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Don't believe the hype, Bloodborne is overrated

Guest The Beltster

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Guest Edgehead
Bloodborne is f*cking crap, dont believe the hype.

I've been thinking about getting it but can't make my mind up, I've read reviews on amazon & it seems like a true marmite game. Is it really that bad?

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Guest The Beltster

Its difficulty level is f*cking ludicrous for a start, so what happens is you start with crap stats and crap weapons and then end up dying on the same piece over and over and OVER again, which means literally for the first 4 hours you're continually re-playing the same boring, shitty part of the game. It just becomes extremely tiresome and makes you want to snap the disc and throw it out the f*cking window.


Also, the upgrade system is garbage. Once you collect blood echoes needed to upgrade, you have to run all the way back to the start of the level (that you've already done a billion times), leave the level and upgrade then go back, rinse/repeat a million more times. It upgrades REALLLLLLY slowly too so you never feel like you're getting any better, and if you die once (which you will, every time, and with ease) you lose everything you've collected and as usual, start alllllll over again.


The combat is shit too, really slow and clunky and the aiming system sucks. You can be directly point blank in front of an enemy, swing your weapon and miss and they immediately hit you back and you're dead. Same with the gun, I dont think I've ever actually hit anybody with a shot, even if they are 1 metre in front of me. Why these games cant take notice of how God of War did their quick, smooth combat I'll never know.


Some people will love it (although I literally cant think of a single reason why, even the graphics are PS2 levels of shite), but I f*cking hated it. Its been deleted from my PS4 already. Rubbish.

Edited by The Beltster
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Guest Edgehead
Thanks for the heads up. You've pretty much confirmed everything that was giving me doubts about buying it. Think I'll give it a miss & find something else to blow 45 quid on.
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Guest TheRevTastic

It seems you've never played Demon Souls or Dark Souls 1 or 2. This is how the game is supposed to be played, patiently and carefully as it's a game to make you die and want to rage. You're supposed to study the enemies attack movements and learn from experience. You also don't have to run all the way back to a lamp post, you pick up items that can be used to either send you back without the bloodechoes you gained or with (2 different items). Also it seems you never used the lock on mechanic, you can literally lock onto enemies. The gun isn't meant to be used as a damage weapon either and compared to the other From Software games the combat is smooth and much faster.


Also compare this to the best game from the PS2 graphical wise...

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Guest HH-Evolution

Yeah, this isn't a generally 'casual' player title - it's a Dark Souls title...it's generally designed to be hard.

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's why people love it.

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Guest The Beltster
It seems you've never played Demon Souls or Dark Souls 1 or 2. This is how the game is supposed to be played, patiently and carefully as it's a game to make you die and want to rage. You're supposed to study the enemies attack movements and learn from experience. You also don't have to run all the way back to a lamp post, you pick up items that can be used to either send you back without the bloodechoes you gained or with (2 different items). Also it seems you never used the lock on mechanic, you can literally lock onto enemies. The gun isn't meant to be used as a damage weapon either and compared to the other From Software games the combat is smooth and much faster.


Also compare this to the best game from the PS2 graphical wise...

Uh-oh, you're making assumptions. Silly boy. I know what it is, I've played Dark Souls 1 & 2, this was way beyond more frustrating than either of those 2 games. Uh-oh, more assumptions, I know about the lock on feature, but it makes combat clunky, especially if you're locked on to somebody and somebody else comes up from the side or the back and starts slashing at you. So I dont use it, but regardless, the flow of the combat isn't there.


Look mate, this is my opinion of the game, if yours is different, good for you, but dont come in here with this "It seems you haven't done this and that" nonsense eh?

Edited by The Beltster
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Guest TheRevTastic
Uh-oh, you're making assumptions. Silly boy. I know what it is, I've played Dark Souls 1 & 2, this was way beyond more frustrating than either of those 2 games. Uh-oh, more assumptions, I know about the lock on feature, but it makes combat clunky, especially if you're locked on to somebody and somebody else comes up from the side or the back and starts slashing at you. So I dont use it, but regardless, the flow of the combat isn't there.


Look mate, this is my opinion of the game, if yours is different, good for you, but dont come in here with this "It seems you haven't done this and that" nonsense eh?


Sorry about making assumptions then, but if you think the difficulty of Bloodborne is ludicrous then what did you think about Demon Souls and the Dark Souls difficulties? Since they were pretty much the same albeit BB is a tad bit harder then the others. Also you complained about starting out with shit weapons/armor/stats... The same thing happens in the previous games as well.

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Ah, another one of the "it looks a bit pretty, and is really, stupidly repetitive brigade" that From Software specialise in...prepare for it to win all the awards because that's pretty much what quantifies a "good" game now in the eyes of many extraordinarily stupid people.


Games should be fun first, challenge second. That's why difficulty levels are included in so many games. I wasted enough money on the Souls games. It'd have been a waste at £10 for all 3, given how little I played them. Let's just say that apoplectic rage or worse is not my idea of a fun gaming experience. I play games to get out of my own head, I have enough rage for any 10 people without an assist from idiot developers. In all seriousness, if I was Bruce Banner, I'd be green at least 70% of the time.

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Guest TheRevTastic
Ah, another one of the "it looks a bit pretty, and is really, stupidly repetitive brigade" that From Software specialise in...prepare for it to win all the awards because that's pretty much what quantifies a "good" game now in the eyes of many extraordinarily stupid people.


Games should be fun first, challenge second. That's why difficulty levels are included in so many games. I wasted enough money on the Souls games. It'd have been a waste at £10 for all 3, given how little I played them. Let's just say that apoplectic rage or worse is not my idea of a fun gaming experience. I play games to get out of my own head, I have enough rage for any 10 people without an assist from idiot developers. In all seriousness, if I was Bruce Banner, I'd be green at least 70% of the time.


Games can be what ever they want to be, which is why there are different niche markets for different niche games. Not all games have to cater to a certain type of stereotype or certain type of category.

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Guest The Beltster
Sorry about making assumptions then, but if you think the difficulty of Bloodborne is ludicrous then what did you think about Demon Souls and the Dark Souls difficulties? Since they were pretty much the same albeit BB is a tad bit harder then the others. Also you complained about starting out with shit weapons/armor/stats... The same thing happens in the previous games as well.
I thought the Souls games were difficult, but they were difficult in a 'I want to beat this!' way, not a 'I want to stop playing because this is stupid' way. And yes, I know you start out with lame stats and equipment in those other games, but the levelling up process was far better, it actually felt like you were getting stronger, not just staying stagnant forever like in Bloodborne.
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Games can be what ever they want to be, which is why there are different niche markets for different niche games. Not all games have to cater to a certain type of stereotype or certain type of category.


Yes, and I'm equally entitled to say they "can suck a big fat dick", to quote Dr Dre, especially as I've wasted money on previous titles which suffer from the same "design choices". Making me want to disembowel the dev and strangle him with his own intestines so hard his eyeballs explode isn't a "design choice", it's stupid, in my opinion.


It also tends to be cover for a smaller world, since you'll be grinding areas for ages they bump the average play time up without needing massive maps.

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Guest TheRevTastic
I thought the Souls games were difficult, but they were difficult in a 'I want to beat this!' way, not a 'I want to stop playing because this is stupid' way. And yes, I know you start out with lame stats and equipment in those other games, but the levelling up process was far better, it actually felt like you were getting stronger, not just staying stagnant forever like in Bloodborne.


I can understand that. If you do play it again tip, don't bother leveling up bloodtinge or really anything other then your health, stamina, strength or skill.


Edit: Also did you try upgrading your weapon(s)? That could be a reason why you don't feel like you're getting stronger as that's also a main thing in the game now to keep your damage up.

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Guest The Beltster
I was mainly levelling up health and strength. But it really made no difference, I'd still get hit twice and be dead every time by those 2 big wolf things on the bridge near that huge boss.
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Guest TheRevTastic
I was mainly levelling up health and strength. But it really made no difference, I'd still get hit twice and be dead every time by those 2 big wolf things on the bridge near that huge boss.


They die easy to Molotov cocktails and you can also just run past them if you need to

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Guest The Beltster
Yeah the molotovs were good for that huge group of blokes around that huge fire but I didn't like running past anybody as I was trying to get as many blood echoes as possible to continue to level up. I've given up on it at this point, it wasn't fun for me at all. I know the difficulty is part of the game, but if you're going to make the level up system so slow, at least give the option of lowering the difficulty so the game is fun for those of us who dont want to have to deal with such absurd difficulty levels.
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