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A little news :)

Guest Majik

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Theres a difference between wrestlexpress and Hammerlock.


Hammerlock is run by a member of the NWA comittee and therefore is well respected and not 21 (unlike Ryan Hewson)


Hammerlock has been running for at least 10 years and have put on shows regularly in Kent (unlike Wrestlexpress who didnt even put on a single show.)


So my point is be patient its more than likely we will get a Hammerlock show (or at least half Hammerlock half TNA)

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Guest Peter K

Today I picked up the latest issue of Total Wrestling (Sting, Brock and Kurt is on the cover) and in there it had a feature about the TV deal and I quote from the magazine:



NWA-UK recently announced on its website that it has a 'massive' TV deal in the works.In a statement the group had this to say: 'We have been working behind the scenes now for some time on this project with various other important parties that are also involved in putting a British wrestling promotion on a major television channels on a regular basis.'

'At this stage we are advised to only release certain details, however we can tell you that this will be bigger and better than anything attempted in this country.'

'We will employ the best of the top talent available from our own roster. In addition we will recruit and employ further suitable talent from around Britain and the rest of the world.'

For the latest NWA-UK news, visit http://www.hammerlock-wrestling.com!


That was the article on the magazine, do you believe this or what?

Was the article Majik referred to?

There are many questions unanswered, only time will tell if its true or just a rumour to make interest.

What do you think?

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Yeah TVV i know NWA and Wretle Xpress are miles apart,and belive you me i hope we do get british wrestling on tv. What i was trying to say was untill i can tape it on my vcr i wont hold my breath......................but heres hoping
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Guest Pabster
Andre Baker has stated that he has signed a binding contract which states he cannot announce the details of the TV deal until EVERYTHING is finalised.
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All I can say is I'll believe it when I see it. I just doubt it will be a major channel TV deal due to the fact wrestling popularity is down at the moment, and the ratings would bomb for it.


Something on Sky Digital would be cool though.

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  • 1 month later...

It's now nearly 4 months since this announcement was first made and no firm news .

Does anyone still have any hope ?

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Me thinks, there is none.


"Not to be sceptical but isn't it rather strange the news has gone from oh massive news can't wait to tell you, to absolutely nothing of any sort. Hhmm not be negative, but looks like a Wrestle Xpress rumour at the moment, unless anyone can change my mind" is what I said earlier, and looks like I'm right.



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Guest TsuMirren

You've obviously not been on the phone with any of the Hammerlock roster Jung.


It's not always easy to just announce things, hell I'm sure if every promotion announced media interests this forum would be full of "Ach, it'll come to nothing...it never does" from sad know it all smarks who've no idea what's involved in running a promotion.


The problem is that the fans want info, they say no info as a lack of activity when the opposite is actually true, so promotions feel a need to release stuff.

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Tsu, I don't care if they have a TV deal or don't have a TV deal. Everyone's human, if someone says to you, major announcement really shortly, and 4 months goes by, and nothing happens, what else do you think?


Considering the many other debacles with announcements and British wrestling, excuse me for reserving judgement. If the deal was 4 months off being not even nearly announced, then what's the point of announcing anything?


That would be like Man Utd saying oh we've signed Rivaldo, when in fact they've only spoke to him on the phone, and have another 8 months of negotiations to go through.


When somebody says "we've got a major announcement coming" what do you expect fans to do? sit on their thumbs doing nothing? Hammerlock should be glad, that fans cared to constantly talk about the situation, and not just go "yeah, who cares?"


If Hammerlock have a big announcement, then announce it when it's official, don't say we've got a big announcement then say nothing for 4 months, or else people will go, ah nothing's happening, anyone would, if you heard nothing for 4 months.

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I dont think calling possible viewers "sad little smarks" is the best way to get people onside.I admit i know f@ck all about running a promotion but i do know thats not the best way to go about it.
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I've just found this at 1Wrestling.com


NWA UK Hammerlock is reportedly close to finalizing a television deal in Great Britain with the BBC, with the plan being to do the show out of a studio. Apparently they have already begun design work on the show, and details should be forthcoming in a few weeks, according to one source.



Does this tally with what anyone has heard ?

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Guest Hosgood

Going back to the topic of possible ratings, there are 2 ways of it going.


1.) under 100,000 viewers is considered a 0 in the ratings. I doubt there's even 100,000 smarks in this country, and even if there was, it's unlikely all of them would watch the show consistently in it's first few months. This could lead to the show being dropped.


2.) However on the other hand Robot Wars consistently pulls in 1-2 million viewers a week and a couple of years ago Gladiators was a fairly successful show. I'm sure a wrestling show could be as successful if done properly and given time.

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As I said before, I'll believe it when I see it. For their sake I hope it's one of the digital BBC channel, cause if it was on the mainstream one, it would bomb.
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Guest Pabster

Gary Graham thinks it will be BBC3 which sounds fantastic. I'll let him fill you in on his news.



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Guest timpark

NOPE!Don't think it will be bbc3.

The FWA have filmed a skit for bbc and if NWA Hammerlock had a "DEAL2 with them they would have been given the chance to do the filming.(CBBC DICK AND DOM) IF YOUR'E WONDERING.

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Guest wrestle-zone
Originally posted by timpark

NOPE!Don't think it will be bbc3.

The FWA have filmed a skit for bbc and if NWA Hammerlock had a "DEAL2 with them they would have been given the chance to do the filming.(CBBC DICK AND DOM) IF YOUR'E WONDERING.


BBC3 and BBC1 are totally different organisations, run by different people. (They still take cash out of the same pot).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest timpark

Really??I never knew that.So the head of the BBC does not have ANY control over what happens on BBC3? Something doesn't sound quite right about that.

I thought that it was a "KEEP IT IN THE FAMILY" type of deal where things like that are concerned.



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