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Guest THE Stately
For those that care, Moffat also announced that another 3 episodes of Sherlock have been commissioned which should also air Autumn 2011.


Funny you should mention that--and please excuse a Yank for not being all that up on when shows originally air--but when I saw the latest Sherlock Holmes series when it was imported here (US) a few months ago, the first thing I told a couple of other Who fans was that the lead was basically just passing (and very well, IMO) his audition to be the new Doc.


If anyone's counting, I too didn't care much for Smith's predecessor; and thought the episodes became too tearjerky on his tenure. BTW, do I get to be a TWO All Star if I mention I once shook Tom Baker's hand and made him laugh? Like he rushed home and put that in his diary, right? LOL

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Guest Jamster26
What's everyones opinion on Matt Smith as the Doctor? I've tried but I just cant get into him, maybe that's due to the expectancy level that Tennant set but he doesnt seem as good, to me...
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I like him, I prefer Tennant, but I think Smith is doing a good job. He was hampered by people writing scripts as if he was Tennant, but as he is taking the role the writers have started writing more for him, and I think it shows.
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I prefer Smith to Tennant. Tennant was really good for series 2 and most of series 3, but then he started doing the same thing every episode (saying sorry, gritting his teeth and exclaiming loudly) and it began to get a little boring. Plus, when I was doing my teacher training one of the teachers I worked with had a massive crush on him, so that was annoying!


So far, Smith seems to have a good level of variety so I'm enjoying him immensely

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Guest Jamster26

I'd love it for a finale (ok this is going to sound wacky), if time itself was collapsing or something, and each doctor from each series came back, for an ultimate battle, with whoever.


I'd love that. :) Not sure how that would pan out but i'd love it, nonetheless.

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3 of the past Doctors have died, so could be a struggle. They have replaced the first Doctor with a double for a story (The Five Doctors) so nothing to stop them doing the same again, but I imagin that 2 and 3 would be hard to immitate.
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Guest Anime Otaku
They did "The Three Doctors" way back, don't think it'd be workable now though since only the three new series Doctors still look the part and several of them are a bit too dead to appear.
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Both Bakers and McCoy are all a tad bigger on the waistline.


Davidsons kept himself in reasonable shape.



I know plenty in the Doctor Who community who would love to see a appearance by Paul Mcgann as the 8th.

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In one of the multi Doctors stuff they said that previous Doctors looked older because of the effects of being removed from their own time streams and into the others. So they could get away with looking a bit... worse for wear.
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If you haven't watched the episode as yet then please do not look at what is my spoiler tags until then...



Do you think that possibly River could be the child that Amy and Rory are going to have? That's why when she was younger it when then the doctor knew all about her but the older she gets the less he knows.


This could point to Rory and Amy dying in this series and the Doctor taking on River as a companion/child to repay them for their help - hence why she can fly the TARDIS. As far as I know this is the last series that we will see Amy and Rory in contract wise.



Just an idea tis all.


On a side note - I love Karen Gillam, if I could somehow manage to get her and Billie Piper together at the same time, :greets4:. I think I would be that happy I would instantly die.

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I havent heard anything about them leaving. In fact as far as I know nobody is signed for another series. Yet.

As for River, I'd heard a couple of interesting rumours. My favourite, though the least likely, is that she is a TARDIS who never finished being spun.)


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I thought I'd have a quick look around the internet to see what theories about River Song are about. This is what I have found:


Is she The Rani?

Is she a Time Agent and worked alongside Captain Jack in the 51st Century?

She is the Doctor’s wife.

River Song is Lucy Saxon, wife of The Master.

River is the/a TARDIS.

Rory and Amys daughter.

River IS Amy.



Anyone heard anymore?

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I'm a bit middle of the road regarding the series opener.


Felt far to much like a series finale to me.



Liked the The Silence, put them in the bracket of the Weeping Angels and Vashta Nerada. Not so much as playing on your fears like The Angels and Vashta Nerada do. But there is always that nagging thought like the Vashta Nerada and The Angels that the could exist and i would be none the wiser.


I suspect that they will be a recurring villian this year when you consider that Craig Owens is returning after the mid series break and consodle room that Rory & River found was exactly the same one that was above Craigs flat.



With the Cybermen confirmed for the mid season finale and the episode entitled "A Good Man Goes to War" Could we see both The Doctor & The Cybermen form a uneasy alliance to take on The Silence?




Non the wiser regarding River Song, not particularly keen on the character. Not someone who i took to like Captain Jack Harkness.

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Holy crap on a stick - Amy has a baby that is by the looks of it is part time lord? Or partly the TARDIS? Either way only timelord related people do what she did at the end of that episode!



Good opening set of episodes but like BRM said, these have felt a bit more finale like in their style.

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