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Your 5 Favourite Which Should Never Be Re-Made

Guest DarkMatchJobber

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Guest DarkMatchJobber

Hollywood seems obsessed with remaking and embarassing original films and the fans of them these days.


From the likes of Michael Bay who apparently feels nothing is sacred or out of his limited talent range to the actors and actresses themselves who choose to participate in projects that they know won't match the original,it's an annoying trend.


What are your top 5 films which should never be re-made?


My list


1) Reservoir Dogs


2) Goodfellas


3) The Warriors


4) The Godfather


5) Pulp Fiction

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Guest Dude Love

On a different note if I was a relative of Peter Sellers I would hunt Steve Martin down and torture him for a day or two.

Has anybody's grave ever been pished on so much as the Pink Panther re-makes?

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Guest The Cork

A Clockwork Orange, Total Recall, The Running Man, Demolition Man and Jingle All The Way.


I dont think those are high on any producers wish list anyway though, so I think Im safe.

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Guest Jayfunk
I have to disagree on The Running Man. If they made a version closer to the story its based on they could have a lot of fun with it.


you mean like I am legend :)

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Guest Anime Otaku

Any movie that's been out for only a few years that they're remaking just because people can't be bothered reading subtitles.

I'd stop the remakes of Oldboy, Cowboy Bebop and Akira, my other two would be Battle Royale and Ichi the Killer as Hollywood would NEVER have the guts to do either one of those right.

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Guest Anime Otaku
Yeah, my list is separate from the opening statement, Cowboy Bebop is about 11 years old, it ran from late 1998 to early '99. Edited by Anime Otaku
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Guest Anime Otaku

Well Cowboy Bebop we'll have one of the coolest and most charismatic characters in pretty much anything played by Keanu Reeves who generally has the presence of a plank.

Oldboy is just a disaster waiting to happen because there is absolutely no way that ending (I won't spoil it) is coming to a Will Smith movie even if they film it it'll be another "I am Legend" when the focus groups see it.

AKIRA will probably end up as one of those "in name only" films where they up the action and remove all the trippy stuff.

Oh I have another anime that they should never remake in the US, Perfect Blue, again they'd have to really sanitise it to get it through a US studio IMO so there's little danger of it happening. Plus, if it did we'd end up with Paris Hilton or Megan Fox in the lead role which makes me cringe just thinking about it.

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Guest A.C.
I agree with Darky that The Running Man could be fab. Jaws has got to be due a remake sooner or later but I don't think that could really be improved much.
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Guest Sparrow

Hollywood would have to appeal to the masses. Something that they would need balls to do. In this case it is the ending of Oldboy. If they do keep faithful to the ending, clearly it is going to upset a lot of people. The word would get out and the movie would not do as well as it can. The way Hollywood have to do it is keep a respectable amount of the oringinal movie in there but appeal to as many people as they can. Sure as fans that is what is wanted. For the thing that your a fan of to get exposure. Of course the die hards are going to moan and b*tch about it but I just think their to blinded by their fan-ness to see that if a film is a cash cow they have to bleed it dry, which means a lot of things are going to get changed. Just got to get used to it.


That made sense in my mind. :lol

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The thing with remakes, particularly foreign-into-English remakes, is that, on a lot of occasions, it makes the viewer want to hunt down the original that every says is better.


Now, as anyone who knows me and my passion for movies will tell you, I fall on the pro-side of remakes and have, many times, listed movies to support my stance. Sure, there are shit remakes, but there are also shit originals, so just because a film is telling a familiar story, that doesn't automatically make it a poor movie.


The two main movies that I pull out of the hat are Heat and Man on Fire. Both are retreads of earlier movies, both surpass their originals by a wide margin and both are fantastic movies in their own right.


From the camp that Taj was talking about, subtitled internation films reworked for the US domestic market, there are plenty of examples where the latter film hasn't been a pile of shit either. The Departed and Quarantine were both really, really good movies and helped raise the profile of both Infernal Affairs and [.REC] in the UK and American markets.


I suggest reading my argument for the recent spate of horror movies as I explain it better in there.

Edited by DC
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Guest Phil
Any movie that's been out for only a few years that they're remaking just because people can't be bothered reading subtitles. .


The thing with remakes, particularly foreign-into-English remakes, is that, on a lot of occasions, it makes the viewer want to hunt down the original that every says is better..


that's precisely what I was going to say. I heard of Quarantine, then found out it was a remake of a Spanish (??) film, so I checked that one out when it was on sky.

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