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Come one, come all, a place to share your favourite scores from video games.


The ending song to Megaman 3, which I consider to be one of the greatest tracks ever made on an NES game.



The theme from Mega Man Battle Network 2, which is up there as one of my favourite GBA tracks of all time.




I pretty much consider this to be the epitome of video game music, and I doubt anyone would ever be able to prove me wrong. It sounds even better in cover versions but even in low res clinky it's still awesome. It's from a game called Quest for Glory






So what are your favourite tracks from video games?


EDIT: is it just me or they not working for anyone else.?

Edited by Saz

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I have Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX & X piano music all on my ipod. Pretty sure I've got the entire Metal Gear Solid series soundtrack also.


Bout' it.

Don't care what anyone else says, this is the most awesome of all...





Turn it up to 11, best game music ever.


Silent Hill soundtracks > all.



I take it you are all joking!?



If you had an N64, and can hear this without a manly tear coming to your eye, you have no soul.

Jesus wept, he really did...



I adore this theme and have done from the first time I heard it.


Others to condsider...





This is genius



Edited by DC

I take it you are all joking!?


I wasn't joking. The Silent Hill soundtracks are god-tier video game music.









The music that, if you heard it in a arcade when you were 8, meant you were in for a good time.

While we're on the subject of video game music...




Other faves:















I take it you are all joking!?

Either put up or shut up.


I loved the song in MGS: Snake Eater when you're climbing up that huge ladder.

Best example of a game designer ****ing with his audience for his own shits and giggles. Brilliant. The massive ladder will be legendary. :lol


Since I missed the point of actually putting up choices:




In terms of the series:


The best piece of music ever made for the series was Metal Gear Solid 2's opening theme:




In terms of Final Fantasy, which all the series has rather impressive music, my pick would be the finale of X:



Edited by JC

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