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WWE's response to TNA's Announcement? *No Surrender spoilers*

Guest SuperKick Kid

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Man this is good news for TNA, i seriously didn't see this one coming.

The Tna schedule will hopefully suit Angles battered body and hopefully he'll be around for a while.


Counting the days to Joe V Angle. Hopefully at BFG!!


Hopefully not! If they rush such a money making feud like that it would be stupid. Joe/Angle (should it happen) would be a feud that could put TNA on the map and rushing it just for the sake of TNA's biggest PPV would be ridiculous.

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Sorry folks, but that is the worst peice of business TNA has done.


Kurt is damaged, Austin damaged. Kurt's arm has reduced in size by 25% he has numbness and pain all the time, he needs to rest, this is going to end badly, Dynamtie Kid badly.


Kurt's move to TNA will bring about a slight raise in ratings for curiosity reasons alone, but if you think Kurt is the Messiah of TNA, then you are mistaken.


He can't be all that anymore, his body will packup on him, he may get 6 matches or 1 but it is only a matter of time before Kurt is injured seriously, he is trying to compensate, by using muscles that are not used to being used for those purposes, so as we have seen in his last few monthes in WWE/ECW he was pulling things here, there and everywhere.


Kurt and TNA have been very silly, even if he rested up I still think he is done as a full time active competitor, he is damaged merchandise.


I enjoy TNA but I won't be goulish enough to watch a man I've admired cripple himself for selfish reasons.

Edited by Spiritchaser
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People are saying Angle could get badly hurt, the man was considering going to UFC which is ten times more dangerous than wrestling especially with his neck injury people could exploit that. Obviously when he comes to TNA he wont be that beaten up. Angle coming to TNA will help build up TNAs heavyweight division, at the moment they need a few more guys. Hopefully TNA can build up some talent like WWE has
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Thank you TNA for saving my career' date=' [b']my life[/b] and my desire to do what I love.


I think they;ve done the complete opposite, Angle can do what he wants but TNA are heartless *******s.


If Angle stars to **** all over WWE by cheap shotting them all the time than my respect for him will fade quickly, WWE made him a star in Pro Wrestling, lets hope he remembers this.

Edited by Ryan
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Sorry folks, but that is the worst peice of business TNA has done.


Kurt is damaged, Austin damaged. Kurt's arm has reduced in size by 25% he has numbness and pain all the time, he needs to rest, this is going to end badly, Dynamtie Kid badly.


Kurt's move to TNA will bring about a slight raise in ratings for curiosity reasons alone, but if you think Kurt is the Messiah of TNA, then you are mistaken.


He can't be all that anymore, his body will packup on him, he may get 6 matches or 1 but it is only a matter of time before Kurt is injured seriously, he is trying to compensate, by using muscles that are not used to being used for those purposes, so as we have seen in his last few monthes in WWE/ECW he was pulling things here, there and everywhere.


Kurt and TNA have been very silly, even if he rested up I still think he is done as a full time active competitor, he is damaged merchandise.


funny how most WWE fanss posts would have been different if Kurt was hired instead by WWE today

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Angle could possibly end up doing 6 matches a year, isn't that a lot better than doing 6 matches a week, like when he was in WWE. He has time to rest up between matches now. I see this is all TNA's fault, even though WWE were going to take him back when he was all "rested up", he's getting all that now, and we get to see him doing better matches. I don't see the problem.
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I think they;ve done the complete opposite, Angle can do what he wants but TNA are heartless *******s.


If Angle stars to **** all over WWE by cheap shotting them all the time than my respect for him will fade quickly, WWE made him a star in Pro Wrestling, lets hope he remembers this.


People seem to be kidding themselves that if Angle didn't go to TNA, he wouldn't wrestle anywhere else in the world. I mean, come on, that is pathetic, I'm come on, I'm sure the companies in Japan would pay Angle a hell of alot to work for them.


If Angle thinks its the right thing to do, why should anyone really question that? It is not like TNA forced him to sign a contract. I'll be honest, in my opinion, I'm not sure this was the right move for Angle yet, but certainly looking at his other options, its not the worst move he could have made.


WWE gave angle the opportunity, but Angle is the person who made his career, he is the one with the wrestling ability. Angle has paid the WWE back, he owes them nothing at all.

Edited by Dan
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funny how most WWE fanss posts would have been different if Kurt was hired instead by WWE today


Find any post by me, that says Kurt should continue to wrestle for anyone.




Wait I'll save you the time, it never happened, I have said for monthes that Kurt needs to stop wrestling, I'm many things hypocrite is not one of them though.


Kurt Angles health has always been paramount to me at least.

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Guest Danny Styles
I think they;ve done the complete opposite, Angle can do what he wants but TNA are heartless *******s.


If Angle stars to **** all over WWE by cheap shotting them all the time than my respect for him will fade quickly, WWE made him a star in Pro Wrestling, lets hope he remembers this.


i'm sure he will be crushed :roll


you make it sound like TNA made him sign, seriously, if TNA have the chance to geT Kurt, thy would be stupid to say know, and you don't evn know if he'll be wrestling week in week out yet, he could only work PPVs and the odd iMPACt match, you don't know that


and TNA are heartless *******s? coming from the guy who supports with all his heart the company who exploited Eddie Gurrero's death, and threw in a cheap comment about Steve Irwins death a few days after it happened, THAT'S heartless

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Guest Wolverine
As for Angle, personally, I couldn't care about him ging to TNA, and had it of been a while later, i would of been pleased, but that's my problem with this. He was released from WWE because he was in no fit state to wrestle at all. he was fired with a promise he could return whenever he was in condition to do so, and would be payed until then. And my problem with this is, TNA have stopped all that. He will be back wrestling when he in in no fit state to. It's disgusting. Obviously I hope angle doesn't get seriously hurt, but I would love this to backfire on TNA. They have signed a near disabled wrestle, for what? A few 0.?'s in the ratings. Seriously, it's absolute b*llshit. When Kurt does get hurt, TNA will be solely responsible, and if he had gone to any other wrestling company, or MMA, they would be too. They all need to realise there are things more important than money. If Vince McMahon of all people can realise that, it's saying something about how desperate TNA are.


In his last match he tore three muscles. It's well documented what he is like after a match - A wreck. Not only that, he is a danger to his opponents aswell. With TNA having no wellness program, which was probably a big part of Crash Holly's death, Angle is going to continue to be a danger, because he will be out of his mind going in to matches.


This is basically what I was going to post. TNA are extremely heartless for signing a man to a wrestling contract who has: broken his neck several times in the last three years and won't have it fixed, has f*cked up knees, a f*cked up back, he's been working on a torn groin, he's had teeth knocked out, as well as a bunch of concussions, shoulder problems and massive painkiller addiction. Not to mention that the massive nerve damage in his neck has caused his arms to atrophy and he can't feel anything in his hands. He's such a physical wreck that Vince McMahon himself thought it was best to give Angle numerous suspensions and eventually fire him.


Anyway, what happened to his no-compete clause?

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Guest Bluestiger99
Why does everyone seem to think that Angle is screwing WWE by moving to TNA? WWE released HIM. He didn't leave WWE. NOt to mention you all getting bent out of shape with Angle saying TNA is his home. Its called towing the company line. Why would he say "Well I wanted to stay in WWE, but they fired me, so TNA is going to have to work?" Its not only going to hurt his stanind in TNA, but also hurt TNA as a whole. Its the same as if a pro sports player gets traded and says the same thing. TNA did nothing wrong in signing Angle. Angle had the power to say no, but didn't. Its his choice.
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The WWE fans are bound to be upset and try to find attack points in all this.......ignore them, this is why it benefits me to watch both Feds, TNA and WWE, also ROH sometimes too, I get to see everyone and dont get upset when things go wrong.


People are saying TNA are heartless for taking him on, what rubbish that is! they have done him a favour, he will more than likely spend his intro times on Promos alone (He can do this very well as we all know) and after some heal time wrestle maybe 20 - 30 Matches per year, whereas WWE (the ones that supposadly are not cruel) has him not only wrestle EVERY week! but they throw him over to ECW to boot! The Extreme of wrestling.....WWE have been so kind to him, then they release him! stop moaning peeps, take it for what it is and enjoy it. Kurt was born to wrestle, and if he can't wrestle in a WWE ring, then it will be a TNA ring, if not TNA, then UFC.

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The more and more I read, the more I think 'So What' regarding this


Good on TNA for getting a true Superstar of the Sport, and well done Kurt Angle, for keeping himself in the spotlight on a reduced schedule


As for WWE, do I really think they will be bothered. To be honest, not really. Angle had exhausted all his options within the company, with ECW being the last option. Not to mention there being other countless problems and reasons behind Angles release.


End of the day, wrestlers come and go between companies, look at Hogan and Rhodes to name just two of the major stars who have been part of rival companies, but returned to have hero status at the company they left.


I think in all honesty WWE would have been more worried with TNA announcing a regular 2 hour slot than this.

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funny how most WWE fanss posts would have been different if Kurt was hired instead by WWE today

Not at all, in fact when he was released most people thought it was the best thing all round.


Why does everyone seem to think that Angle is screwing WWE by moving to TNA? WWE released HIM. He didn't leave WWE. NOt to mention you all getting bent out of shape with Angle saying TNA is his home. Its called towing the company line. Why would he say "Well I wanted to stay in WWE, but they fired me, so TNA is going to have to work?" Its not only going to hurt his stanind in TNA, but also hurt TNA as a whole. Its the same as if a pro sports player gets traded and says the same thing. TNA did nothing wrong in signing Angle. Angle had the power to say no, but didn't. Its his choice.

I think it all boils down to Angle, to me at least he seems to have almost a death wish when it comes to wrestling, it appears his only desire in life is to wrestle & TNA took him up on that.

However, & this isnt anti-TNA or owt like that, thats not alway the best thing to do, if the WWE let Kurt go then there must be something really wrong, they wouldnt just let someone like Kurt walk away for no reason.

Thats why I think TNA are wrong in signing him, not because it gets one over on the WWE, it's because Angle needs to compete, regardless of his [physical condition, that could be a possibly fatal mistake on TNA & Angles part.

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Guest Wolverine

This is a F4W column which I think that some people here should read.


Kurt Angle has a broken neck which has made him a wreck of a drug addict with atrophy of all of his limbs who randomly becomes paraplegic in airports and got so wreckless in the ring that he dropped RVD on his head. He's not the only one in danger. He's also on the path to leave his three year-old daughter (who's sometimes forced to act as his "nurse" and bring him hot/cold packs) and unborn son fatherless. At least they're young enough that they won't be too destroyed by his imminent demise.


For those who say "oh, it's his decision to do what he loves," you're full of crap. He's not of sound mind. He's such a zombified drug addict that he was leaving dozens of incoherent messages daily for his bosses. When he broke his neck in the Olympic trials, he found a quack to INJECT NOVACAINE INTO IT so he could keep going.


He needs serious drug rehab. His neck will not get any better. The only thing that will make his neck feel any better (besides the Oxycontin) is spinal fusion, and the injuries are bad to the point that he would need surgery far beyond what Benoit, Edge, Rhyno, & Lita got, which would retire him undoubtedly. The Dr. Jho surgery (which was undone after a single chairshot, sending him back to square one) was at best a nice alternative for someone who would be retiring and at worst a farce.


His family has a history of heart problems. He's had problems with high blood pressure. His head has mysteriously swollen over the years and he put on 20 pounds of muscle in 3 weeks under the supervision of the bodybuilder who serves as his manager.


When Wade Keller published a blind item in his newsletter about someone being on "the unofficial death watch, whose death, due to his credentials, would make the considerable news coverage of Eddie Guerrero's death this week look minor by comparison" in the WWE lockerroom last November, most people assumed it was Angle due to the "credentials" qualifier and what had already been public about his health. In response to this blind item, Angle issued a statement to Keller where he claimed to be "in perfect health" and said "I DO NOT nor would I EVER do anything that would jeopardize my health or my life." I think that even the most deluded people about Angle's condition can see that:


1. This was a horrible batch of lies.

2. The fact that he RESPONDED TO A BLIND ITEM is incredibly troubling.


Far too many people need to use some common sense and sadly won't do so anytime soon.

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Guest The B-Man

1. It was Angles choice

2. It's the best News for TNA as he was the best wrestler on the free agent list.

3. He was let go by WWE for problems we are not fully aware, sure there are rumours.

4. He wrestles maximum twice a month for TNA and what 12+ for WWE so it's better for him if he wants to continue his passion that his Professional Wrestling.


So bottom line all these people crying can stop cause there is no point. Angle has signed for TNA wether you like it or not. Wether it is enough to make their move to primetime succesful remains to be seen.

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1. It was Angles choice

True, but offer a suicidal man a loaded gun & he'll take that too.


2. It's the best News for TNA as he was the best wrestler on the free agent list.

True again, but again, why not try to create stars instead of bringing them in?


3. He was let go by WWE for problems we are not fully aware, sure there are rumours.

I think the fact that he was let go tells us enough.


4. He wrestles maximum twice a month for TNA and what 12+ for WWE so it's better for him if he wants to continue his passion that his Professional Wrestling.

Wether he wrestles 2 matches a week or 1 a month, he's still wrestling with a body that is worn down & quite possibly, according to Wolverenes post, in danger to him.

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