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What do the girls think of you?

Guest Black Knight

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Guest Miss T
Now where were we? Oh yeah, I have an ego and think I'm God's gift.


Yes Draven.. you do have an ego, something about being the best poster on a wrestling forum a few years ago or something :good222: At least I HOPE its that because it certainly isnt your

"Good Looks[ENDQUOTE] or oh-so-manly radio voice.
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And we have a write-in for making something all about her. Go on, Nimf. The attention is all on you now. Can't let Miss T and I go back and forth for more than one post without it all being about you. Poor thing.
Oh here's me thinking this was a public forum, i didn't realise it was the Mitchell Jones whining forum, my bad... And for your information, little man, Miss T and I were talking about this thread. She pointed me this way. And, you know, public...
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When did I ever say I had a manly radio voice? You'll find that I've always been the first to ridicule my own voice and how it sounds. So shoot harder next time, Missy.


And if your problem extends solely to the fact that I say I'm a great poster on an internet forum, then I'm not quite sure what's worse.. the fact that I say it, or the fact that it somehow narks you. Maybe if I say it more, you'll eventually sleep with me, as is my thorough desire in this life. Or does that make me just as sad?


And as for the looks thing, hey, if you want an apology because I didn't compliment you in another thread or because I mentioned your holiday escapade in a public conversation, just ask. Drag it out if you wish but it's easier to just say "hey Mitch, could you say sorry please? I wasn't all that happy about it." Because that's obviously what this IS about. You're pretty transparent.

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Guest Nicole
Seriously, cut it out, it's so dramallamaish it's ridiculous. Just ignore whatever they said about you in the first place, it's the internet, it's not like it matters.
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Guest Kanenite

Well growing up I was always the lad who was your mate, there were girls that fancied me but I don't think I was ever one of the boys who was considered good looking, not that I was awful either but I wasn't one of them who got the looks walking down a corridor.


Nowadays that i've lost quite a lot of weight I think I get looked at differently. I get the you look cute comments more than any other but I don't actually think that's true, I don't think i'm good looking really though.

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Guest Miss T
When did I ever say I had a manly radio voice? You'll find that I've always been the first to ridicule my own voice and how it sounds. So shoot harder next time, Missy.


Oh well, I tried.


And if your problem extends solely to the fact that I say I'm a great poster on an internet forum, then I'm not quite sure what's worse.. the fact that I say it, or the fact that it somehow narks you. Maybe if I say it more, you'll eventually sleep with me, as is my thorough desire in this life. Or does that make me just as sad?


It does piss me off - You've been banging on about it for years. You talk as if you were TWO, you weren't.


And as for the looks thing, hey, if you want an apology because I didn't compliment you in another thread


Draven, it wasnt that you dont compliment me.. I couldnt give a sh*t about your compliments, its when you make a blatant insult about my appearance that is just unnecessary when I'm showing TWO some of my travelling pics, especially when that insult comes from someone that looks like you but thinks that he gets more male attention than 50% of blah blah/is GOOD LOOKING..


or because I mentioned your holiday escapade in a public conversation, just ask.


Yeah but youve been going on about it for years after it happens (ive seen many references from different members when I only told you) and I dont understand why?! I had SEX, oh my god.. get over it.


Drag it out if you wish but it's easier to just say "hey Mitch, could you say sorry please? I wasn't all that happy about it."


Because I dont want you to think that I give a sh*t what you think - or somehow twist it so that I look shallow because someone said I was ugly.


You're pretty transparent.


This is true but when have I ever been good at hiding my feelings?

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Guest Miss T
Seriously, cut it out, it's so dramallamaish it's ridiculous. Just ignore whatever they said about you in the first place, it's the internet, it's not like it matters.


Oh sorry, I forgot you never get mad :lol

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Guest Zac Efron

im the guy that plays the loveable funny guy wh0 is sweet! and my girl ratio is good since i lost the weight and got my look right! im the guy that when im working behind the bar at the nightclub girls will tell me im hot and give me my number.


when i was younger and fat i had absolutely no female love.

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Guest Miss T
Yeah but it just looks naff, argueing over whether someone is good looking or not and mud slinging. Do it on msn, it's more fun.


Yes but thats exactly why I didnt say anything in the first place, Im not arguing that Im goodlooking or dravens ugly or anything like that.. its just the irony of him insulting me for no reason as if he's gods gift.

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I'd be interested to find out what you are referring to a "higher quality of female".
I think he mistook higher quality for higher charges per service.


I'm not physically that attractive (I'm ok), but I've never let it be something that defines me. Girls usually see me as "Mr. Advice" or someone they can ask to have a "quiet word" when a male is showing them unwanted attention.


They also sometimes see me as a movie geek, which can be both a help and a hindrance.

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Girls hate me but then I aint a big fan of them either feel far more comfortable hanging round with boys. Never been a girly girl big into sport when I was in school so even though I wore make up and done my hair in the right styles couldnt be bothered to sit and share beauty secrets or talk about the latest argument/make out with my boyfriend.

Still like that now have very few female friends looking at my MSN and facebook its a very biased balance of 8 males to every 1 female.


Maybe its because I understand mens sports I dunno.



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