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Wrestling Fan Survey (Everyone's input needed)

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Guest ReyChampion

Name:Alex Caldwell


Age: 17


Location: Oxford


How long have you been a wrestling fan?: 4-5 years


How did you first come across it?: Royal Rumble 2000 in hospital


What was your initial impression?: amazing and real


What kept you coming back to watch more?: Stroylines


Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?: Rey Mysterio, unpredictable


Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?: Rey Mysterio, unpredictable


What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?: Any i can


Which promotion is your favourite and why?: none


RAW or SmackDown!?: Smackdown for the crusierweights Raw for better heavyweight matches


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?: 5 hours


Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?: WWE tour of deffiance, 2 All Star American Wrestling in Oxford


What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?: under used in WWE


- women's wrestling?: best in Japan


- Vince's fascination with big men?: f**king annoying


Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?:


Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: no


Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?: when i get into it


Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?: yes but very little


- Good looking stage/entranceway?: no


- Storylines/angles?: no


- Quality wrestling?: average


How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?:B] up to 100 miles depending on quality


How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?: max of £30


Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?: Jerry Lawler, only really succesful one in WWE History


Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?:[/b] no


What is your favourite match of all time, and why?:[/b] can't decide


What is your favourite storyline of all timr, and why?:[/b] can't decide


What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?:[/b] Rey Mysterio Vs AJ Styles


Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?:[/b] yes


Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?:[/b] yes


Ever trained to be a wrestler?:[/b] no, next year


Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?:yes

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Name: Daniel Fullard


Age: 19


Location: Durham, England


How long have you been a wrestling fan?: 16 Years


How did you first come across it?: Cant remember


What was your initial impression?: Wow! This is great! Never seen anything like it before.


What kept you coming back to watch more?: As a child it was the excitment, the charcters, the action and the specualtion about who would win.


Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?: To hard to choose and this is by no means a definte answer but Ill go for HHH or Benoit both for different reason. HHH because he is the greatest Heel in a long long time and has had some great matches. Benoit because he is so good to watch and Ive followed him all over via video


Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?: It would be between Bret Hart for the brillaince of his matches and his great ability to sell. Falir would be up there alongside Hogan and then thers too many yo losut...Owen, Perfect, Angle, Macho Man.


What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?: WWF/WWE, WCW, ECW, CZW, WWA, NWATNA, All japan, New Japan, NOah, AAA


Which promotion is your favourite and why?: WWF for the memories


RAW or SmackDown!?: RAW


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?: 24-30


Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?: WWF 1993 Tour in Whitley Bay , WCW 2000 (or 2001) tour in Newcastle, various local shows


What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?: Nice high flying action, Good to watch. Should be pushed more


- women's wrestling?: Miles better than it was techinally but lacks the characters of the past and lacks a good heel.


- Vince's fascination with big men?: Sometimes works sometimes doesnt


Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: No...laughs


Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: No...laughs


Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?: Not until we get some serious promotions and terrestrial TV time


Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?: Slight


- Good looking stage/entranceway?: Noth neccesarily


- Storylines/angles?: Yes


- Quality wrestling?: Definetly


How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?: Depends on the card. If WM came to europe Id go. when I have a job after uni Id be prepared to travel anywhere in the world


How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?: WWE - house show £30-£40 Raw/Samckdown - £45 - £55 PPV - up to £150. Uk show - Depends on card really anywhere up to £20


Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?: Heenan


Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?: yes I ran one


What is your favourite match of all time, and why?: too hard of a question to think of on the spot.


What is your favourite storyline of all timr, and why?: too hard of a question to think of on the spot.


What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?: too hard of a question to think of on the spot.


Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?: Id give it a shot


Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?: of course


Ever trained to be a wrestler?: slighlty


Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?:YES

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I dont mean anything by this but Im shocked at how much more wrestling I watch than a lot of you. Dont take this to mean anything Im just saying
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Guest RAW_Diva

Name: Grace


Age: 21


Location: Manchester


How long have you been a wrestling fan?: since I was at primary school...but got much more heavily into it in the past 4yrs


How did you first come across it?: I honestly can't remember - I just remember thinking that Ultimate Warrior looked cool (I was quite small at the time!)


What was your initial impression?: It was fun - we used to 'play' wrestling at school until it got banned by the closet fascists we had for teachers


What kept you coming back to watch more?: I was just in awe...and it was so much fun!


Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?: HBK...he's amazing, an absolute legend, he's great in the ring, on the mic and has such charisma...oh, and he's sexy as hell (well...I am a girl)


Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?: Mick Foley...I don't need a reason - he lives and breathes the business.


What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?: It depends how much time I have spare to actually sit down and watch, but always have and always will watch WWF/E


Which promotion is your favourite and why?: WWF/E...entertainment value


RAW or SmackDown!?: RAW


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?: As much as I can, as long as I have the time...on average between 5 and 10


Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?: Yep - went to RAW and Smackdown! when they came to Manchester last year in October


What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?: entertaining, but seem to get brushed aside to easily


- women's wrestling?: don't even get me started...it's so bloody pointless at the moment...it should be called 'sluts in underwear' not 'women's wrestling'


- Vince's fascination with big men?: Hmm...unfair on the little guys who have more charisma in their big toe than half of the pumped up steroid freaks Vince is forcing down our throats at the mo...definitely not good for business.


Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: Yep...he loves it. We watch it together all the time and have in depth conversations about it a lot also.


Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: No...but who cares - we don't live with them so they don't have to watch it. Although my mother in law will watch it with us - she's a big Stone Cold fan


Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?: Hopefully, one day


Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?: no


- Good looking stage/entranceway?: yes


- Storylines/angles?: yes


- Quality wrestling?: definitely


How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?: Personally, I'd be prepared to travel country-wide for shows in Britain...and would travel to America if I could get tickets for WM...unfortunately I am hampered by hubby, who moans about travelling too far from Manchester and refuses to get on a plane.


How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?: If I had the funds, as much as needed...within reason. I paid almost £140 each for RAW and SD (two tickets at £65 each + booking fee)


Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?: Don't really have a favourite...so I can't really answer that.


Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?: no


What is your favourite match of all time, and why?: So many to choose from...don't think I can...


What is your favourite storyline of all timr, and why?: Again too many - these questions are way too thought provoking for me to be answering at this time! lol


What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?: HBK vs. Angle...hurrah for WM21


Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?: I already have quite a lot available to me


Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?: Yep...well, a diva, but an actual women's wrestler, not one of these pointless bits of fluff that are around at the moment...I thought only one of them would win the 'diva' search...or was that stupid?!


Ever trained to be a wrestler?: No


Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?: Very

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Guest Calgary Hitman

Name: Danny Devine


Age: 23


Location: Wolverhampton


How long have you been a wrestling fan?:15 years


How did you first come across it?: Wrestlemania 6 Hogan vs Warrior and it blew my mind!


What was your initial impression?: Something new and exciting,colourful, these guys doing stuff i had never seen before they were like super heroes and that was when i knew what i wanted to be.


What kept you coming back to watch more?: the endless lsit of colourful characters and gimmicks and the super human things these guys did it was a way to escape the "REAL" world and forget about anything negative thats going on.


Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?: Probably AJ Styles he is an awesome wrestler and has opened my eyes to many things i had never seen before.


Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?: Bret Hart. without a doubt in my opinion the greatest :worship the first time i saw this guy i thought he was so cool and the main influence behind my chosen profession.Also Mr Perfect,The Rockers and yes even Ultimate Warrior left there mark.


What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?: WWF(E),WCW(for the cruiserweights) any Japanese wrestling.


Which promotion is your favourite and why?: Nowadays i like the Japanes style and there wrestlers more but earlier it was WWF with the characters and storylines.


RAW or SmackDown!?: RAW it has a stronger roster


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?: when arent i watching it lol


Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?: As a child i was deprived lol my parents would never take me to the wwf events my best friend went once saw Bret Hart vs Rick Martel i was so jealous :( I have been to many UK events over the last 5 years and have been to see Smackdown and RAW events at the NEC in the last 2 years.


What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?: I love crusierweights to me that was the reason i tuned in to WCW they represent the "how the f@$k did he do that" in people and i like that :lol


- women's wrestling?: In the US its ok but not very exciting But you watch some of the "Ladies" go at it in Japan that will blow your mind most of them are better than a lot of the men on the WWE roster.


- Vince's fascination with big men?: I hate the fact that real talent have to sit on the bench while these big lugs that dont know what they are doing take up there spot :evil


Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: Yes she loves it :)


Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: My family not really :? Most of my friends yeah they do but alot of them are in the business aswell so they must enjoy it lol


Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?: I would like to say yes! but probably not unless it gets back on TV then NO IM AFRAID :(


Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?: Nope


- Good looking stage/entranceway?: 50/50 not really essential to me personally.


- Storylines/angles?: Yes. I thinkl the majority of matches should have a story behind them.


- Quality wrestling?: Definetly YES! Thats what you pay to see not the bright lights or Pyro you have gone to see the "wrestling" and it should be top notch.


How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?:depending on which british promotion it was and what the catd was i suppose. WWE i will go when it comes to the local arena NEC but thats it.


How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?: for the british show it would depend who is on the card but top would be £15? around that area.WWE dont think i would spend more than £50.


Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?: Bobby Heenan :lol he always made me laugh when he used to commentate he had great chemistry with Gorilla Monsoon and it made for enjoyable viewing.those were the days :teleport (slowly teleports back to 1991)


Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?: nope


What is your favourite match of all time, and why?: I have alot :? Up there with my faves are Bret v Bulldog SSlam92,Bret v Mr Perfect SSlam91, Warrior v Hogan Mania6,Rockers v Orient Express Rumble91 but the best is probably Bret v Shawn Mania12 loved it :lol


What is your favourite storyline of all time, and why?: I liked the Sgt Slaughter Heel Iraq loving gimmick in 90 to 91. I Liked this because you get to see how passionette the fans were for there country and for wrsetling and Rowdy Roddy Piper's fits of anger as Slaugther waved the iraq flag and Gorilla Monsoon had to carm him down :thumbsup also it made for a great angle when he beat Warrior for the title which led to the american hero Hulk Hogan winning the title :worship


What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?: Dragon Kid vs Rey Mysterio :eek


Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?: yeah i will give anything a chance


Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?: yeh everytime i step in the ring :)


Ever trained to be a wrestler?: I am a wrestler and am learning things all the time


Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?:With my hand on my heart YES. :xyx

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Guest malaphesto

Name: John Meadus


Age: 17


Location: Toronto


How long have you been a wrestling fan?: Before i can remember


How did you first come across it?: cant remember


What was your initial impression?: I was too young to remember


What kept you coming back to watch more?: Hulk Hogan


Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?: Edge because he's awsome and he is also from toronto


Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?: Hulk Hogan cant remember why


What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?: i like WWE but at a time i felt it boring so i started watching WCW


Which promotion is your favourite and why?: WWE it's the only one i can watch


RAW or SmackDown!?: RAW


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?: 8


Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?: Summer slam 04, Wrestlemania 18, RAW in janurary and about 10 house shows all in toronto


What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?: Vince crapped it up


- women's wrestling?: Boring


- Vince's fascination with big men?: it seems a little odd


Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: i'm single


Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: i have 1 friend who likes wrestling but only to tv extent


Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?: never seen it


Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?: no


- Good looking stage/entranceway?: no


- Storylines/angles?: no


- Quality wrestling?: yes


How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?: anywhere in Ontario


How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?:


Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?: J.R


Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?: no


What is your favourite match of all time, and why?: Hogan vs. Rock 1 it was amazing


What is your favourite storyline of all timr, and why?: invasion


What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?: Randy Orton vs. John Cena


Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?: yes


Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?: yes


Ever trained to be a wrestler?: not yet. i'm starting next year


Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?: hell ya

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Swanton B

Name: Brandon


Age: 19


Location: TN


How long have you been a wrestling fan?: 11 years


How did you first come across it?: TV…WCW, WWF, ECW


What was your initial impression?: I loved it


What kept you coming back to watch more?: Everything. Probably the physicality and overall athleticism involved.


Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?: Jeff Hardy b/c of his style, creativity, and finisher


Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?: Sting b/c I’ve liked him since I can remember, and I liked the whole “man behind the mask” thing


What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?: WCW, WWF, ECW, TNA


Which promotion is your favourite and why?: don’t have a favorite b/c each promotion had their own deal going


RAW or SmackDown!?: Both


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?: 10-15


Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?: Yes, a couple years ago when WCW Nitro went to Atlanta and Goldberg fought Hulk Hogan, I believe. I could be wrong.


What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?: They’re cool


- women's wrestling?: Nothing wrong with a little TNA


- Vince's fascination with big men?: Big men aren’t everything, a lot of it’s in the high flyers


Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: Would answer if I had a partner


Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: Yes, my little brother likes it just as much as I do, and my dad got out of it


Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?: I dunno


Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?: No


- Good looking stage/entranceway?: Kind Of


- Storylines/angles?: Kind of, not like Vince Mcmahon story lines, those are just a waste of time


- Quality wrestling?: Yes


How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?: If I wanted to see it bad enough…I’d go any distance


How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?: As much as I feel like paying


Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?: Jerry Lawler b/c he’s funny


Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?: No


What is your favourite match of all time, and why?: The tag team ladder match between Edge and Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz…Just watch and you’ll see. Some of the things those 2 teams pulled off were unbelievable.


What is your favourite storyline of all timr, and why?: When The Hardy Boyz split up


What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?: The Hardy Boyz vs. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal in a Ladder Match


Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?: Yes


Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?: Yes


Ever trained to be a wrestler?: No


Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?: Yes

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Guest Kanenite

Name: Nathan Price


Age: 16


Location: Leicester


How long have you been a wrestling fan?: About 3-4 years


How did you first come across it?: Watched it when I was younger


What was your initial impression?: The violence was great


What kept you coming back to watch more?: Kane


Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?: Kane because he his talent is amazing, he performs great


Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?: Kane because he has contributed so much of his life to the sport


What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?: Just the WWE and the Former WWF


Which promotion is your favourite and why?: WWE


RAW or SmackDown!?: RAW by far


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?: Raw and Smackdown I record and watch again


Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?: RAW Live and Loaded in Sheffield and going to RAW at the NEC in April


What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?: Fantastic risks by these stars, I love there performance


- women's wrestling?: Fantastic and Hot Diva's, don't get much better


- Vince's fascination with big men?: It depends on which big guys he gives the jobs to sometimes there good sometimes there bad


Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: No


Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: a couple of friends do


Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?: No it doesn't stand a chance against the WWE


Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?: Sometimes depends on the size of the place and the popularity of the wrestler


- Good looking stage/entranceway?: No it wouldn't happen not if it was a small place


- Storylines/angles?: Maybe but as long as they put on a good show then who cares


- Quality wrestling?: Yes that is what I would pay for the event


How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?: mmmmmm I would stay in the UK if it was in Scotland or Ireland and I was deperate to go when yeh I would stretch that far


How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?: Proably about £50 per ticket


Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?: Good Ole J.R. Name one time that JR has underperformed, he hasn't, one of the greatest announcers in the world


Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?: No


What is your favourite match of all time, and why?: I'd say Hogan vs Rock was a good one


What is your favourite storyline of all timr, and why?: nWo vs everyone


What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?: Fatal 4 way Ultimate Submission match, Chris Benoit vs Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho


Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?: No because i'm too stuck to the WWE


Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?: Yes


Ever trained to be a wrestler?: Thought about it but got to the conclusion I would never enter a ring


Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?: Yes very much, why shouldn't I be?

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Guest AfinShou

Name: Daron Jackson


Age: 20


Location: Pomona, CA


How long have you been a wrestling fan?: Far as I can remember.


How did you first come across it?: My brother used to watch while I was very young, so I just started watching as well.


What was your initial impression?: Cool music and colors.


What kept you coming back to watch more?: More cool music and interesting characters like Jake Roberts, Jimmy Snuka, and Ricky Steamboat.


Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?: Currenly I'd have to say Shelton Benjamin with a close close second to Batista. I only like Batista because I catalogued his rise from D-Von's buddy and smackdown and I stuck with him the whole time. But Shelton, I see Shelton as WWE's modern version of RVD. This guy can seemingly do it all. He is just plain fun as hell to watch work. He just doesn't stop amazing me with his physical prowess. He's just plain impressive.


Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?: All time favorite wrestler is easily Bret Hart. I was a mark for him as a tag wrestler, I marked out when they gave him the Rumble, I stuck with him through all 5 title runs, and I preferred him over DX or Austin. Excellence of Execution just stayed with me, and I was always a huge fan at heart.


What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?: I dabble in NWA/TNA whenever I can. Like many, the X-division keeps me coming back. Of course I watch WWE, but as of late, I've been on a rabid scavenger hunt for any old ECW footage that I can get into my grips.


Which promotion is your favourite and why?: I just loved the way Heyman ran ECW. He catered completely to the fans because he knew that he lived because of them, and would die without them. The audience was my favorite character in ECW. It was just a fun promotion without needlessly complicated storylines (at least not constantly needless) and above all else, they had a great sense of humor along with their innovative styles. BWO? C'mon, that's just genious.


RAW or SmackDown!?: I've always been partial to Smackdown, but at the moment, RAW has the better product.


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?: 4-5 hours.


Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?: I've been to a handful of house shows in the Anaheim Pond. It was during the first Taker Kane feud where Taker swore he'd never lay a hand on Kane. Except that there are no rules in house shows, so he beat the crap out of him, and came back the next RAW showing saying he'd still never lay a hand on him. I also attended the Smackdown in Staples Center where TLC 3 took place. Man, that was a site to see, even from the nose bleeds. Benoit and Jericho won that match I believe.


What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?: Over-talented, under utilized. They'd easily overshadow SD's main eventers, or even mid-carders, and we just can't have that now can we.


- women's wrestling?: I loved that they took the division seriously, and I admired them for trying their damndest to do good by it. It just didn't work out too well in the end, but they did indeed have their highlights.


- Vince's fascination with big men?: It's a circus, people come to see the freaks I guess.


Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: I'd say overall, no. She enjoys the massive spots, stunts, or comedic aspects I show her. Following the show is just not gonna happen.


Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: Family, no. Friends, most definitely. I'm lucky to have one friend who is as big of a fan as I, and another who enjoys watching.


Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?: I would say no.


Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?: I'd say no.


- Good looking stage/entranceway?: Decent, but nothing too extravagant.


- Storylines/angles?: Yes.


- Quality wrestling?: I've never been a really big fan of UK style, but the quality of that style I would expect to see.


How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?: Cross the United States. I wanted to see WMXX in New York, but didn't make it.


How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?: US$300


Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?: Joey Styles


Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?: Yes.


What is your favourite match of all time, and why?: So difficult to pick. But one match that I'll say for the sake of obscurity is a match that I can watch over and over again. It was a shotgun match back aroun 98-99 when Taka held the Lightheavyweight title. This is pre-kaientai. He fought defended he belt against Chris Daniels in an 8 minute purists dream. I still say Daniels should've come away with the belt at the end of that, but I doubt the WWF would've handled him properly.


What is your favourite storyline of all timr, and why?: Favorite storyline would have to be Undertaker's disappearence after the the Casket match with Yoko. The eye-witness testinomies and pics showing glimpses of him in the background were all too good for my young imagination at the time.


What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?: ECW's RVD vs HBK in his prime.


Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?:


Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?: Of course


Ever trained to be a wrestler?: Not professionally


Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?: Most definitely.

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Guest Devilish Angel

Name: Lyn


Age: 27


Location: Bucks, England


How long have you been a wrestling fan?: 14 years


How did you first come across it?: My parents are huge wrestling fans, I remember watching WOS sometimes, but I did not really get into it until I saw WCW.


What was your initial impression?: I thought it was funny, i.e big guys in lyrca, trying to fight each other (my views as a 10 year old watching World Of Sport)


What kept you coming back to watch more?: No idea, something just clicked.


Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?: Christian - I think he is great, seriously underated and the WWE need to push him.


Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?: Bret Hart, he was the first WWF wrestled I liked, and to me the word legend gets banded about a lot today.


What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?: Over the years I have seen WWF/WWE, WCW, ECW, FWA and GAEA


Which promotion is your favourite and why?: WWF the late 80's/early 90's years.


RAW or SmackDown!?: RAW


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?: Not sure, but not as much as I used to.


Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?: Will not list every location as I have been to so many. 1 WCW, 6 WWF, 5 FWA, 8 All Star, and 1 BWF


What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?: Should be used a lot more.


- women's wrestling?: Hit and miss, so are good some are not.


- Vince's fascination with big men?: What ever rocks his boat I guess :p


Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: N/A


Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: Mum and Dad still watch wrestling and sometimes come with me to shows.


Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?: No


Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?: No


- Good looking stage/entranceway?: No


- Storylines/angles?: Kinda of, depends on what promotion I go to


- Quality wrestling?: Yes


How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?: In the past I have travelled to Manchester to see WWE, but for British shows, it depends how much I wanna see the show.


How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?: To tell you the truth I doubt I would go to another WWE show, for UK shows about £20 (I haved paid £25 in the past to see FWA)


Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?: Bobby Heenan, the guy is such a legend, and he always had me in stiches (especially with Gorilla).


Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?: No


What is your favourite match of all time, and why?:British Bulldog vs Bret Hart (Summerslam 92), I thought it was a great match, and not to mention it was the first and only time WWF have held a major PPV in the UK.


What is your favourite storyline of all timr, and why?: The Bret & Owen Hart feud, because the wrestling between the two was great.


What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?: Kurt Angle vs. Bret Hart


Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?: Probably


Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?: No


Ever trained to be a wrestler?: No


Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?: Very

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Guest Frank N Steiner

Name: Frank N Steiner


Age: 34


Location: Aberdeenshire


How long have you been a wrestling fan?: 20+ years


How did you first come across it?: World Of Sport


What was your initial impression?: Come on Haystacks - Kick Daddy's arse!!


What kept you coming back to watch more?: Come on Haystacks - Kick Daddy's arse!!


Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?: Nature Boy. :worship He's the man!!


Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?: Kendo Nagasaki. At the time I was a mark and the guy was unbeatable!!


What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?: NWA / WCW, WWF


Which promotion is your favourite and why?: WWE. Only big promotion left.


RAW or SmackDown!?: RAW!!!!!


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?: 4


Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?: No but Aberdeen live next month :)


What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?: Can do great matches


- women's wrestling?: Love Trish. Will watch if she's on.


- Vince's fascination with big men?: I agree with Vince. If you watch wrestling as a mark you need to be thinking "Holy ****!! Look at the size of him!!"


Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: Yes. She'd rather sleep with Shawn than me :evil


Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: Yes. Best mate coming to RAW in Aberdeen with me and partner


Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?: No. Not enough marks these days


Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?: Some


- Good looking stage/entranceway?: Yes


- Storylines/angles?: Yes


- Quality wrestling?: Yes


How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?: 25 miles


How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?: WWE - £100. British - £30 (If they had Styles and other indie stars)


Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?: Lance Russell. Just because the early-90's NWA is my favourite period.


Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?: The what now?


What is your favourite match of all time, and why?: SST squashing a couple of jobbers 1992ish. Excellent squash and the crowd were really into it.


What is your favourite storyline of all timr, and why?: Linda being doped. Totally disgracefully un-PC but I loved it!!


What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?: "Iron" Mike Sharpe vs Honky Tonk Man


Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?: No


Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?: No


Ever trained to be a wrestler?: No


Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?: Yes.

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Name: Paul Rogers


Age: 19


Location: Rep. of Ireland


How long have you been a wrestling fan?: 6 years


How did you first come across it?: WCW Thunder on TNT, random channel surfing


What was your initial impression?: Goldberg squashing Perry Saturn, wasnt the cartoonish kids tv programme i thought it once was


What kept you coming back to watch more?: i was intriugued and watched the following Nitro, which was just as good, with more Goldberg!


Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?: AJ Styles, i bought into the hype


Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?: Goldberg, if it wasnt for him i wouldnt be watching wrestling now


What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?: WCW(ah memories), TNA, WWE, ROH


Which promotion is your favourite and why?: TNA, reminds of what was good in WCW whilst still being original and refreshing on its own


RAW or SmackDown!?: RAW


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?: 30+


Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?: no, but dublin this april!


What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?: kept WCW alive, being killed in WWE


- women's wrestling?: enjoyable as long as its wrestling, not comedy t+a


- Vince's fascination with big men?: just a phase hes going through


Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: no


Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: my mother is a triple h mark, watches raw, smackdown+impact too!


Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?: back then it was thought as real, now its entertainment and american wrestling has the financial advantage to do that


Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?: to some extent


- Good looking stage/entranceway?: i like a good stage


- Storylines/angles?: it helps add heat


- Quality wrestling?: always


How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?: within a days travel


How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?: WWE 100, UK30


Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?: Mike Tenay, made it feel "real"


Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?: yes, good fun


What is your favourite match of all time, and why?: Goldberg beats Hogan for the WCW title, mark out!


What is your favourite storyline of all timr, and why?: Sting/Hogan 18 months in the making!


What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?: the 98 versions of Goldberg+Austin THE dream match


Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?: Wrestling channell!


Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?: Indeed


Ever trained to be a wrestler?: not yet anyway


Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?:I try to convert others


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Guest Quote the Raven


Will McGirl (Laugh and I'll cut off your balls)




Readington NJ

How long have you been a wrestling fan?:


How did you first come across it?:

watching a match between 'Taker (Ministry taker) vs. Austin when Austin came in a pane of glass shattered and his music played. Or it was Owen Hart (I think) vs. the Godfather

What was your initial impression?:


What kept you coming back to watch more?:

My small innocent brain was forever warped

Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?:

Raven, awesome in ECW. underused in WWE. Awesome in TNA

Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?:

Singles - Road Dogg, Tag Team - New Age Outlaws

What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?:


Which promotion is your favourite and why?:

TNA, fresh faces, not the same story line every three weeks

RAW or SmackDown!?:


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?:

5, on PPV week,8

Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?:

Yes, 3 house shows and a Smackdown taping in Continental Airlines Arena

What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?:

X Division? Awesome, WWE? BLOWSSSSSS

- women's wrestling?:

keep it coming

- Vince's fascination with big men?:

Strange and disturbing...

Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I have no significant other :(

Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?:

Some of them, my mom took me to a few house shows :)

Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?:

Never Seen it

Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?:

see above

- Good looking stage/entranceway?:


- Storylines/angles?:


- Quality wrestling?:


How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?:

anywhere with NJ unless it was in Manhattan

How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?:


Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?:

Joey Styles

Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?:

What the hell is that?

What is your favourite match of all time, and why?:

Ultimate X (original), and the recent 6 Sides of Steel (AMW VS. XXX)

What is your favourite storyline of all time, and why?:

Chuck and Billy are gay, freakin HILARIOUS

What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?:

Brett Hart vs. Chris Benoit in a Ultimate Submission match (BH in his prime)

Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?:

why of course

Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?:

see above

Ever trained to be a wrestler?:

too young

Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?:


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Guest TBEFan

Name: Jonathon


Age: 19


Location: North Carolina, USA


How long have you been a wrestling fan?: 10 years


How did you first come across it?: WCW Saturday Night


What was your initial impression?: Hey, this is cool! :)


What kept you coming back to watch more?: The athleticism and the storylines.


Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?: Christian. He's heel, he's entertaining, he's got cool catchprases and he's underpushed. Those characteristics always draw me, for some reason or another.


Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?: The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels. I grew up on HBK. He's easily one of the best in-ring performers of all time as well as one of the most charismatic. Who DOESN'T like HBK?


What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?: WCW and WWE, mostly. Some ECW during their brief stinct on cable.


Which promotion is your favourite and why?: You mean there's something else beside WWE? Right now, it seems like no one can bring the kind of talent to bear that WWE has, so they pretty much win by default.


RAW or SmackDown!?: Easily RAW. If someone picks Smackdown over RAW in this category, they're not a true wrestling fan...or don't understand exactly what wrestling is yet. RAW has the talent factor and the storyline factor. Smackdown has...Torrie Wilson.


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?: Between 4 - 5


Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?: Only one: I've been to a WWE House Show.


What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?: I enjoy watching good cruiserweight matches, but nowadays the division has no direction, so it's hard to give cruiserweights as thumbs up right now.


- women's wrestling?: A couple of years ago, I'd say it's worthless. But that was before the emergence of women like Molly Holly and Trish Stratus that could *Gasp* Actually wrestle! Of course, these two are the ONLY good women wrestlers, so it's not much of a division.


- Vince's fascination with big men?: (I won't make a joke out of this...) Ahem, Vince does always wants to push big men. While that not a bad thing per se, it is if you overlook better, smaller talent. I enjoy Batista's push, but I wouldn't have and still wouldn't pee on Brock Lesnar if he was fire.


Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: What partner? I'm supposed to have a partner!?!?


Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: A friend of mine and my sister enjoy wrestling, but besides that, no.


Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?: No. Right now, WWE has a strangle hold on all wrestling fans.


Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?: kind of


- Good looking stage/entranceway?: yes


- Storylines/angles?: yes


- Quality wrestling?: Yes


How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?: Within an hour.


How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?: $50 WWE


Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?: Jim Ross, without a doubt. He can make a crappy match okay, an okay match good, a good match great and a great match legendary.


Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?: No


What is your favourite match of all time, and why?: Wow, it's hard to pick just one. But if I HAD to...HBK vs. Bret Hart, first ever Ironman Match.


What is your favourite storyline of all timr, and why?: Austion/McMahon


What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?: HBK vs. Shelton Benjamin


Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?: Sure, I watch TNA once in a blue moon.


Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?: Yes


Ever trained to be a wrestler?: No


Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?: Yes

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Guest Moobs


Mike Elder








How long have you been a wrestling fan?:

2/3 Years.


How did you first come across it?:

My friend reccomended it to me.


What was your initial impression?:

"Wow, Good stuff".


What kept you coming back to watch more?:

The "blood", gore, storylines etc.


Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?:

Shelton Benjamin. He's athletic, agile and an all round good entertainer.


Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?:

Jeff Hardy. I like his dare devil antics and fearless personality.


What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?:



Which promotion is your favourite and why?:

WWE, not really sure why I like it, but I enjoy watching It.


RAW or SmackDown!?:

Probably RAW.


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?:

3 -6 Hours.


Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?:

TNA iMPACT in Orlando Florida.


What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?:

Cruiserweights are great entertainers, but Im like Vince, I prefer big wrestlers.


- women's wrestling?:

Im not really interested in it, but no im NOT gay, so dont get ideas.


- Vince's fascination with big men?:

Like I said before, Im like him. Crusiers' are not my thing.


Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?:

My girlfriend does'nt like wrestling at all. She despises it.


Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?:

My dad sometimes watches it with me, but I think it's just because its on and he cant be bothered to get out the chair.


Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?: Nope.


Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?:

Kind Of.


- Good looking stage/entranceway?:



- Storylines/angles?:

Kind Of.


- Quality wrestling?:



How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?:

I live in Newcastle, so I wouldnt go much further than out of Europe.


How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?:



Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?:

Jim "JR" Ross, he's classic! He makes mistakes all the time.


Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?:



What is your favourite match of all time, and why?:

Hmm.. Not sure about that one. HBK Vs. Bret Hart, Ironman.


What is your favourite storyline of all time, and why?:

Again not sure. I Don't think I've got one.


What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?:

Hmm.. These are hard questions. Batista in a Gauntlet match would be entertaining.


Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?:



Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?:

I haven't dreamt of it, but it would be nice.


Ever trained to be a wrestler?:



Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?:

Yeesh, indeed!

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Name: Tony Cottam


Age: 30 in a month and a bit :(


Location: Glasgow


How long have you been a wrestling fan?: about18-20 years, too old to remember exactly


How did you first come across it?: Big Daddy on World Of Sport :)


What was your initial impression?: COOL! FAT MAN SQUASH THIN MAN!


What kept you coming back to watch more?: My mum watched it


Who is your current favourite wrestler and why?: Chris Benoit. He's The Man.


Who is your all-time favourite wrestler and why?: Shawn Michaels or Tommy Dreamer. They have that something that connects them to me. Michaels is a bit of an arse, though.


What promotions do/did you watch (and enjoy)?: WWE, WCW, ECW, NWA-TNA, ROH, anything on TWC basically.


Which promotion is your favourite and why?: WWE because it's more widely promoted, I guess


RAW or SmackDown!?: Raw


How much wrestling (hours) do you watch on average per week?: 4


Ever been to a live event? If so, which ones and where?: WWE live shows in Glasgow, and soon to be in Edinburgh


What's your opinion on

- cruiserweights?: badly used, but they rock!


- women's wrestling?: They... wrestle? WOW! (no offence to the actual women, just the WWE promotion thereof)


- Vince's fascination with big men?: Must be something kinky. Must be.


Does your partner enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: Our son is named Shawn Michael... go figure ;)


Do your friends and family enjoy wrestling? To what extent?: A lot of my friends have been met through wrestling forums, so they're all fans to some extent. My mum and dad watch Raw, and my mum still believes it's real...


Do you think British wrestling will ever be as popular as it was in the World Of Sport days?: No. Too much backstabbery and such like


Would you expect the following from a small UK show you paid to watch (yes/no/kind of)

- Pyrotecnics?: No


- Good looking stage/entranceway?: No


- Storylines/angles?: Yes


- Quality wrestling?: Definitely


How far would you travel for a wrestling show, whether WWE or British?: Going to Edinburgh, from Glasgow


How much would you be willing to pay up to for both a WWE and UK show?: Paying 40 odds for a WWE ticket, would probably pay 10-15 for a UK show


Who is your favourite commentator of all time, and why?: Joey Styles. OH MY GOD!


Have you ever taken part in an e-fed?: Yes, several at once


What is your favourite match of all time, and why?: Kurt Angle / Chris Benoit @ Rumble 2003 - perfect wrestling match with great emotion.


What is your favourite storyline of all time, and why?: Tommy Dreamer vs. Raven in ECW - superbly written and carried out


What match would you like to see, that's not yet ever happened?: At the moment, Angle vs. Michaels


Would you like to watch more varieties of wrestling if it was available to you?: With TWC, it is - just poor scheduling does it in for me. I watched more wrestling with the post midnight shows than I ever did... when Bang Babes came in, my watching went right down


Ever dreamt of being a wrestler?: Nope. Too fat


Ever trained to be a wrestler?: Nope. too fat


Are you proud to be a wrestling fan?: Yeah, I am for some crazy reason

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