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Guest FreeSpirit

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Guest Zidane
From WWE Champion to jobbing to a leprechaun in under a year. Should probably stop smoking the pot Brian.
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Guest ScottyB
I think you need to stop smoking the pot....Kendrick wasn't WWE Champion. You're probably thinking of the scramble match where he became interim champ, but that doesn't count.
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Guest Zidane

Hahaha, I knew someone would jump on that but I expected it to be TPIB.


Was the champion for five minutes, don't give me any of this 'it doesn't officially count' guff.

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Guest ScottyB
Hahaha, I knew someone would jump on that but I expected it to be TPIB.


Was the champion for five minutes, don't give me any of this 'it doesn't officially count' guff.


If it had been TPIB, you'd have had a whole paragraph about it ;)


And still, as cool as it'd be to say Kendrick was champ, unless it's in the record books, it doesn't count :/

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If it had been TPIB, you'd have had a whole paragraph about it ;)


I can't really argue with that. I like to cover all my bases ;)


It's true. Kendrick was never the "official" WWE Champion. That would suck if each interim champion counted as a reign as WWE Champion.


Still, it is a shame to see Kendrick jobbing to the leprechaun. Hornswoggle actually competing with "big people" got old a long, long time ago. I think enough is enough. He won the Cruiserweight Title and that was an embarrassment in my book (sure he qualified to compete for and win it, but that does not mean he should have). The fact that he was the last Cruiserweight champion makes it worse. My point is: let's keep him away from the tag team titles. The belt is bigger than he is anyways.


I was hoping for a win for The Brian Kendrick & Jamie Noble as that was the most even team thus far. The fact that they have Kendrick losing the fall in these matches kind of defeats the purpose that he is looking for the right partner to win the tag titles, as it is coming across as he is the problem, not the tag partner.


Being the undisputed king of useless information, I noticed that all of this week's Superstars was taped before RAW in Birmingham. I guess that that is their new "system" for taping Superstars.

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I was hoping for a win for The Brian Kendrick & Jamie Noble as that was the most even team thus far. The fact that they have Kendrick losing the fall in these matches kind of defeats the purpose that he is looking for the right partner to win the tag titles, as it is coming across as he is the problem, not the tag partner.
That's how it's meant to be coming across.
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Guest FreeSpirit






WWE Superstars

Aired on WGN America

11th June 2009


Tonight’s opening match comes to you from the Raw brand and it features Divas in action.


Match Number One: Rosa Mendes and Beth Phoenix versus The Bella Twins


Rosa and Nikki start things off and they lock up with Rosa applying a side head lock. Nikki with a top wrist lock and take down. Nikki with a rollup for a near fall. Brie tags in and they hit a double hip toss for a near fall. Rosa with a forearm but Brie with an Irish whip and a monkey flip followed by a neck breaker by Nikki for a near fall. Rosa with a knee and Beth is tagged in. Nikki goes for the leg but Beth does not budge. Beth with an arm bar and then she works on the wrist. Nikki with forearms and Brie makes a tag and they hit a double drop kick on Beth followed by one on Rosa. Beth responds with a double clothesline and then she gets a near fall. Beth with elbows to Brie followed by an Irish whip but Beth misses a charge. Nikki tags in and she punches Beth and connects with forearms followed by drop kicks that stagger Beth but she stays on her feet. Nikki with a back elbow. Rosa and Brie fight on the floor and Beth hits the Implant Driver for the three count.

Winners: Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendes


Evan Bourne is in the back and his abdomen is wrapped.


We go to commercial.


We have a Kofi Kingston video package.


We see footage of Mark Henry’s attack on Evan Bourne on this week’s episode of ECW.


Match Number Two: Evan Bourne versus Zack Ryder


Ryder wants the ref to keep Bourne away from him and then he teases locking up. They finally lock up and Ryder takes off his head band and he lets out Dave’s favorite phrase of ‘Woo Woo Woo’. They lock up and Bourne with an arm drag and Ryder backs into the ropes. Bourne with an arm bar and take down. Bourne with another arm drag. Ryder makes it to the ropes and then Ryder with a forearm and then he sends Bourne to the mat. Bourne kicks Ryder and then the referee gets between Bourne and Ryder. Bourne gets poked in the eye and then he kicks Bourne. Bourne misses a charge into the corner and Bourne with a counter out of a snap mare from the corner and then Bourne with a drop kick for a near fall. Bourne with a slap to Ryder followed by a clothesline in the corner and kicks. Ryder sends Bourne to the apron and then when Bourne tries for a shoulder, Ryder with a knee. Ryder with a chin lock. Bourne runs Ryder into the corner and then Bourne with a back slide for a near fall. Bourne with a leg drop and then Bourne goes up top but Ryder stops Bourne and he drops Evan on the top rope. Ryder gets a near fall.


We go to commercial.


We are back and Ryder with a flap jack for a near fall. Ryder with a suplex to Bourne for a near fall. Ryder works on the ribs with a waist lock and then a body scissors. Ryder adds a rear chin lock with the body scissors. Bourne counters and puts Ryder in a single leg crab but Ryder makes it to the ropes. Ryder with a kick to the midsection and then he hits an inverted suplex for a near fall. Ryder with a dragon sleeper but Bourne escapes. Ryder returns to the waist lock. Bourne holds on to the ropes to avoid a drop kick and then Bourne with a drop kick. Ryder with a kick but Bourne with a rana and a round house kick. Bourne with a back kick and then he hits a running clothesline for a near fall. Bourne with an enzuigiri but Ryder with a leg lariat for a two count. Ryder puts Bourne on the top turnbuckle for a superplex but Bourne holds on and Bourne with a forearm and that allows Bourne to hit the shooting star press for the three count.

Winner: Evan Bourne


Match Number Three: Chris Jericho versus John Morrison


They lock up and Morrison with a clean break but Jericho pushes Morrison and goes to the floor. They lock up again and Jericho with a side head lock. Jericho with a shoulder tackle but Morrison with an arm drag into an arm bar. Jericho with forearms to Morrison and then he sends Morrison into the turnbuckles where he chokes Morrison. Morrison with a forearm and punches followed by a leg lariat. Morrison with an arm drag into an arm bar. Morrison gets a near fall and Morrison returns to the arm bar. Jericho with a punch to Morrison followed by a knee. Jericho with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot and Morrison clotheslines Jericho over the top rope to the floor. Morrison with a corkscrew pescado. Morrison tries for a springboard move back into the ring but Jericho hits the ropes and Morrison goes down hard as we go to commercial.


We have a John Morrison video package during the commercial.


We are back and Jericho slingshots Morrison into the bottom rope. Jericho hits the springboard drop kick as Morrison goes to the floor. Jericho relaxes in the corner as he waits for Morrison to return to the ring. Jericho with a kick and a belly-to-back suplex into a chin lock with the arm isolated. Jericho with a knee but Morrison with a back breaker and a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Jericho with an enzuigiri for a near fall. Jericho chokes Morrison in the ropes and then he stands on Morrison’s back. Jericho with a head butt and then he works on Morrison’s back. Morrison with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Morrison with a punch as Jericho comes off the turnbuckles. Morrison with a drop kick followed by a DDT for a near fall. Morrison misses a charge into the corner and Jericho with a bulldog. Jericho misses the Lionsault but Morrison hits the springboard spin kick for a near fall. Jericho sends Morrison to the mat and he tries for the Codebreaker but Morrison blocks it. Morrison with a Shining Wizard for a near fall. Jericho with a back heel trip but Morrison escapes an attempted Walls of Jericho. Morrison moves and Jericho runs into the ring post. Morrison tries for the corkscrew split legged moonsault but Jericho moves. After a series of rollups, Jericho gets the three count after a handful of tights.

Winner: Chris Jericho


End of show!

Edited by FreeSpirit
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  • 2 weeks later...

Nobody has discussed this week's Superstars or posted spoilers? Sounds like a job for me!


WWE Superstars Match Results- June 18, 2009


Chavo Guerrero def. Santino Marella by pin following a boot counter to a splash from the second turnbuckle.


Squash Match:

Zack Ryder def. Mike Williams (jobber) by pin following the Zack Attack (formerly the Profile Picture).


Special Referee- Maria:

Eve Torres def. Layla by pin following a handspring moonsault.


6-Man Tag:

Christian & Unified Tag Team Champions Primo & Carlito def. Jack Swagger & The Hart Dynasty (with Natalya) by Carlito pinning Tyson Kidd following the Back Stabber.



Yes, you read that right. Chavo Guerrero won a singles match, cleanly. Let's hope it keeps up.


Also, we have gone through an entire week without having to endure Vladimir Kozlov!

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Guest FreeSpirit






WWE Superstars

Aired on WGN America

25th June 2009


The opening video aired, followed by Jack Swagger’s music, and Josh Matthews welcomed us to Superstars. Matthews and Matt Striker are on commentary as Swagger made his ring entrance. They hyped the US Title match. They hyped the ECW Title Scramble match at The Bash. Evan Bourne was out next to a solid pop. He still has his ribs taped. A video showed the end of the Bourne/Mark Henry match on ECW last week.


1. Jack Swagger defeated Evan Bourne at 8:45. The match started out with a lot of mat wrestling before Swagger tossed Bourne into the corner. He tried to hip toss Bourne, but he landed on his feet and hit a drop toe hold. Bourne followed up with a drop kick to the side of Swagger’s head for two. Bourne charged at a standing Swagger and he tossed Bourne over the top rope to the floor. Bourne recovered into the break.




Back at 5:01 and Swagger had a waist lock on Bourne. Bourne managed to escape and hit a drop kick. Swagger kneed Bourne in the face and went to the second rope. He missed his splash attempt. Bourne ducked a clothesline and hit a John Morrison Chuck Kick to the back of the head for two. He pushed Swagger to the floor and hit a plancha on the outside. He rolled Swagger back in and went to the top. Swagger ran up the turnbuckle and hit a belly to belly superplex for two.


Swagger picked up Bourne for the gut-wrench power bomb, but Bourne reversed into a hurricanranna. Bourne went to the top for the shooting star press. Swagger moved and Bourne landed on his feet. Swagger hit a clothesline from behind and followed up with the power bomb for the win.


Dolph Ziggler was shown backstage heading towards the ring.




Back from commercial, Dolph Ziggler made his entrance. Todd Grisham and Jim Ross took over on commentary. Ziggler got a mic and said for the three Divas who were rendered speechless and forgot his name last week on Smackdown, after The Bash, they would never forget his name, Dolph Ziggler. Jimmy Wang Yang made his entrance.


2. Dolph Ziggler defeated Jimmy Wang Yang at 2:58. Yang started off with an arm bar that Ziggler broke dirty. Ziggler hit a very cool modified belly to back for two. He continued to beat down Yang, hitting a power slam and a more traditional belly to back. Ziggler went to the top and Yang hit a stiff dropkick on Ziggler’s face. Yang hit a cross body from the top that Ziggler rolled through for one. Yang hit a standing elbow and went to the top. Ziggler knocked his feet out and Yang fell to the mat. Ziggler hit his jumping neck breaker finisher for the win.


The announce team hyped the main event.




Back from commercial, a Triple H promo video was played.


Ringside, Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler discussed the Orton/Hunter angle. They introduced the Raw rebound which recapped the Last Man Standing match, the McMahon/Trump angle, the Three Stages of Hell announcement, and Hunter’s final assault on Orton.


The announce team ran through The Bash card.


Backstage, Kofi Kingston was interviewed by Josh Matthews. He put over MVP and Matt Hardy, but said he would still be champ after the match.


MVP made his ring entrance.




Back from commercial, Matt Hardy made his ring entrance, followed by Kofi Kingston.


3. Kofi Kingston defeated MVP and Matt Hardy to retain the United States Championship in 15:55. Matt tossed Kofi to start and then worked on MVP, hitting a bulldog for one. MVP hit a belly to belly throw on Hardy. Kofi came back in the ring and he and MVP punched Hardy back and forth. Hardy was whipped, jumped over MVP and ate a drop kick from Kingston. Kofi covered, MVP pulled him off and covered, and the Kofi pulled him off. They argued and Hardy hit Kofi into MVP, sending MVP to the floor. He rolled up Kofi for two.


Hardy hit a flapjack hangman on Kingston and covered. MVP stood up on the floor and punched Hardy in the face. MVP got back in the ring and worked on Hardy. He hit a drop toe hold for two. Kofi hit MVP at the break.




Back at 7:55, Matt hit a double clothesline and MVP went to the floor. Kofi reversed a whip into a jumping monkey flip and a dropkick for two. MVP made the save and Hardy rolled to the floor. MVP and Kofi traded kicks and MVP got the advantage. He hit a knee drop for two. Kofi exploded and ran the ropes. He jumped over MVP about 30 times and hit a side Russian leg sweep. He went for his Boom Boom Leg Drop, but Matt pulled the ropes down, sending Kofi to the floor.


Hardy got back in the ring and worked on MVP. He hit a axe handle from the second rope and teased The Twist of Fate. MVP blocked the kick and punched Hardy till he fell. MVP hit his Ballin’ Elbow. When he stood, Kofi kicked him out of the ring. Kofi hit his leg drop and covered. MVP punched him in the face to break the count. Hardy hit the side effect on MVP for two. Hardy reversed a whip and sent Kofi into a big boot from MVP. Hardy hit the Twist of Fate on MVP. MVP half kicked out as Kofi half made the save. Hardy picked up Kofi and teased Twist of Fate again, but Kofi pushed him off into the ropes. Hardy bounced off and Kingston hit Trouble in Paradise for the win. Post match, Kingston celebrated in the ring to end the show...

Edited by FreeSpirit
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Guest FreeSpirit






WWE Superstars

Aired on WGN America

2nd July 2009


We start off tonight’s show with a contribution from the Raw brand as Santino Marella comes to the ring and he is apparently over the firing of his ‘sister’.


Match Number One: Santino Marella versus The Brian Kendrick


Kendrick tries for a kick and Santino moves out of the way. They lock up and Kendrick with a knee and elbow followed by a cravate. Santino rolls through to escape the hold and then Santino with a side head lock take down. Kendrick with a head scissors and Santino escapes and reapplies the side head lock. Kendrick gets his foot on the rope and Santino is forced to release the hold. Santino blocks a kick and then he punches Kendrick. Kendrick with a knee and then he tries to throw Santino over the top rope. Santino skins the cat, but Kendrick drops Santino’s groin across the top rope. Kendrick starts to work on the knee and he kicks Santino. Santino goes to the mat as Kendrick continues to work on the knee. Santino tries to get Kendrick off his leg but Kendrick with a drop kick to the knee. Kendrick pushes Santino down and slaps him as he insults Santino. Santino powers up as he starts to walk with meaning. Santino tells Kendrick that he made him mad and it is time for punches and then Santino with a split and hip toss. Santino power walks into a boot from Kendrick and Santino grabs the rope to stop the count. Santino tries for a rollup but Kendrick with a near fall. Santino counters and gets the three count.

Winner: Santino Marella


We go to commercial.


We are back and it is time for Smackdown to be represented.


We see footage of John Morrison’s victory over CM Punk from last week’s Smackdown.


Match Number Two: Charlie Haas versus John Morrison


They lock up and Haas backs Morrison into the ropes and Haas with an elbow and punch to the head. Morrison avoids a punch and hits a series of arm drags and then Morrison poses and then hits a dropsault that sends Haas to the floor. Morrison goes to the apron and then he hits a baseball slide that sends Haas to the floor. Morrison goes outside but Haas drops Morrison on the ring steps. Haas sends Morrison’s ribs into the apron and then they return to the ring. Haas with kicks to the ribs for a near fall. Haas with a body scissors to Morrison but Morrison with punches to escape. Morrison with a kick but Haas blocks it. Morrison with another kick and clothesline. Morrison with a leg lariat and then he hits the Shining Wizard for a two count. Haas with a knee to Morrison but Morrison avoids a kick and then he hits Moonlight Drive followed by the split legged corkscrew moonsault for the three count.

Winner: John Morrison


Zack Ryder is woo woo walking to the ring as we go to commercial.


We are back for some ECW action.


Match Number Three: Zack Ryder versus Tyler Reks


They lock up and Ryder backs Reks into the ropes and wooo wooos. Ryder with a side head lock and a shoulder tackle. Reks with a flapjack for a near fall. Ryder goes to the apron and he drops Reks on the top rope. Ryder sends Reks into the turnbuckles and kicks him. Ryder with a boot to the head. Ryder with a near fall and then he applies a side head lock. Ryder pulls Reks back by the hair but Reks hits a neck breaker. Reks with a punch but Ryder with forearms. Reks slides past Ryder and hits a punch to the chest. Reks with a kick and then he drives Ryder face first into the mat for a near fall. Ryder with a jawbreaker but Reks with an elbow. Reks tries to come off the turnbuckles but Ryder kicks Reks and then he hits the Zack Attack for the three count.

Winner: Zack Ryder


We go to commercial.


We have a Christian video package.


It is time for the Raw Rebound.


The main event will be from the Smackdown brand with the World Champion facing one half of the Tag Champions. Before we get to the match, we take a look at footage from the match between Jeff Hardy and CM Punk when Hardy thought he had won, only to see Punk get disqualified.


Match Number Four: CM Punk versus Edge


They lock up and Punk backs Edge into the corner but Edge with a clean break and he goes for the eyes but Punk stops him and Edge backs into the ropes to avoid Punk’s fury. Punk with kicks to Edge’s leg and then he follows that with forearms and a knee to the midsection for a near fall. Punk with a body scissors on Edge. Punk gets a near fall followed by knees. Edge with a rollup and Punk with a kick after he escapes. Punk with a punch to the ribs and he follows with a kick for a near fall. Edge with forearms to Punk and then Punk sends Edge to the apron and then he kicks Edge and Punk follows with a baseball slide that sends Edge to the floor. Punk goes to the floor as well and he returns Edge to the ring. Punk charges at Edge but Edge with a boot to the head and Punk goes down and he holds his injured eye. The referee tells Edge to back off while Punk recovers.


We go to commercial.


We are back and Edge with a knee to the back of Punk’s head. Punk with kicks to Edge’s legs followed by forearms. Edge with a flapjack to Punk for a near fall. Edge with a kick to the back followed by a knee and then he continues to work on the back. Punk gets to his feet and he kicks Edge followed by a leg lariat. Punk charges into the corner and he blocks a kick from Edge. Punk with an enzuigiri for a near fall. Punk with an elbow to the back of the head and Punk with a double underhook but Edge with an Impaler DDT for a two count. Edge sets for the spear and Punk sees it coming and hits a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Punk goes to the apron for the springboard clothesline but Edge moves and Edge charges but Punk with a power slam for a near fall. Punk charges into the corner and hits the knee and then tries for the bulldog but Edge escapes. Punk gets Edge up for the Go to Sleep but Edge with a rake of the eyes and Punk goes down and into the corner. Edge kicks and punches Punk while the referee pulls him off. Punk says that he cannot continue and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Edge


After the match, Edge leaves the ring and celebrates while Punk holds his eye.


Josh Mathews is in the ring trying to get some comments from CM Punk. Josh asks Punk if he would have forfeited the match if it was a title match. Punk says that if he cannot see, he cannot compete. He says that he will give Edge a rematch when he can see again, but right now he cannot see.


End of show.

Edited by FreeSpirit
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I think you need to stop smoking the pot....Kendrick wasn't WWE Champion. You're probably thinking of the scramble match where he became interim champ, but that doesn't count.


I count it, he pinned the champion, therefore he became the champion. It doesn't get any more official. Look for example at the hardcore scramble matches from 2000/01. When each champion was pinned it was an official switch. It was the same thing for Kendrick.

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WWE don't acknowledge the people who were interim champs during Scramble Matches to have been official title holders and, as it's their titles, those who won & lost the titles during a Scramble Match were not official title holders.


So, no offence Kurtmark, but WWE's word on this subject carries more weight.

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WWE don't acknowledge the people who were interim champs during Scramble Matches to have been official title holders and, as it's their titles, those who won & lost the titles during a Scramble Match were not official title holders.


So, no offence Kurtmark, but WWE's word on this subject carries more weight.


WWE also acknowledge Fabulous Moolah as having a 28 year title reign. Which is a complete lie, so I would take anything they say about "official" title reigns with a pinch of salt. (Point of fact she held it 7 times in these 28 years and therefore lost it 6 times.

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Guest Dante Spears
Nugh. It sickens me to see Brian lose to Santino. Still Brian made Santiono look good, even with the stupid hulking up crap. Not that Santino isn't talented to make himself look good, but the way they have Santino wrestling he doesn't come off looking so well.
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I count it, he pinned the champion, therefore he became the champion. It doesn't get any more official. Look for example at the hardcore scramble matches from 2000/01. When each champion was pinned it was an official switch. It was the same thing for Kendrick.


Except it was explained before, during and after the match that the champions counted were those going in and whoever came out, the pins during the match didnt make you the confirmed champion at that point. This match was different to the Hardcore Scramble.


No ifs or buts or maybes, WWE made the rules for the match and Kendrick by those rules was not champ.

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Think of it like a game of Pass the Parcel. Between the time of the music starting and the music stopping, you would have had the parcel in your possession, but, at the end of the game, unless you are the one holding said package when the music stops, it doesn't mean anything, you have no claim to the prize.


The Championship Scramble was just like that. And, if you want to get really picky, the hardcore match you're using as an example was a Battle Royal, not a Scramble Match, so had slightly different rules.

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Except it was explained before, during and after the match that the champions counted were those going in and whoever came out, the pins during the match didnt make you the confirmed champion at that point. This match was different to the Hardcore Scramble.


No ifs or buts or maybes, WWE made the rules for the match and Kendrick by those rules was not champ.


HaHa In my mind he was champion. Don't get me wrong it will never be official, just for me personally I count it. (Teach me to be a Kendrick mark.)


Think of it like a game of Pass the Parcel. Between the time of the music starting and the music stopping, you would have had the parcel in your possession, but, at the end of the game, unless you are the one holding said package when the music stops, it doesn't mean anything, you have no claim to the prize.


The Championship Scramble was just like that. And, if you want to get really picky, the hardcore match you're using as an example was a Battle Royal, not a Scramble Match, so had slightly different rules.


Again I agree, but again just for me personally I count it. Regardless of the fact it will never really be official.


Oh and yeah the hardcore match was slightly different, but it was the only really possible example.

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Guest FreeSpirit






WWE Superstars

Aired on WGN America

9th July 2009


We start off with a match from SmackDown.


R Truth wants to know what’s up with the people in the crowd.


Ricky Ortiz gets on the mic and he says that everyone has to rally up their personal lives and he says that his hand will be what’s up at the end of the match.


Match Number One: R Truth versus Ricky Ortiz


They lock up and Ortiz with a side head lock. Ortiz with punches to the head. Truth with a kick and a side head lock of his own with punches to the head. Truth with a rollup for a near fall. Truth with a drop kick and he gets another near fall. Ortiz backs Truth into the corner and he punches Truth. Truth floats over and he does a split to avoid a punch and Truth with a kick and hip toss for a near fall. Ortiz backs into the corner and Truth with punches but Ortiz slams Truth to the mat. Ortiz throws Truth to the floor. We go to commercial.


We are back and Ortiz with a knee to the back followed by an elbow drop. Ortiz with a single leg crab that is rarely seen in wrestling. Truth gets to the ropes and Ortiz releases the hold but he maintains his focus on the back with a backbreaker. Ortiz returns to the single leg crab. Truth gets to the ropes one more time and Ortiz releases the hold again. Ortiz with a forearm to the back. Ortiz with another knee drop to the back. Ortiz with a rear chin lock with his knee in Truth’s back. Truth tries to get out of the hold but Ortiz sends Truth face first into the mat. Ortiz with a hard Irish whip. Ortiz with a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Truth with punches but Ortiz holds on to the ropes when Truth tries for a drop kick. Ortiz with a kick to Truth for a near fall. Ortiz returns to the rear chin lock. Ortiz catches Truth and hits a side slam. Ortiz misses the Big O and then Truth gets a rollup for a near fall when Ortiz misses a splash into the corner. Truth with clotheslines but Ortiz with a cross body when Truth tries for a belly-to-back suplex. Truth with a power slam for a near fall. Truth misses the scissors kick. Ortiz tries for a power slam but Truth escapes. Truth with the corkscrew flying forearm for the three count.

Winner: R Truth


Vince McMahon is in his office talking about the WWE Title match and his could have been son, Hornswoggle enters the office. Chavo Guerrero chases him and Chavo says that Hornswoggle bit him. Vince says that they are going to settle it in the ring. Chavo says that he is much bigger than Hornswoggle so Vince makes Chavo wrestle on his knees. Vince wants them to shake hands and Hornswoggle bites his hand again. We go to commercial.


Match Number Two: Zack Ryder versus Tyler Reks


They lock up and Reks with a clean break but Ryder has something to say and then he backs into the comfort of the ropes. Reks works on the arm and he puts Ryder in an arm bar. Reks works on the arm with a leg drop and then the referee has to pull Reks off Ryder. Reks returns to the arm with an arm bar but Ryder with an arm drag but Reks holds on and maintains the arm bar. Ryder with a leg trip but Reks with an arm drag into an arm bar. Reks with knees to the arm for a near fall. Reks with a key lock and a heel trip for a near fall. Ryder with a knee and forearm followed by a side head lock. Reks with a top wrist lock but Ryder escapes the hold. Reks clotheslines Ryder over the top rope to the floor and Ryder loses his head band. Reks with a forearm on the apron and then he hip tosses Ryder back into the ring and gets a two count. Reks returns to the arm but Ryder with a forearm. Ryder with a kick to the midsection when Reks tries to float over. Ryder kicks Reks to the floor and then Ryder runs Reks into the apron. We go to commercial.


We are back and Ryder with a Dragon Sleeper but Reks fights out of the hold. Ryder runs Reks into the corner and then he kicks Reks in the ribs. Ryder with a chin lock and then he slams Reks into the turnbuckles and hits a series of shoulders. Reks gets a knee up and gets a near fall with a rollup. Ryder chokes Reks in the ropes. Ryder with a kick to Reks for a near fall. Ryder taunts Reks and Reks with a punch but Ryder with a knee and kick. Reks fights back but Ryder with a knee and a snap mare. Ryder with a seated abdominal stretch. Ryder with an Irish whip but Reks moves on a charge by Ryder. Ryder tries for a missile drop kick but Reks moves out of the way and both men are down. Reks with a punch but Ryder sends Reks into the turnbuckles. Reks with a flapjack for a near fall. Reks with the sliding punch to the midsection followed by a face plant into the mat for a near fall. Reks blocks the Zack Attack but he can only get a two count with a jackknife cover. Reks with a kick to Ryder but Ryder with a hot shot followed by the Zack Attack for the three count.

Winner: Zack Ryder


We go to commercial.


We are back with a look at John Cena’s effect on Alfonso Soriano.


Match Number Three: Chavo Guerrero versus Hornswoggle


Chavo laughs at Hornswoggle before the bell. Hornswoggle has a slight height advantage and he makes fun of Chavo for it. Chavo gets to his feet and the referee forces him back down. Hornswoggle wants a test of strength but Chavo pushes him down. Hornswoggle with a kick to the head followed by punches. Hornswoggle puts Chavo in a side head lock and hits a shoulder tackle. Hornswoggle with a leap frog and then he kicks Chavo out of the ring. The referee forces Chavo to his knees as he tries to get back into the ring. Chavo with a clothesline to Hornswoggle followed by forearms to the back. Chavo with a slam and then he works on the second turnbuckle. While the referee fixes the turnbuckle, Chavo grows and kicks Hornswoggle. Chavo has Hornswoggle in a cloverleaf and gets a near fall. Hornswoggle gets a lateral press after Chavo cannot hold him up on a slam. Chavo runs the ropes on his knees but he falls on Hornswoggle’s feet. Hornswoggle mocks the memory of Eddie Guerrero with a shimmy and Chavo tells Hornswoggle that is his move. Chavo with the Three Amigos on the knees, but Hornswoggle blocks the third and hits a suplex of his own. Hornswoggle with a seated splash and then he goes up top for the frog splash. Chavo stops Hornswoggle and the referee admonishes him. Chavo tries for a superplex but Hornswoggle bites Chavo’s hand and he hits the frog splash for the three count.

Winner: Hornswoggle


End of show.

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Guest FreeSpirit






WWE Superstars

Aired on WGN America

16th July 2009


We start off with a tag team match the SmackDown brand.


Match Number One: Cryme Tyme with Eve Torres versus Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith with Natalya


Smith and Shad start things off and they lock up and Shad has a brief advantage and he backs Smith into the corner and he has a clean break but Smith with a punch. Shad with a forearm and then they both exchange forearms. Smith with an Irish whip but Shad with a clothesline and a back elbow. Smith goes to the abdomen. Shad tries for the STO but Smith blocks it. Shad with a thrust kick and Kidd makes a blind tag but Shad hits a pounce on Smith. Shad then presses Kidd over his head and he drops Kidd to the mat. Shad clotheslines Kidd over the top rope to the floor and the Hart Dynasty regroups on the floor as we go to commercial.


We are back and Shad with a knee to Kidd. Shad has Kidd up for a slam but Kidd escapes the hold and Kidd clips Shad. Smith tags in and he starts to work on the injured leg. Smith with a step over toe hold and he drops down to the mat to work on the knee. Smith with a bridge when he reapplies the hold. Smith with cross faces to Shad and then he brings Shad into their corner to tag in Kidd who kicks Shad in the leg. Kidd wraps the leg in the ropes and then he hits a drop kick into the knee. Kidd returns to the knee. Smith tags in and he kicks Shad in the head as he tries for the tag. Smith turns his attention to the back and then he returns back to the leg. Shad tries to get free from the clutches of Smith but Smith holds on. Shad with an inside cradle but Smith is able to immobilize Shad. Kidd tags in and Shad has to hear from Natalya. Kidd with a spinning toe hold but Shad shoots Kidd through the ropes to the floor. Shad is able to tag in JTG and he hits a shoulder from the apron and he rolls Kidd back into the ring. JTG with a flying shoulder and then he does a drop kick and hits a float around clothesline but Smith makes the save.


All four men are in the ring and then Natalya tries to get in but Eve pulls her from the apron. JTG with a Japanes choke into a back breaker for the three count.

Winners: Cryme Tyme


We see Rey Mysterio walking in the back as we go to commercial.


Rey Mysterio comes to the ring and he starts off by speaking in Spanish. He reminds everyone about what happened last week on Smackdown when he defeated Chris Jericho to retain the Intercontinental Title. Rey returns to the Spanish for the Miami crowd. He says that beating Chris Jericho felt great, but his celebration was cut short because of Dolph Ziggler and we go to the footage of the attack.


Rey says that he does not get it. Instead of making the challenge to his face like a man, Dolph had to jump him like a coward. Rey’s comments are interrupted by Dolph’s music and he comes out onto the stage. Dolph starts off by reminding everyone what his name is. After what he did to Rey last week, he says that it is a name that Rey and the fans will never forget. Rey asks Dolph if he wants to come out and make an impact and a name for himself. Dolph says that he did that. Rey wants to give Dolph the 411 that it won’t be at his expect. Rey says that Dolph isn’t the first person to dye their hair blonde, do a few sit ups. Rey says that he has been a performer, entertainer, and competitor his entire life. Rey says that he has beaten better. Dolph asks Rey if he thinks that Rey can beat him. Rey suggests that Dolph come into the ring right now and find out. Dolph says that when and if he fights Rey, it will be on his terms. Dolph says that if Rey thinks he has a chance against him, why doesn’t Rey put up his title at Night of Champions. Rey looks at the belt and he thinks about it for a minute and then he tells Dolph that he agrees with the people who say that Dolph sucks. Rey says that if it means that he gets to show everyone that Dolph is not on his level, Dolph has a title match. Rey tells Dolph that since he is so big on introductions, Rey says that he would love nothing better than to introduce Dolph to the 619. Rey tells Dolph to come to the ring.


Dolph walks to the ring and Rey is ready for a fight. Dolph gets to the ring steps and then he decides that it isn’t time. Rey hides behind a cameraman and Rey chases Dolph into the ring. Dolph is able to escape to the back and we go to commercial.


It is now time to go extreme for our next match.


We see footage from the match between Katie Lea Burchill and the Bellas.


Match Number Two: Katie Lea Burchill versus Brie Bella with Nikki Bella


Brie with a rollup for a near fall. Katie with a kick and forearm but Brie with a kick of her own. Brie with a flying mare but then she misses a running boot into the corner. Brie with a monkey flip and forearms. Katie with a back breaker for a near fall. Katie kicks Brie and then she sends Brie into the turnbuckles and snap mares Brie followed by a drop kick to the back for a near fall. Katie with an arm bar but Brie with forearms and clothesline. Brie continues the attack with drop kicks and then she gets kicked out of the ring. Nikki decides to lie down next to her sister and the referee and Katie are confused. They both get into the ring and the referee accidentally sends Brie to the floor. Nikki with a rollup for the three count.

Winners: The Bellas


We go to commercial.


We are back with an R Truth video package.


It is time for the vintage portion of Superstars and we go to Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.


Match Number Three: Kofi Kingston versus Big Show


Kofi avoids a punch and he kicks Show in the leg. Show with a kick to a charging Kingston and Show follows that with a forearm to the back. Show kicks Kofi and then he chops the champion. Show with a head butt but Kofi with punches. Show responds with a vicious clothesline to Kofi. Show head butts Kofi out of the ring. Show pulls Kofi to the apron and then he connects with a chop that brings Kofi back into the ring. Show with a slam. Kofi with kicks to Show and a forearm. Show with a side slam for a near fall. Show with an Irish whip but Show takes too long charging into the corner and Kofi with a kick and then he hits a drop kick that sends Show into the corner. Kofi leaps onto the turnbuckles but Show with a reverse power bomb. Kofi with a drop kick to the knee and head. Kofi sets for the boop boop leg drop. Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but it was blocked by Show and Show with a choke slam for the three count.

Winner: Big Show


End of show.

Edited by FreeSpirit
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