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WWE Money-in-the-Bank 2013 Discussion Thread - July 14, 2013 from Philadelphia, PA


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I wonder if Dolph will get a MITB again, or if he's going to go straight into title matches? I'd love to see D Bryan win one, as I'm sure would most people, and while I definitely agree that Cody would be a great choice, I don't see that happening. I'd like to see Wade Barrett get a case though!


While it does not take the idea of Dolph repeating as MITB winner off the table, the current angle between Dolph and Del Rio over the title makes Dolph winning MITB again seem pointless.

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Guest Ciaran The King
I would love to see a full on 20 minute match between Ziggler & ADR. It could steal the show at MITB
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Instead of calling it the "WWE Championship Contract Money-in-the-Bank Ladder Match", WWE has simplified the name of the match, simply calling it "Money-in-the-Bank All-Stars" and will feature CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Kane, Christian, Randy Orton, & Rob Van Dam with the winner still earning a contract for a future WWE Title match.


The name change makes me think that they may only be having one Money-in-the-Bank Ladder Match this year.

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Guest John Hancock
I think they should only have one. Two on one show is over kill, plus, having two possible champions who can be cashed in on adds to the unpredictability.
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The World Heavyweight Championship MITB will feature: Dean Ambrose, Wade Barrett, Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro, Damien Sandow, Cody Rhodes and Fandango.


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Guest Jamster26
Strange how Christian is in the WWE title ladder match and not the WHC ladder? Not that I'm complaining.
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Guest John Hancock
Hopefully Christian wins, but I can see RVD getting it.


I'm almost certain Bryan will win and challenge Cena at SummerSlam, RVD style.


That WHC one can suck my penis & testicles though. That match couldn't main event a house show. Hopefully they give it to Ambrose, that way, it gives The Shield sneaking up one people post-match an added air of "Maybe this is a cash in, not just a beat down". Still, Jesus, it's f*cking Velocity 'o' clock when that one kicks off.

Edited by John Hancock
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Guest Jimmy Redman

One babyface match and one heel match is the strangest idea ever.


It also inadvertantly shows you how well WWE do with character development and booking. All of the babyfaces are name guys that people pop for, and all of the heels are young/new midcarders who can't get a break. Way to go.


Ambrose seems the logical winner though.

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Guest Ciaran The King
but I can see RVD getting it.


I really hope not


I like the World Title MITB, very intrigued

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Ambrose does seem to be the logical winner but they'll probably bust out a surprise like Swagger at Elimination Chamber. Maybe they'll go with another Indy-Darling Summer and go with Antonio Cesaro providing he gets a shot at Dolph Ziggler maybe? I said Indy-Darling...Hey Ambrose!


Or maybe they have plans for Barrett, wasn't he in line to win the Briefcase last year before he was injured?

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Guest Magic

Yeah I'm inclined to go with Barrett to win it, but to be honest it's just a punt and it could be any of them. Whoever WWE has a 5 second hard on for that morning when they wake up will win it.


RVD likely isn't going to be working a big schedule, so I doubt they'd put him in a big angle like WWE MITB winner. I think he's just being busted out for some cool ass spots. Brian is the natural choice, but I wouldn't be surprised if the SheamusLOL'd us again, or something to that effect.

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Guest brandnewdaddy
WWE Money in the Bank 2013, is shaping up to be a great one. I'm actually intrigued by the entire card so far. I think every match can be special, (even Jericho/ryback).
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