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Guest Foil1212

Resident Evil, most games with Stealth such as Deus Ex and Hitman, Diablo, the Batman combat (though I still played through the first one)


The big one is Zelda: Ocarina of time. I started and stopped playing after A Link to the Past and they're way too old to get into now.

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Guest Foil1212
They're never too old to go back and play. I can still play Link to the Past to this day.


LTTP isn't the problem. Ocarina of Time is. I loved LTTP.

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Well, just Zelda in general then. For me, it only started to go a bit sketchy with the most recent Wii game, and that's more to do with the Motion Plus control being utter bobbins, rather than the game itself being bad. If I could play Skyward Sword with a normal controller I'd be all over that.


Ocarina of Time is fantastic. Well, except the water dungeon. Yeesh. But yeah, I'd recommend persevering with it, as it only gets better the further through you get. I can see how a case can be made for it being boring in the beginning, but I still love it.


Did you make it to Adult Link, or did you give up before then?

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I think I was tarnished with disappointment when Final Fantasy VIII had different characters from VII (I had no idea of the history of the franchise at that point and assumed it would just be a straight follow up) and I couldn't get into it.


I tried with IX, X X and XI, but couldn't get into them, so gave up after that.

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You should really give X another go, granted it's not as good as VII, its like comparing Godfather part I with part III, good film if it was on it's own, compared to the first 2 it's not as good.
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Guest Foil1212
I gave up way before then. I have no real interest in going back. I don't feel like I'm missing out on that much.
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  • 5 months later...
Red Dead Redemption. I have it their on my shelf but...I just can never bring myself to play it. It's supposed to be this brilliant, amazing game as well...and here I am thinking it's way over-hyped and just a Western GTA.
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Red Dead Redemption. I have it their on my shelf but...I just can never bring myself to play it. It's supposed to be this brilliant, amazing game as well...and here I am thinking it's way over-hyped and just a Western GTA.


Oh Rudie, you disappoint me. You really should play it. I thought it was way better than GTA4 (and probably GTAV if I'm being honest). I wholeheartedly recommend you playing that game.

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Guest Dazzberry
Portal 2.


Why was that I mean if you didn't like the Puzzle element you should have known what you were getting into


I also hated the Walking Dead Telltale game but I loved Wolf Among Us I guess the play style doesn't work for a Walking Dead game

Edited by John Hancock
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