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Random News Thread 2012

Guest Saz

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and here is your morning newsletter! :P




There was apparently talk about possibly using the TMZ photos of John Cena and Nikki Bella at her high school reunion as a possible explanation of AJ Lee turning on Cena.


WWE officials were pleased with the reaction Tommy Dreamer got last night on Raw. There was talk of trying to use him again more regularly with special appearances as the ECW crowd who appreciates him is still so powerful.


Shelton Benjamin was granted his release from ROH according to F4Wonline.com.


He is reported to have requested this so that he could negotiate and potentially leave for WWE as they have contacted him. At the moment, he can still appear on ROH television but he is no longer under a contractual obligation to be there.


Benjamin is expected back in WWE since he has gone as far as getting out of his ROH contract, many feel its just a matter of time.


WWE Hall of Famer Mike Tyson recently did an interview for ESPN.com, and the following are several interview highlights:


Would He Wrestle For WWE?: "Yeah, definitely ... If I’m healthy, and I am, I think, I would do it," he said. "You have to be in shape. You can’t just come off the street and do this stuff. I did a little wrestling before in there during rehearsal, and you have to be in top shape. You gotta work out. You’re going to get hurt, so you have to be in shape that way you can make sure you limit the damage.


Before boxing, I was a WWF fan. It’s like a soap opera for men. That’s what poor, inner-city kids did, we watched these guys wrestle and we fantasized about being them and that glory and that fighting."


Floyd Mayweather Beating Big Show at WrestleMania 24: "I was so mad when they did that s---. Floyd can’t beat no [expletive] Big Show. That’s bulls---. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I forgot I was doing an interview, but he was fighting one of my boys ... When you step into their field, you have to let them be kings in their field... So don’t bring guys into their field and make them look bad on their own mat. I don’t like that. From a fan’s perspective, I didn’t like that."


The Excitement of Working With DX & Steve Austin in 1998: "I didn’t want it to ever stop. I was living the lifestyle. I was living the dream. You’re talking crap to the bad guys and doing whatever you want. I never wanted it to stop. That’s why when you’re on top, like Tony Atlas and them, you gotta go to drugs. How do you get back to that high? All the cocaine, LSD in the world can’t get you that high back. How do you get that high back? You can’t get that high with cocaine and heroin like you think you could. You can’t get it. This is the only natural high that can supersede drugs."


According to the Wrestling Observer, two time WWE Hall of Famer "Nature Boy" Ric Flair has yet to sign any type of new contract with the WWE. His appearance was said to be a one time deal, much like they used WWE legends to promote Raw 1,000 earlier this year.


Of course, it is always possible that Flair could sign some sort of deal, but both TNA and WWE are still very cautious when dealing with any performers that have worked with the opposing brand.

Edited by Kam
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PWInsider.com is reporting WWE recently reached out to Owen Hart's widow.


WWE was attempting to get Owen Hart inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame as part of a settlement with Martha Hart to end the pending lawsuit she's had against the company. She turned the offer down and WWE is hoping that in time the lawsuit will be thrown out.


The Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting WWE is putting the Fandango character on hold for the time being.


A decision was recently made to stop promoting the character by airing the vignette videos. There is no word on what the reason was and when or if the character will return.


PWInsider.com is reporting WWE is planning on moving the entire developmental operation from Tampa to Orlando, Florida.


WWE is said to have a great relationship with Full Sail University where they tape NXT. It is believed WWE has already purchased property for the new facility.


As of now the entire operation could be moved to Orlando within the next year.

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PWInsider.com is reporting WWE is planning on moving the entire developmental operation from Tampa to Orlando, Florida.


WWE is said to have a great relationship with Full Sail University where they tape NXT. It is believed WWE has already purchased property for the new facility.


As of now the entire operation could be moved to Orlando within the next year.


Please be Soundstage 22 at Universal Studios... *fingers crossed*

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Guest StefanC

I don't know if this is the right topic to post it in, and it's not so much news to you guys, probably, but it is great news for me.


I just found out that the WWE RAW Wrestlemania Revenge tour is coming to Ahoy, Rotterdam in the Netherlands.

For the first time EVER, they will be in my home country!


I'm very excited, got my tickets today, yes!!


This is the first time in the 25+ years as a WWE fan that I am going to see them live, finally!!!!


Oh and btw, do they do autograph sessions in the afternoon or before a show during these tours?

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Guest Jamster26
F4Wonline.com is reporting Christian is expected to return to WWE programming by mid-January and will be involved in the Royal Rumble.


There is still uncertainty on if he'll be a heel or face.



Credit: F4Wonline.com


Would seem strange to have Christian go back to a heel at this point?

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Guest Jimmy Redman
Not strange as much as disappointing. At this stage of his career babyface is clearly his best side. And God knows they need them.
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I was against the Heel turn a couple years ago, so if he comes back heel I'll be really disappointed. As a face he's one of my favourites, but as a heel I'm not interested in him at all.
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Guest Jamster26

I do prefer him as a heel. I don't think he suits the whiney sort of heel though. The Christian heel run from 05/6 would be ideal if he were to turn heel again.


Do they need more faces though?


Sheamus, Orton are the two big faces, and then there is Miz and Del Rio who have recently turned face.

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Guest Jimmy Redman

Alberto is back heel this week though.


Even if you count him, they still dont have enough faces. Especially credible ones. There's Cena, Sheamus, Orton, Ryback, Bryan and Kane...Kofi? Then you're starting to get desperate. They have plenty of heels, they need faces. No point turning a guy who's best use is working babyface. They already did that with Show.

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