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Gaming Embarrassments.

Guest Dave7g

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Whilst I'd like to pretend I enjoyed games more when they were harder and didn't have save points "back in the day" realistically I hate dying in game and having to redo stuff.


I almost always turn on God mode and infinite ammo in a FPS game because I'd rather just shoot stuff in the face at 100 MPH than play the game in single player mode. I do this usually after playing the first level vanilla.


I will never play counter strike because the only people who play it now pretty much play it religiously because f*ck getting shot in the face after 5 seconds by uber players.


I never got past the easy mode of PES.


I was a megadrive fanboy

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Guest Jaycey Baby

I think Goldeneye N64 and the Halo series are pretty average games lifted to classic status by virtue of being the first couple of console FPSs that weren't a complete arse to play. Not that I'm embarrassed to think that, but people act like I should be :)


I've clocked about 95 hours on Dragon Age 2 so far. I think it's only supposed to last about 40 with all side-quests but I'm playing it on Nightmare and refusing to drop the difficulty for even a second because it reminds me of the good old (hard) days of Baldur's Gate.

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Guest Dante Spears
I once made a three on one handicap match of Umaga, I think Big Show and played as Khali against John Cena.....and I still managed to lose the match.
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Guest Dante Spears
It really was :lol the three giants were pounding on Cena for 10 minutes, Cena threw Khali out of the ring, whaled on Big Showto build up steam and then FU'd Umaga and pinned him effortlessly.
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I was addicted to World of Warcraft for 4 years.


I still am 'worried' to read things about the game in case it sucks me back in again.

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Guest Ruderz
This but change 8 to 7 which is the most over rated of FF games and was never that good to begin with. I also swapped it for a game that turned out to be crap but was happy to swap it.


Let me rephrase, 7 is the worst one bar 13 and maybe 10. 6, 8 , 9 and other inserted numbers are better.


Get out. Just... There is no words.


I am yet to play Red Dead Redemption, L.A Noire, etc.


I hate dying in games and re-doing the same things over and over. It makes me rage quit.


I'm only usually good for games for a first playthrough. After that, unless I really love the game, it's never touched again.


I refuse to trade in games because I love my collection, regardless of how little time I play any of the games.


I have a collection of amazing games yet I sit and say "I have nothing to play... :(" because I've finished them all.


Can't stand football games despite everyone else seemingly loving them.


Only in the last year or two I started playing games on hardest difficulties.


I'm scared by Dragon Age's Nightmare difficulty.

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Sonic Adventure


I once played Sonic Adventure and was quite proud when I completed it for a month and was quite proud of myself :)..........until my mate who I always had a very small personal vendetta against completed it in 4 days to this day I still think he didn't sleep for 96 hours

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Guest Hanahbananabob
I still can't complete the Black Ops campaign on Veteran :( I've been stuck on the same mission (Kowloon) for days and it's driving me mad....also I'm trying to do this level using only duel wield weapons (which i never ever ever use on multiplayer) to get an achievement so it's making it harder for me, but i refuse to use any old weapon and do the challenge on an easier difficulty....
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I'm genuinely unable to finish any game on anything harder than medium. It's not a 'I like to do the story' kind of thing either, I genuinely suck that much. I find it hard enough to complete most games I play on medium difficulty, I wouldn't dream of going to a higher level!
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Guest hendrixsummer69

I have never completed sonic the hedgehog on the sega genesis or halo 3. I am blockbusters ***** I return games and get awful prices (think £3.00) and still take it vowing to never go back...I always do. I have re bought true crime streets la after trading it in. I have never played final fantasy. I once bought a game with magic in because it was cheaper than fable (the game I went for). I obsessively play smackdown vs raw games to the point if I put that much effort into real life I could have become WWE wrestler and the time spent working I could have funded the trip to US, bought wrestlemania tickets and no doubt paid to go on a gold tinted cocaine bender with the whole roster for

three days. I played fallout 3 for 10 minutes and decided i was dying to easily go stopped playing and thought about trading it in before playing it again and loving it. I bought mario 64 to complete it..I still haven't because the camera pisses me off.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Jierda

I played world of warcraft for a year.


Ive played through and completed everything on mass effect 2 12 times


I've never been able to beat the 3rd level of COD4 on veteran despite completing the entirity of MW2 and balck ops and about a week.


I bought the Halo Reach legendary additon

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Guest Hanahbananabob

I've never been able to beat the 3rd level of COD4 on veteran despite completing the entirity of MW2 and balck ops and about a week.


I can't complete the last mission on that and it's so frustrating...i've given up with it now, as I have with the black ops campaign :( too difficult!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I get extremely angry, I'm talking "bat sh*t mental" when playing FIFA. I am usually as cool as a cucumber doing anything else you can think if, but become a snarling, shrieking wreck when playing FIFA.


I've got LA Noire and never played it.


I've got Dirt 3 and never played it.


I loved FIFA Street on the Xbox.


I have no interest in "saga" games and have never played Final Fantasy, Gears of War, Call of Duty, Resident Evil, GTA, Command and Conquer, Sim City, Zelda... Ever. Ever! Not once, for even a minute.


I have played (and completed) Halo and Mario though. And I loved Road Rash, Paperboy, Streets of Rage, California Games and Probotector back in the day.



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Guest Dave7g
This one is bad, I've been playing Dirt 3 and I think Dirt 2 is far better. Gymkhana is great in real life, but in this it's just Tony Hawk in a car.
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Guest Black Knight
One time while playing Search & Destroy, there was a guy who wasn't playing, and just sitting in the spawn. So I decide to mess around with him, basically running in circles. Then he knifes me. Yeah. :|
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