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Evil Dead remake AND Evil Dead 4 on the way...


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Guest Jaycey Baby
Not really; it stemmed from Jaycey Baby's ridiculous comment that Hollywood (i.e. the studio system) doesn't make films for film fans.


Okay, perhaps that was a bit too much of a sweeping statement. Though it does seem to me that over my last few years of cinema-going, the amount of remakes, horror films and superhero films that have been cynical exercises in box-ticking has increased dramatically. The occasional bit of cream does float to the top but even high-concept films such as Inception still feel the need to turn into Call Of Duty for half an hour, like its creators are terrified that audiences will nod off unless there's an explosion every twenty minutes. There is room for mindless fun - Terminator 2 is still one of my favourite films, but there's still personality and narrative meat there that you just don't get in something like Fantastic Four, which just hurls CG and cliches at you like it's a valid substitute for creativity and wit. Sure, you can sit through a film like that, eat popcorn and not really feel an overwhelming urge to leave, but let's not pretend it's making any impact on people's hearts and minds, that it really has any kind of point, and that your time wouldn't be better spent watching a film that actually does make you think. Tell it like it is: that it's one and an half hours spent that's marginally better than being punched in the nuts for the same amount of time. Don't defend it for god's sakes, they'll only make more of 'em.


I know everyone appreciates films in their own way, but some of the people I meet in the aforementioned cinema live and breathe films, they travel around the world to festivals big and small, and not many of them have the time for mainstream blockbusters anymore. And in my own personal experience, I can see why; independent film is where the excitement and ideas are at the moment. The fact that the A Nightmare On Elm Street remake can turn such a profit despite an overwhelmingly negative reaction isn't a very encouraging thing for film as an art, in my book.


But yeah, maybe we're getting a bit off-topic here and it's better saved for its own thread. So yeah. An Evil Dead reboot? Get out!

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but let's not pretend it's making any impact on people's hearts and minds, that it really has any kind of point, and that your time wouldn't be better spent watching a film that actually does make you think.
Why does it have to "make an impact on people's hearts and minds"? Why does it have to have "any kind of point"?


There is a time and a place for "worthier" movies like The Hurt Locker, but why (for example) is sitting watching The Tree of Life (which has no real story) for over two hours a better use of my time than watching Captain America for two hours?


I can guarantee you that I'll get much more enjoyment out of the latter, leave with a smile on my face and feel like I had fun (as will most cinema patrons)... and surely, in the end, that's all that matters.


Also, you mention the people you meet in the cinema where you work, but that's one venue outside the mainstream. Go to the local multiplex, where the majority of cinemagoers attend, and you'll get a more varied viewpoint.


Besides, if the majority of the film-watching public suddenly came around to your way of thinking, you'd hate it as you'd then be the norm. :lol

Edited by DC
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Guest Jaycey Baby
Why does it have to "make an impact on people's hearts and minds"? Why does it have to have "any kind of point"?


Well, why shouldn't it? People make shitloads out of movies, so you'd assume the people working on them are the best in their field, and have the ability to make films that can be enjoyed on multiple levels, rather than one-dimensional tat like Transformers (which certain people are going to lap up regardless on the virtue that it features big robots fighting). Perhaps bad plotting and dialogue and direction has a place where it's done with a nod and a wink, but why applaud huge blockbuster projects for being little more than over-polished and totally un-self-aware B-movie fare?


There is a time and a place for "worthier" movies like The Hurt Locker, but why (for example) is sitting watching The Tree of Life (which has no real story) for over two hours a better use of my time than watching Captain America for two hours?


I can guarantee you that I'll get much more enjoyment out of the latter, leave with a smile on my face and feel like I had fun (as will most cinema patrons)... and surely, in the end, that's all that matters.


I'm not saying it is, having not seen either film (believe it or not, I don't judge until I've seen it, even if I would go to see Captain America feeling a bit apprehensive). I suppose that's the difference between me and you; however many bad guys they're fighting at once, however big the explosions are, and however nice the aerial shots of NYC are, if it's as formulaic a superhero movie as the last few I've seen, I'm just going to feel bored and insulted and unable to shake that creeping feeling of deja vu. If you're quite happy to disengage your brain entirely for two hours (and a lot of pure 'popcorn' films seem to be edging towards that kind of length, inappropriately), perhaps you're more in love with the idea of going to see a film than you are with the films themselves, and are attaching greater significance to them to convince yourself it wasn't just a bit of a waste of time. I'm not saying all you should watch is French arthouse but a film doesn't have to be stupid to be exciting.


Also, you mention the people you meet in the cinema where you work, but that's one venue outside the mainstream. Go to the local multiplex, where the majority of cinemagoers attend, and you'll get a more varied viewpoint.


I don't think half of them would have even seen any of the film between checking their phone, grazing on popcorn and chatting loudly to their mates. It's like saying I should go to McDonalds for some intelligent debate on fine dining. I am eagerly awaiting the inverse snob brigade to inform me that they are big fans of McDonalds and that so-called expert Jamie Oliver is a charlatan and a ****. (I like McDonald's.)


Besides, if the majority of the film-watching public suddenly came around to your way of thinking, you'd hate it as you'd then be the norm. :lol


Ha! Perhaps. I just find it sad when people, especially young people, unquestioningly accept the dumbed-down, diluted dreck that the mainstream so often serves up for us. Bend over and take it all you like, just don't pretend that it's not the lowest common denominator.

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  • 1 month later...
a film doesn't have to be stupid to be exciting.
It also doesn't have to be intelligent to be engaging. I know that's very late retort, but there's some more news on the remake and I forgot to make that point first time around.


Bruce Campbell has been talking to ShockTilYouDrop and has gone on record as saying the remake is a complete "re-telling" of the story and that the Ash character isn't currently in the script; maybe not even appearing at all.

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  • 1 year later...

Necro'd like a boss!


Here's the most recent trailer. I think it looks great. Anyone else looking forward to this?


Redband trailer NSFW(language & gore)




Then there's this:


Bruce Campbell Promises Evil Dead Reboot Won’t ‘Screw You Over’


Bruce Campbell, the original Ash from The Evil Dead, knows some fans aren’t excited about the 1981 film’s forthcoming reboot. He’s read all about the backlash, but he would like everyone to know they have nothing to worry about.


“We did not screw you over on this movie,” Campbell told the crowd at New York Comic Con, which greeted him with a Springsteen-eque chant of “Bruuuuuuuuce.”


Campbell, who is a producer on the film but not appearing in it, said it was time to do a remake of the original instead of another sequel because, well, the original “Ash” is a little past his prime.


“We realized maybe it’s just too late to strap on the chainsaw one more time.” Campbell said Saturday. “It’s time to give these people what they want.”


The new Evil Dead is being directed by Uruguayan newcomer Fede Alvarez, who took the job at the request of original director Sam Raimi. “When Sam Raimi asks you that, you don’t really go, ‘No thanks, I don’t really [do] remakes,’” Alvarez told the crowd.


During the Comic Con panel, the filmmakers gave the audience an early preview of the film’s upcoming teaser trailer. (Short version: It’s looks scary as all hell, and the audience in New York freaked out when it was over. In a good way.)


“That just scared the shit out of me,” said Jane Levy (Suburgatory), who plays Evil Dead’s female protagonist Mia, after the clip finished.


But teasers are just teasers. Can the film hold up to the greatness of its predecessor? Campbell said he thinks so.


“It’s time for something fresh,” he said. “We don’t want to screw this up.”


Source wired.com


Blood covered fingers crossed!

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Guest Anime Otaku

Ummm eww.

Never seen the originals but it sounds like a Bad News, Good News with the director being an unknown but getting the nod from the original director. Is it me or does it look like they miht have a female ash with the girl chainsawing her own arm? Maybe it's just a fake out I guess.

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You never know. Hollywood horror loves the young firm heroine. I'm really trying not to have any preconceptions about this and going into it with an open mind. I just want it to be good. With very few exceptions modern horror is kinda at a standstill.


You should check out the Evil Dead films, A_O, there's tree rape. That's kinda like tentacle pron.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest John Hancock

Evil Dead 2013


Okay, so I'm the first to boo any horror remake out of the room (Texas Chainsaw Massacre feat. Trey Songz anyone? No? Good), but this actually looks legitimately f*cking AWESOME.


I've been watching this trailer on repeat for about three days now;


(Not safe for work, and contains icky-ness, so don't watch if you're a girl or a p*ssy)



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Merged because we don't need two threads for this, Hancock, jeez. I also wanted to test my powers. They seem to work fine.


Anyway here's the second red band trailer. It's so super sick and totally not safe for life. This film is going to be brutal. You've been warned.


***NSFW(or life)***



I warned you. I freaking warned you.

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Guest John Hancock

This movie might have some of the sexiest posters ever;







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  • 2 weeks later...

Total Film are reporting that the first cut of the remake was submitted to the MPAA and received an NC-17 certificate, so to avoid box-office suicide, some last-minute editing is being done to secure an R rating.


The uncut version will be released on DVD.

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Guest Anime Otaku
One thing I never really ot beyond the basic "it's a different culture" is why America, mainly businesses, seems to be so squeamish about pretty much everything. Like if a videogame gets rated "adults only" they end up in the same position as a NC17 movie because many large retail chains, particularly Walmart, won't sell anything with that rating on it, same thing with music.
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