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***Official RAW Thread - 18th April 2005***


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Guest The Beltster
I just plain don't like Hogan the same way I just plain don't like Steiner.


No politics. No grudges. I do not enjoy seeing him on my TV.


And I've talked to many people that feel similarly, or the same way.


Fair enough, I'm sure there are a buinch of people who feel similarly, but have you spoke to 18,000 people? Cos thats how many people loved him in Staples Center in LA. Same amount at RAW too...


My point is, there will always be people who hate the guy and anybody can say "And all my mates agree he sucks!" But there were 18,000 people chanting his name at RAW, so I doubt it matters what a few say, you know what I mean?

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Guest hbk fan

Good Raw last night. I knew Hogan was gonna appear, but i was real shocked when Vince came out. I really thought he was going on about the Diva Search when he started and was thinking "Oh Dear", then he totally surprised me by announcing the draft, looking forward to that now.

I'm looking forward to the main event at next weeks Raw, especially as i'm gonna be there.

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Did anyone notice something happen in the crowd last night during the main event. It was as HHH was tearing off JR's jersey, theres a massive pop, then the camera cuts to a shot of the crowd and theres people running around in the stands and a number of security there also. Anyone know what that was about? :?
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Guest AfinShou
Fair enough, I'm sure there are a buinch of people who feel similarly, but have you spoke to 18,000 people? Cos thats how many people loved him in Staples Center in LA. Same amount at RAW too...


My point is, there will always be people who hate the guy and anybody can say "And all my mates agree he sucks!" But there were 18,000 people chanting his name at RAW, so I doubt it matters what a few say, you know what I mean?


In the same breath, you can't sit there and say that all 18,000 at Staple center were chanting Hogan, because I was one of the people there that wasn't. And I saw more than a few people rolling their eyes at the whole thing.


Also, people are sheep. And I can gurantee that a good amount merely chanted Hogan to be part of a big chant without LOVING the guy.

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Well as I found twelve things wrong with the show this week, it's a slightly worse score. But first here are the eight good things!


1. Benoit vs. Edge at Backlash should be good, even if it is strange to have two non power-based workers in an LMS match.


2. Lita finally got what was coming to her. Trish may try to defend her with shoot comments, but nobody's going to be persuaded otherwise.


3. VISCERA IS THE MAN! I know I'm the only person in the world, but I like Viscera. I have no idea why or how, but he's a legend in my eyes. Let's Go Mabel!


4. Hey, look it's Hogan. Woo. I'm TRYING TO BE ENTHUSIASTIC.


5. Chris Masters' only saving grace may be that he has some charisma.


6. You know, maybe Shelton IS a little bitch!


7. Hey a draft! Pity this part was RUINED by some tosser in the FWL Forum.


8. Hey! A CLB push!


And now the bad.


1. Please don't tempt us wrestling fans that there will be a great match, and then pay it off with a Sports Entertainment finish.


2. As much as I like Viscera, Kane vs. Viscera ain't good.


3. Anybody else think that Viscera forcing himself on Trish was a little unnecessary?


4. The Heart Throbs might be able to dance and thrust, but they can't wrestle.


5. Ok, it's Hogan. Yup Hogan's here. FIVE MINUTES LATER AND HE'S STILL BLOODY THERE. This is a live two hour TV show, couldn't they find SOMETHING ELSE THAN JUST HOGAN AND MICHAELS POSING?


6. Come on Shawn, don't disrespect a race by wearing the head towel.


7. Hey! It's Chris Masters! Again! This type of segment is far better suited to Heat.


8. Hmm, I'm sure that guy in the crowd wasn't a PLANT.


9. Can someone PLEASE give Mike Bucci a break?


10. Why do all video packages have to be about HHH?


11. What the hell was that main event supposed to prove? That HHH could beat up announcers? That JR could pin HHH? That Batista could drive a limo? That Jerry Lawler can't take more than one HHH punch? SOMEBODY TELL ME.


Another dreadful show, but at least they're being consistent.

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Guest The Beltster
In the same breath' date=' you can't sit there and say that all 18,000 at Staple center were chanting Hogan, because I was one of the people there that wasn't. And I saw more than a few people rolling their eyes at the whole thing.[/quote']


Fair comment, of course 100% of people werent going to be marking, but the vast majority were, thats pretty impressive.


Also' date=' people are sheep. And I can gurantee that a good amount merely chanted Hogan to be part of a big chant without LOVING the guy.[/quote']


They must be sheep for Cena, Batista, Austin, Rock and anybody else in the history of wrestling too then, because the same can apply for everybody, right?

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Guest The Beltster
Anybody else think that Viscera forcing himself on Trish was a little unnecessary.


Putting Viscera on TV is unnecessary.

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Guest johnny knoxvill
Do children who didnt grow up watching Dads Army or Happy Days like watching it now? No chance! If you put on Dad's Army to a group of 5 yr olds, they would probably cry themselves to sleep! :lol Same with Happy Days...those shows hold nostalgic value to people who had good memories growing up watching them.


I may not be 5 but I am way ahead of the Happy Days time but I love that show to bits.


And has Hogan lost a bit of weight since Mania

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Guest johnny knoxvill
Well let me tell you something Beltmark BROTHER you BROTHER are obsessed with Hogan BROTHER. I mean cmon BROTHER he cant even drop the leg anymore!. I think Hogan is the man but the dude is 51 and yes im looking forward to him and Backlash but if the guy can only do that BROTHER is there really a point. And BROTHER how much does he milk the crowd or what!
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Guest johnny knoxvill

Hogan is stuck in the 90s abit also he speaks like that anyway


Well me and Jimmy Hart BROTHER rode the Waves DUDE! then Jimmy got out the guitar and we sang and hollered BROTHER on that beach till the cows came home DUDE

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Guest Drake

1.) First time I've seen in a while wrestlers fight go into the crowd then backstage , kinda reminded me of 99'.


2) OMG, '' WE WANT MATT'', '' YOU SCREWED MATT'', like someone else said gotta love New Yorker's, did the same to Lesnar on WM XX.


3.)What the hell,Viscera comes out and kisses Trish. What?? Are they gonna have a love angle ??:roll


4.) Shelton's a little bitch :lol, gotta love Jericho. So is he now an officially heel? , or after his feud with Shelton, he'll go back to being face ?


5.) Obviusly we knew Hogan was gonna come out. It's obvius he has the crowd in the palm of his hands, but man he can barely move. Thank god that he's gonna be in a tag match. So he's not gonna be all the time in the ring.No need for the never ending poses. Man he did the same thing like 10 times :help


6.) Nice to see the draft is coming


7.) Main Event :tdown


This pisses me off. When HHH is champ, it all revolves around him. And rightfully so he's the champ. But now Batista is the champ, and how many have we seen him on RAW?, I think I can count them:


1) Batista vs Orton


2.) Batista's Interview


3.) Batista's run in ,in HH vs JR match.


For crying out loud 3 times. When he was chasing the tittle he had all these nice backstage skits,matches . Now we know what HHH can do backstage :evil

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Guest The Beltster
But I thought Viscera had that incredible heavyweight style that you love so much?


There is a difference between the heavyweight style I like which is/was used by guys like Hogan, Warrior, Orndorff etc and being an uncharismatic, immovable blob of fat who is utterly useless.

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Guest The Beltster
Well let me tell you something Beltmark BROTHER you BROTHER are obsessed with Hogan BROTHER. I mean cmon BROTHER he cant even drop the leg anymore!. I think Hogan is the man but the dude is 51 and yes im looking forward to him and Backlash but if the guy can only do that BROTHER is there really a point. And BROTHER how much does he milk the crowd or what!


You are obsessed with John Cena! You were almost in tears several times the other day when everybody was saying how crap he was! :lol


As for milking the crowd, thats called 'working', something alot of people should learn how to do.


Hogan is stuck in the 90s abit also he speaks like that anyway


Well me and Jimmy Hart BROTHER rode the Waves DUDE! then Jimmy got out the guitar and we sang and hollered BROTHER on that beach till the cows came home DUDE


Umm, thats his promo style, his gimmick. It was a huge part of his appeal. Plus, lets be honest here, you are generalising every promo he made into just saying Brother over and over. Sure, he said that word and says it moreso now as its kinda being promoted more these days than it ever was in his prime, but he cut some great promos back in the day that had nothing to do with him calling people brother 20 times in a row like you insinuate. I guess it only helped make him the biggest Icon ever, but lets dismiss that, right, brother?


Marky Marky Vanilla Ice V.2 John Cena who you adore so much cuts promos saying "THE CHAMP IS HERE" over and over and acting like a wigger, yet you mark out for that, right?


Different strokes for different folks.

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Guest The Beltster

A buddy of mine went to RAW and had his camera with him, he recorded this footage of Hogans segment if anybody is interested. I ripped into him for singing Hogans theme, it was hillarious.


Remove the *** in the middle of the link and copy and paste into you're search bar.



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Guest johnny knoxvill

Hey Belty no need to be racist now! And Cena is better than Vanilla Ice and you stole that line about Marky Mark from Christian. And Knoxville never cries. And dude why do you always just post upon pages and pages about Hogan and how great he is you have posted this stuff a hundred times. All you do on this froum is say stuff about Hogan.


I now you like to put Enrique Inglasius ( sp?) song MY HERO on whilst you watch your Hogan videos but please keep your obsession with Hogan a little bit more toned dwon and dont post the same stuff about him over and over!


And at least Cena can move around!

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Guest The Beltster
Hey Belty no need to be racist now! And Cena is better than Vanilla Ice and you stole that line about Marky Mark from Christian. And Knoxville never cries. And dude why do you always just post upon pages and pages about Hogan and how great he is you have posted this stuff a hundred times. All you do on this froum is say stuff about Hogan.


Racist? Funny, I dont remember being racist. Saying wigger isnt racist in the slightest. Of course I stole the line, it was on RAW and this is the RAW thread, thats the point.


Knoxvill certainly does cry, and bitch and piss and moan, especially when somebody says something against crappy John Cena. His saying should be changed from "You cant see me" to "You cant see any talent here" because he is the pits. :thumbsup Funny, you question my support of Hogan, yet you do the EXACT same for Cena, except you dont back up you're comments with a decent arguement or valid points, you usually just say "Leave Cena alone!" Great! :worship


I post stuff about Hogan when I am disussing it with other members. Its good to debate with people who know what they are talking about and who get my brain in gear by countering what I say with other great points of view and opinions, like Jung does all the time. If you dont like my stuff, why bother reading it? You must be a beltmark mark. I'll get a T-Shirt printed for you. :xyx


I now you like to put Enrique Inglasius ( sp?) song MY HERO on whilst you watch your Hogan videos but please keep your obsession with Hogan a little bit more toned dwon and dont post the same stuff about him over and over!


Johnny, do me one favour pal, dont tell me what I can and cant post. Thanks. I dont tell you what you can and cant post, nor do I tell anybody else what they can and cannot post, no matter how retarded and worthless some of the stuff they post may be to me. I'm not breaking forum rules by talking about Hogan, am I? Nope, didnt think so. Dont like it, dont read it. Simple concept, no?


And at least Cena can move around!


At least Hogan is a legend, Icon and somebody who will be remembered forever...Cena will be forgotten in 10 years, maybe even 5. Then it really will be a case of "we cant see him" :lol

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Guest johnny knoxvill
Dude it is opinion. And you are hell bent on telling people on how great Hogan is and trying to tell them over and over and over, And your right I dont read your extremely long posts on Hogan I just skip to the end and read the last bit. And how can you say Cena is the pits. He aint the 51 year old pumped up to his head with roids and Jim Ross gets around quicker than him. Cena has talent he is outselling Hogans new t shirt at the moment by far. He is over with the crowd and has been the only one to succeed with a rap gimmick. He is an average wrestler who can put on good matches with the right opponent. That is opinion BROTHER!
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Guest The Beltster
Dude it is opinion. And you are hell bent on telling people on how great Hogan is and trying to tell them over and over and over' date=' And your right I dont read your extremely long posts on Hogan I just skip to the end and read the last bit.[/quote']


Why bother reading any? If you skip everything and only read the end, thats pointless and not even worth you're time. Do you buy DVD's just to watch the last part? Nope. You're missing all the points I touch on if you skip everything but the end. Maybe if you read them, you would appreciate them more, and if not, dont read them at all.


And I'm not hell bent on anything. I just make my points in threads where I feel like doing so. So anybody that argues with me is hell bent on making out Hogan sucks right? OF COURSE NOT!


Its all differring opinions, I'm not forcing people to think how I think, simply letting them know what MY opinions are.


And how can you say Cena is the pits. He aint the 51 year old pumped up to his head with roids


No, he is a 27 yr old pumped to his head with roids!


Jim Ross gets around quicker than him.


Uh-oh, here comes the sarcasm.


Cena has talent he is outselling Hogans new t shirt at the moment by far.


So he should be!!! Cena is on TV every single week, churning out shirt after shirt, getting a huge HUGE push, promoted as the man on SmackDown! and Hogan has made 2 appearances in 2 years. Who do you expect to be selling more shirts?! PLEASE!


With that being said, you are actually WRONG. Hulk Hogan has the highest selling shirt on WWE Shopzone, the only thing higher is Cena's CD. Hogans shirt is selling more than ANY of Cena's, Batistas, HHH's, HBK's etc...dont believe me, here is the WWE Shopzone Top 10:


1. John Cena CD (Explicit) and Bracelet Package

2. Hulkamania Live Forever

3. John Cena Rubber Bracelet

4. Divas 2005 Magazine and DVD Package

5. WWE Gift Bags

6. John Cena Chaingang Fitted Cap

7. John Cena CD (Non-Explicit) CD and Bracelet Package

8. Rey Mysterio Rubber Bracelet

9. John Cena Word Life Lock Pendant

10. John Cena Chaingang Sweatband Set


So you're "he is outselling Hogan by far" comment has, infact, been proven as FALSE.


He is over with the crowd and has been the only one to succeed with a rap gimmick. He is an average wrestler who can put on good matches with the right opponent. That is opinion BROTHER!


I never said Cena wasnt over, I said he was the pits. I dont like his work or his gimmick, I think its utter shite. However, he IS hugely over and very popular, something I dont (or cant even if I wanted to) deny.


As for his work, I wouldnt even call him average, I'd call him a crap worker, and any crap worker can have decent matches with the right guy. Still, lets be honest, you dont have to be a great wrestler to be a huge star in wrestling. Cena AND Hogan are BOTH proof of that.


Sister! :xyx

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Guest johnny knoxvill

I thought it was Brother! anyhow if Cena is on Roids I want proof if you dont have that then your post dont mean ****!. Look at Hogans Rib Cage it looks like he has an alien in there for Gods Sake. If Cena is on Roids he aint doing **** compared to Hogan.


And dont get me wrong your an awesome poster but when you post tons and tons of stuff on Hogan I get bored of your posts so that is why!.


And I was saying that the shopzone thing was of what I saw the last time I looked and Hogan was at no.9 I think. Cena is the FUTURE admit it if not look at that shopzone list!

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