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Problems at TNA?

Guest bigmatt

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Galloway has been on fire in the indies Winning belts in Europe and America such as evolve and dragon gate.


Winning titles is not so much down to your in ring ability as a combination of things including that. Galloway is bigger in height and stature then most guys on the indies plus he has wrestled for the WWE and held tag and IC gold so indie feds are going to try and capitalise on that increased exposure he has had in the mainstream compared to the rest of their roster and put titles on him.


He has won titles in SWA and ICW, which considering he is the only former WWE talent working for them right now who is Scottish is not a surprise and DGUSA and Evolve are sister companies so it makes sense again that both would give him gold as well.


I'm not saying he never will be back in the WWE, but I tell you now his previous issues (his doomed relationship and marriage to Tiffany resulting in a divorce and her kicking the crap out of him in public) as well as the fact he was buried deeper then Satan during his 3MB days means it will be a hard sell.

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Guest bigmatt
Meltzer says that TNA had to pay the production staff what they were owed (some haven't been paid for work done months ago) on Friday night or the production staff wouldn't work the "as live" Impact show.
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Kurt Angle, the world heavyweight champion, is flogging personal vids on twitter. This is probably all you need to know about how dire TNA is to work for right now.


Just looking at the site that does the messages and it seems quite a few current and former stars are doing it:


  • DDP & Jake the Snake = $150
  • Kurt Angle = $50
  • Mick Foley = $50
  • Rikishi = $50
  • Vader - $49.99
  • Austin Aries = $40
  • Justin Gabriel = $30
  • Spud = $25
  • Blue Meanie = $25
  • Tatanka = $25
  • Katie Lea Burchill = $25
  • Christopher Daniels = $25
  • Robbie E = $10


That's just some of the names taking part.

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Guest bigmatt

TNA announces Impact Wrestling is moving to Wednesdays

Friday, 15 May 2015 10:20




TNA announced Friday that their flagship show -- Impact Wrestling -- will move from Friday to Wednesday nights starting Wednesday, June 3rd, with an airtime of 9 PM EST.


More on this shortly.


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Source: Wrestling Observer


The big news with TNA this week is that Impact Wrestling will be moving to Wednesday nights beginning June 3rd.


It was reported by Dave Meltzer this past week that Destination America has been losing interest and support with TNA due to low ratings. TNA remains one of their highest rated shows, but they expected larger numbers. Due to this, they have pulled TNA shows on Saturday mornings and have switched Impact to Wednesday nights.


On the F4WOnline forums, someone asked how Destination America could cancel the show if they have a two-year deal with TNA. Dave Meltzer stated that Destination America has an out clause in September.

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Guest bigmatt
He says that Destination America are struggling to attract advertisers to advertise during Impact. Despite the relatively good ratings for that channel, their existing advertisers aren't interested in advertising during Impact.
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Guest Jayfunk
I am sorry but TNA has decent ratings on the channel and have been the highest rated on it. It's not there fault the channel itself is terrible. They nearly had twice as many viewers on Spike so I don't think TNA has lost half it's ratings it's the channel doesn't have the same exposure. Edited by bigmatt
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Guest John Hancock
It's not there fault the channel itself is terrible.


It's their fault that they've failed so enormously to create any sort of brand success to the point that only such a terrible channel would be willing to pay them for programming.

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Guest Jayfunk
I would disagree. They had a solid rating on Spike, again one of their top rated shows. I don't think it's TNA's fault that their ratings are where they are, considering the channel itself doesn't draw that many viewers. Edited by bigmatt
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And the point is that regardless how tiny the audience DA has they expected more from TNA. It's difference between saying that it's ok for Man Utd to come fourth and get champions league football and what they want to do which is win the league. There's only so long you can accept acceptable when you wanted exceptional. At the end of the day it's only TNA's fault for failing to build on the very few bits of success they did manage to make and build a sustainable audience.
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Guest bigmatt

I think I summarised Meltzer accurately above:


He says that Destination America are struggling to attract advertisers to advertise during Impact. Despite the relatively good ratings for that channel, their existing advertisers aren't interested in advertising during Impact.


If that's correct it means that the advertisers that are happy advertising on the likes of Amish Haunting, Ghostly Encounters and Hillbilly Blood are turning their noses up at TNA Impact.

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Guest John Hancock
I would disagree. They had a solid rating on Spike, again one of their top rated shows. I don't think it's TNA's fault that their ratings are where they are, considering the channel itself doesn't draw that many viewers.


No, my point is, if they had achieved anything of note, or demonstrated any sort of future potential, a bigger channel than Destination America would have picked them up. It's not like they started on Destination America and can't make the move up a level; they started on Spike, Spike, the very same channel that is basically responsible for the popularity of the current incarnation of the UFC, and they did such a bad job that even with whatever audience they had, no half decent channel in North America wanted to touch them. They didn't get screwed, they didn't get stabbed in the back, they didn't get overlooked, they weren't out-lobbied by any sort of special interests group, they weren't ahead of their time, they had a decade, and they achieved absolutely nothing of any economic value. If they stayed on Spike, they're have done high 0.8s to low 1.1s (at best) for the rest of history, just like they always had. Spike proved that be it through lack of interest in pro-wrestling, incompetent booking, bad wrestling, bad promoting, whatever it was, they realised they'd achieved everything there was to be achieved with TNA, and it seems that every other major network and advertiser in the entire continent agreed with them, hence them being stuck on a channel that I doubt many people even know exists, let alone have as part of their cable package.

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Guest bigmatt

Destination America has cancelled TNA:


Dave Meltzer:

The other question involves the move and the future of TNA on Destination America, and if there is no future, what happens next?


Just days before the move was announced, Destination America made the decision to cancel TNA Wrestling, with the time frame given at the end of the third quarter (roughly the last week of September, when the current television season ends). Key people at the Discovery Channel network were informed of the decision at that point.


The word internally was that while they considered the ratings good, the ratings were not good enough to justify the cost of the programming. The other problem was that so many regular station advertisers specifically did not want to advertise on the show.


It should be noted that when the word was sent out, it was stated specifically that TNA would remain on Friday nights, with original episodes, until that point, and informing people for the fall season plans for Friday nights. Just days later, they were moved to Wednesday.


The decision was meant to be kept secret, very much like Spike kept secret publicly last year its decision to drop TNA for months after the decision was made and reported. It doesn't serve the station or the promotion any good to publicly cancel the show this far in advance. The public acknowledgment was expected to come around the time the station listed its 2015-16 television season prime time lineup with the launch of up front advertising.


Those who were informed of the cancellation have not been told at this point anything different several days after the change of date was announced. But things obviously have changed, at least to the degree of moving days. So this story is very much ongoing.


What is known is that Destination America reacts quickly to ratings. After the 3/13 episode, when the Friday show's numbers dropped to a new low, the decision was made to cancel the Saturday morning programming with the idea that eliminating the replay would help the Friday number, which is the only number they cared about. And Friday numbers did increase somewhat after that point. Eventually, they've dropped almost all their TNA programming except as far as time fillers, because of the difficulty in selling ads, and canceled all first run programming with the exception of the two hours of Impact airing multiple times on Friday nights. For the 5/8 show, the hope was going almost live would help deliver a big number, and Destination America also purchased an ad in USA Today to promote the show, thinking the added advertising and live would lead to an increased rating. Instead, the first episode did the second lowest number ever, and the replay, which is thought to be for the West Coast viewers in their prime time, did the all-time record low. Granted, that was more due to the NBA playoffs and going against a Cleveland Cavaliers game than anything else, but clearly the live hype meant nothing. Days later, the original decision to cancel was made.


Dixie Carter at TNA was aware of the decision early last week although it doesn't appear that most of the talent knew anything since word of things like this would get around quickly and this had not. Her knowing may have played a part in the move to Wednesday, but that is uncertain. Carter didn't respond to any questions on the subject.



There's more but I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to C&P.

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Guest pheadley
that's unfortunate, was it not a struggle for them to get a contract after they were cancelled by spike. hopefully I will get to see aries in wwe or maybe nxt.
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