV company so I think it's still on.


There is also something going round that TNA MIGHT link in with it. Maybe sending over some of the American guys or maybe showing one match from the TNA brand on the NWA UK show?


Hopefully Majik will inform us all on here pretty soon.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Peter K

I read over at a wrestling website which is geared towards indepedents but do cover the big leagues (I think it was called PWBTP something), a article said that an TV deal has been confirmed and finalised.

A spokeman for NWA-UK said that although he would like to tell details, he can't do so because he signed an contract forbidding him telling details.

I don't know if NWA-UK is that promotion or its just news.

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Guest wrestle-zone
Originally posted by Peter Knott(WCW Fan)

I read over at a wrestling website which is geared towards indepedents but do cover the big leagues (I think it was called PWBTP something), a article said that an TV deal has been confirmed and finalised.

A spokeman for NWA-UK said that although he would like to tell details, he can't do so because he signed an contract forbidding him telling details.

I don't know if NWA-UK is that promotion or its just news.



Surely if that was the case they would not be able to release any information, as in Keep it quiet, don't tell any one anything, like we have a TV deal, but can't tell you... don't make sense at all..




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Call me pesimistic if you want but its been over two months since this thresd was started and still no more news .....................wait whats that i smell ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh wrestle xpress
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