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WWE Royal Rumble 2011 Discussion Thread - January 30, 2011 from Boston, MA


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Guest The GS

Well maybe not ground breaking, but I meant more like company-changing.


EDIT: Like a big revelation that would change the TV show stories completely.

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I wouldn't call the Hardy heel turn groundbreaking. Maybe shocking if he was in WWE at the time (because that would never happen), but considering who's running TNA it didn't even surprise me at all, infact I called it before it happened.
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Guest Jayfunk
I wouldn't call the Hardy heel turn groundbreaking. Maybe shocking if he was in WWE at the time (because that would never happen), but considering who's running TNA it didn't even surprise me at all, infact I called it before it happened.


And that is why creatively they suck, Hardy as a heel is far more interesting that the boring face who did the same sh*t for years.

Edited by Paul
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And that is why creatively they suck, Hardy as a heel is far more interesting that the boring face who did the same sh*t for years.
Are we talking about the same Jeff Hardy who was in great match after great match, had a legitimate moment of fan uber-excitement when he won the WWE Championship, was the most popular guy in the entire wrestling business for a good period and had the world at his feet? Edited by DC
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Guest Jimmy Redman

I actually dont think he did. He doesnt watch much WWE. But Jay just doesnt like Jeff in general anyway.


And to be fair, it wasnt on here, but I did see some people defend the Cena over Nexus finish. Not too many, but there were a few. Not that I'm one of them. The point is that WWE and TNA both make stupid decisions on a big scale.

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The only way to defend the Cena over Nexus is in hindsight. That being to say Nexus did beat him eventually. (Well for five minutes in a stupid fired storyline.) In the days afer Summerslam it was hard to defend such a bad desicion.
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Guest Jayfunk
Are we talking about the same Jeff Hardy who was in great match after great match, had a legitimate moment of fan uber-excitement when he won the WWE Championship, was the most popular guy in the entire wrestling business for a good period and had the world at his feet?


Hardy sucks anyway, as a face he was creatively dull, he had some good matches sure, but basically outside the ring dull, as a heel even I am warming to him because its something different and interesting and as someone who don't give a flying f*ck about buy rates or house show gates and only cares about the show itself, you know the thing we all watch and are meant to enjoy, who cares

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Guest Jimmy Redman
Is it really out of the question that people enjoyed JEFF HARDY as a babyface, and not as a heel, without needing a sinister reason? Honestly.
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Guest Jimmy Redman
I don't think I said otherwise, but saying that people do enjoy the heel verison so that equally not a crime, honesty!


"I'm enjoying his heel run, I dont give a sh*t about buyrates and such things.."


I might have read it wrong, but thats the way it comes across when you put both points in the same sentence.

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Guest Jayfunk
"I'm enjoying his heel run, I dont give a sh*t about buyrates and such things.."


I might have read it wrong, but thats the way it comes across when you put both points in the same sentence.


I am saying that hating something based on buy rates and house show figures rather than the quality of what is actually going on isn't IMHO great.


In theory have the top face turn heel should be great if done well as he would be instandly hated and maybe more hated for what he did than other heels, from a creative POV, someone the fans can ruin intesting things.


Hogan who had been a top babyface for years turns heel and it leads to the best years in pro wrestling history. It can be done.


Personally i like hardy and Cena as heels because unless your the Rock or Austin most babyfaces outside the ring are dull, and heels are much cooler

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Guest Jimmy Redman
I am saying that hating something based on buy rates and house show figures rather than the quality of what is actually going on isn't IMHO great.


And I'm saying that people can like or dislike whatever they want for whatever reasons they want.


I mean, I just said this exact same thing in another thread today, but I'll say it again, nobody who says "Turning Jeff heel is a bad business decision" is saying "Turning Jeff heel is awful and unenjoyable television because its a bad business decision". Its a comment about BUSINESS, nothing to do with the show itself. And people have every right to do so, just as much as you have to talk about the product and how you like it. They are two separate arguments.


And in theory you can say anything. The fact is, in a business sense, Jeff turning heel was a bad idea in theory, and as it turns out, a bad one in execution. Creatively, thats up to you. You like it, others like it. Cool. I dont like it, others dont like it. Equally cool. And they're all pretty valid opinions. But please, for God sakes, drop off with the 'you only hate it because Meltzer told you to" bollocks. Its stupid.

Edited by Jimmy Redman
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