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***Official WrestleMania Thread***


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Guest The Assignment

Wrestlemania XX Favourite Moment *spoiler*


Weel here is a simple one for you all. Out of the whole show last night what was your favourite and worst moment. Feel free to list a few if you really need to!!

Well as far as i am concerned it was during the rock and sock match. I'm a big mick foley fan and especially cactus jack. So wacthing mick drop the cactus elbow off the ring apron on to the legend ric flair takes it as moment of the night for me!


worst moment - Ultimo Dagon slipping on the entrance way and then again as he climbed the ropes. I was really hoping Ultimo would get a chance to really show what he's made of at the biggest show of them all and seeing him stumble not once but twice made me whince.


Now it's your turn, fire away,


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Guest gussey

this arvo was the first time i ever ordered a ppv.. it was worth it


best moment


when it was announced tha 'taker v kane was up next after i had somhow forgot about the match.. then the enterence of the old school 'taker




minutes 3 - 10 of brock v's goldburgs staredown


special mention to the two blokes in the crowd waving a Victoria bitter beach towel wearing Ritchmond jumpers, all aussies would have noticed them

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Well what a night. After three years of supporting Chris Benoit, the best wrestler in North America finally gets what he's always deserved: Major recognition in the WWE, and a World Heavyweight title, and I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.


And the great thing is that no matter how many of you moan about him winning, there are far more people who are happy he's won. And hey, it's not like you can do anything about it.

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Taker v Kane well it ........... SUCKED. Taker looked crap. That wasn't the Deadman. Old Untertaker would have benifited that match so much. The actual wrestling sucked too. Kanes timing was completely off. When Taker performed his flying lariat towrds the end of the match Kane jumped before taker hit him and made it look completely stupid. Kane attempted to throw Taker up in the air and have him land throat first on the ropes but was too far away and Taker ended up hitting them with his hands. And Takers hand slipped on the chokeslam which looked crap too.


And why was Snuka there? You saw him clearly in the Rocks promo and then that was all. I would rather have seen the Superfly than a dumbass Ventura - Trump interview.


I was well made up to see Benoit win the title and you could see how much it meant to him. Im sure Stu Hart would have been proud of him.


Not a bad Wrestlemania i suppose but it was knowhere near what i expected.


Great to see Bobby Heenan there although his recent illness have obviously taken there toll on his appearance. I had tears in my eyes when he made the comment about Monsoon.

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Well, I stayed up till 2am last night so I only had to use the one tape, and that's the latest I've ever stayed up to watch wrestling. I feel like such a big boy. :D


Anyway, here's what I thought of the show, remember that some of the stuff may not have happened, we all know that hallousenacions are common in those suffering from sleep deprevation.


The opening video had me thinking that "Where It All Begins Again" was going to mean that Vince was retiring and letting Shane take over, but 3 seconds later I realised that I must be mad. And insert your Rob Feinstein jokes for the footage of Shane's baby and the boy's choir.


Cena Vs Big Show was pretty crap, to be honest, but was a good way to start the show off. Cena has yet to impress me in a match against anyone outside of The Chosen Few (Think Angle, Benoit, Eddie etc), and I think that's the only thing keeping him back from main eventing. But the whole match was pretty slow and plodding, and although the finish was a bit cheesey, I liked it, and Cena did look happy enough with his first WWE title belt, so I could think of worse matches to kick things off with.


The Raw tag match was pretty bland too, and aside from the signature moves, you could have put anyone in that match, because it was all just kick, tag out, clothesline, tag out, punch, tag out. The fact that RVD retained his title was a bit of a surprise, as I imagined him going to Smackdown! after the show to beef up the roster.


Now, Christian Vs Jericho was a really enjoyable match, and I'm delighted to see Trish turn heel. If we look at wrestling like EWR, there are some workers who appeal to a certain demographic who will always be about 85-90 popular when they're working as a face. But there's one thing that is preventing them from reaching the peak of the company. Trish is one of these workers. So when she turns heel, she upsets the mark contingent that she becomes 90-95 over. The turns itself was pretty easy to call (Christian never hurt her during the match, the other two matches so far saw the faces come out on top), but it's interesting to see where the Trish/Jericho relationship will end, as I don't think a lot of people will buy Jericho accepting a Trish apology and a face turn by costing Christian a rematch.


The Rock's promo was superb, and everyone knows that he's easily one of the top guys in the wrestling industry. The handicap match itself was fairly enjoyable, but in retrospect I think I would have prefered Mick Vs Orton and Rock Vs Flair, because the latter's exchanges were simply phenominal. The Cactus Jack elbow drop followed by Bang Bang! was much appreciated, and the finish worked well with Foley looking disapointed and Orton looking like a real threat. Top stuff.


Now we hit a stumbling block, as the Playboy match was the stuff that negative stars are made of. There was no need for it on this card, and it was the same bloody match we've seen 300 times when there's a clothing gimmick involved. Please, enough with the T&A matches, if I wanted to see porn, I'd go online.


The Cruiserweight open had me excited when they announced the rules, as I expected about five 5-10 minute matches in a row, which would have sent the crowd wild. Instead we got a joke of a rushed match, which should never happen on a 4 hour plus PPV.


Now, the anti-Rock Vs Hogan match, Brock Vs Lesnar. Instead of the crowd making the match, it ruined the match. The stalling, the booing for everything, the fact that both men were playing heels in order to get Austin over, it all annoyed me. If they plan on keeping Goldberg around, will he work heel? I hope not, we all remember THE MOTHER OF ALL SWERVES in WCW which bombed.


The Smackdown! tag match was instantly forgetable, and TSPWGTT should have taken the gold here, considering the other tag match saw the champs retain. Anyway, it sucked, and I hate Rikishi almost as much as I hated The Godfather gimmick. One is over because he's fat, one is over because he has girls with him. Seriously, anyone addicted to chocolate could play Rikishi's gimmick.


Victoria Vs Molly did nothing for me, but I'm glad to see Molly bald. Every female in WWE is just so generic (Try getting a non wrestling fan to tell the difference between Torrie, Trish, Jackie Gayda and Sable), so Molly, welcome to the world of being "the bald chick".


Eddie Vs Kurt was good, but not the showstopper it should have been. It was a nice finish, but I'd have liked to have seen a Kurt Angle promo in the middle of the ring before the match started, just to establish him as a huge heel, as this match should have been all about getting Eddie over as a face, bit style. Still, a good match.


Taker Vs Kane was a joke, and Undertaker looked like a cross between The DOA and JR. This was the match that could have saved Undertaker's career, if he had gone all out in bringing back the Deadman gimmick, but instead he's the American Badass with funny eyes and Bradshaw's old hat.


The main event, I liked. The right man went over in the right circumstance, and HBK and Benoit did a great job of making HHH look like he could keep up with them. A really enjoyable main event, with a nice finish to the night with the two face champions getting so much face heat. But with Benoit being announced from Atlanta Georgia, how will he expect to be super-over at Backlash in Edmonton?


Anyway, the show was pretty enjoyable, and I probably prefered it to WMXIX. There were one or two negative moments, but it was still a good PPV, and won't go down as the worst WM ever, which is always a good thing in the state that WWE is in right now.

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Guest Ed_666

****ing piece of shit smilie limit just lost my long message about the whole of WM!! :mad


What a ****ing waste of time and a pointless piece of board code. :roll


Can't be arsed typing it all again.



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Guest Seabass
you know....Benoit aiming for the Heavyweight belt wasn't such a bad thing...cause now we have Eddie G as World champ and Benoit as Heavyweight Champ...those two standing there with confeti coiming down was a beautiful ending to a disapoitng Wrestlemania 20
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Guest Lil Naitch
Originally posted by StoneCold316

If you wanna talk about Pathetic, The Crowd in the Goldberg/Lesnar Match were terrible!!


Actually, I kinda liked they way the crowd let Brock know just how they felt about him. NY crowds can be harsh at times, but last nights tirade against Brock was justified in my opinion.

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Guest Tajiri

Decent few hours of wrestling with some enjoyable matches and nothing terrible or realy great, thought it had the same problem as last years Mania were it just didn't feel like the "biggest show in wrestling" which they were trying to put it over as.


Jericho/Christian, Eddie/Angle and RockFoley/Evolution stood out as the best with the main event picking up towards the end.


Only complaint I have with the way WWE handled putting Benoit over at the end was that they should of done it to several others guys a couple of years ago and the company would be a damn site healthier.


But all that maters is Benoit won and its pissed of all hit crtics (you know who your are) and the HHH Fanboys in the process. Can't beat that. :worship

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All I can say is, the future looks quite good up top in WWE. I'd imagine Eddie and Kurt will continue feuding on SD, where as Raw, well for Backlash, as Edge is coming back and HHH wants to feud with him, I imagine that could be alright, and well this one I love the sound of, champion Benoit in Canada, against the guy every Canadian loves to hate, Shawn Michaels. The heat would be fantastic, the in ring action no doubt wonderful, and possibly the most perfect start as champion Benoit could have.


With main events like these, will we really miss Brock and Goldberg?

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Guest Tajiri

As for the Lesnar chants, I never knew that "selling out" meant forfeiting guaranteed money over the next 8 years in return for taking up a venture where the chances of failure are overwhelming.


Would they rather he did a Jeff Hardy and just hang around for the next few years collecting his money, hating wrestling and generaly sucking in the ring thru complete appathy for what he's doing.

Edited by Tajiri
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Guest Nicole
I think those taker pictures look funky. I like the combo of the two characters/clothes. Could make things much more interesting.
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Guest Christof

thought the NYC crowd was awful, lesnar has done nothing wrong, he isnt making demands, unlike a certain Goldberg.


not enough time for the cruisers, but hey its wwe so its expected


benoit finish actually had me on the edge of my seat (dunno what a mark is, but i presume thats close)


guerrero got a nice "clean" victory


didnt see the Cena victory coming!!!!!!! interesting to see who his next program will be with


didnt think much of sheriff undertaker, the entrance was underwhelming, a shame there, thought kane was good throughout that match with his acting.


on the whole well worth only 2 1/2 hrs sleep

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Guest the predator

goldberg brock fight had the biggest borin chant i have ever herd.

I just love it wen j.r trys to cover it up. I cant stand cena now he sucks up to much. I think eddie angle could of been better but the 3 way reeked of greatness

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Guest MARTIN316V1
Originally posted by Cactus Jack

I loved it when Lesner flipped the birds to the fans :lol


lol yeah, When Goldberg was Celebrating on the top rope he also done it aswell

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The whole show was very average in my opinion.


Benoit's title win was the only thing which made me happy.


I love NYC Crowds, They always make for a great atmosphere which comes off well on TV. At least they weren't dead like most crowds they get south of Canada.


The Triple Threat match was excellent, You probably won't hear me praise HHH very often, But I thought him tapping to the Crossface was the best way to finish the match, I thought all 3 of them worked hard and it showed. I just wonder if HHH will be expecting his return win? Heh.


The rest of the show wasn't up to much, Jericho/Christian was probably next best match behind the Triple Threat match (Geez...Two Raw matches as the top 2 matches of the night, How often does that happen?)...Angle/Guererro should have been a hell of a lot better than it was, The match just never got going in my eyes, The pace was far to slow throughout the match. Oh and TWGTT not winning the Smackdown Tag Titles was stupidity at its finest.


I'd give the show a very generous 6/10....5 without the Main Event.

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Guest Tajiri
Notice there was no Pete Rose gets Tombstoned segment, so they did actually bring him to MSG with the sole purpose of inducting him into the Hall of Fame. No smilie can express the stupidity of that decision.
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