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I guess from my profile picture you can tell what my bad habit is. I've been trying to stop smoking for years now, unsuccessfully. The stupid thing is, I exercise frequently, I eat healthy, but this bad habit I can't seem to kick! Am I alone in this? Are there any bad habits you can't seem to kick?

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Smoking is more than just a habit, it's an addiction. Managing to just quit takes massive force of will. I've read that quitting cigarettes is just as hard as folks trying to quit Meth or Heroin...nicotine is very addictive. You may want to look into gum, patches, or other aids to help in the process.
Just like @Zack T says, quitting smoking has to be among the hardest things to ever attempt to do. However, what I have never understood is whether the ease of addiction varies from one person to the other. I believe the starting point is to have the will to quit!

I've tried it all; the gum, the patches, even audio recordings. So I would say the will is there, but you're right, @Zack T , it is an addiction. I realize that I'm in so deep that it is going to take some extra willpower to kick the addiction.


@coleman I think it is a combination of will as well as environmental influences. Like, I have lots of friends that smoke, so it is harder to stay away from it.

Mine is ordering food instead of cooking, if you can call that a habit. :p I go grocery shopping and get all the food I need for a week...then promptly fire up my food delivery apps.
I've tried it all; the gum, the patches, even audio recordings.

I can't put down the ciggys either, despite trying for ages. In addition to the aids you've listed, I've also tried medication and hypnosis to break my habit. The medication made me bonkers and I wasn't able to be hypnotized at all. I think it's something you have to buy into for it to work, and I've always been a skeptic. I started sneaking fags as a teen. I try to stop now and again.

I'm with you @Chuckyy, I indulge in takeaway far too often. I also fill my trolley with sweets, crisps, and other bad for you but tasty tidbits. After work I don't feel like cooking up a meal. It doesn't help that I live near an offie and I can always hear my favourite chocolate bar calling my name.


@FlyyGurl If you're trying to quit smoking at the moment I wish you tons of luck! I think whether you become addicted is highly influenced by your genetics. I have mates who smoke socially every now and then and they have no problem putting it down. It's the same with treats. I have mates that can follow the popular wisdom of "everything in moderation" when it comes to diet. Whereas I want ALL the chocolate. I suppose it's a miracle that I'm not heavy.

I can't put down the ciggys either, despite trying for ages. In addition to the aids you've listed, I've also tried medication and hypnosis to break my habit. The medication made me bonkers and I wasn't able to be hypnotized at all. I think it's something you have to buy into for it to work, and I've always been a skeptic. I started sneaking fags as a teen. I try to stop now and again.


I've considered hypnosis but I also think you need to be a believer for it to work. And I am not haha. I also have stopped many times, only to be around friends that smoke and will then offer me a cigarette and I just take it. Maybe I should get friends that don't smoke when I quit.

I also have stopped many times, only to be around friends that smoke and will then offer me a cigarette and I just take it.


I suppose you know the answer to your problem. If you have stopped already, but only to do it again due to having companions who still smoke, then I guess you have to avoid them for quite some time. You don't necessarily have to find new friends, but you can ask your friends not to smoke while you are with them.

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