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WWE Money-in-the-Bank 2013 Discussion Thread - July 14, 2013 from Philadelphia, PA


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Guest brandnewdaddy
Jericho is probably the best worker in ring right now, and can take almost anyone and create a great match
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Guest Jimmy Redman

Are you even a real wrestling fan?!


I'm not trying to change your mind because you hate the guy, so I mean whatever. But for all his faults, not delivering in the ring is really not one of them. He has good matches with almost everyone they give him. And he and Jericho had a good match a few weeks ago on SD.


If anything, of the two it is Jericho whom I don't trust to make it work. Lately his transparent werkrate style has been getting on my nerves.

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Are you even a real wrestling fan?!


Who the hell do you think you are to question my fanaticism? I'm the biggest and best pro wrestling fan on the entire internet. Get used to it, 'cause I ain't goin' anywhere anytime soon, brother! I'm a long timer and an old timer. I was runnin' ropes while you were still poopin' yer diapers! I run this and if you got a problem with it, Jack, I'll be more than happy to beat some sense into you. All you gotta do is talk to Jim Crockett and tell him you want a shot at the man. But I warn you, I'm ready 24/7! I'll take you out anytime, anywhere, in any little back woods bingo hall or in front of 80, 000 at the Georgia Dome. Be careful what you wish for, son, 'cause now you got my attention and it's the BIGGEST mistake you ever made!



I'm not trying to change your mind because you hate the guy, so I mean whatever. But for all his faults, not delivering in the ring is really not one of them. He has good matches with almost everyone they give him. And he and Jericho had a good match a few weeks ago on SD.


It really doesn't matter if he has good matches or not. It doesn't matter if he becomes the next Hogan or Austin. I've made up my mind to hate him and I intend to hate him as long as I have breath in my lungs. He might have decent matches with everyone including Jericho, he might be a good worker and know how to sell, he might be better than I give him credit for, but at the end of the day it's never gonna change my outlook on the guy and I will never EVER admit that he probably has a good future ahead of him in the business. I would never say that. Ever.


That said, I'm still looking forward to the Jericho/Crybotch match. :lol

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Guest FreeSpirit

Just noticed all the guys in the All Stars Money In The Bank match are faces, and all the guys in the Future Stars Money In The Bank Match are heels.


Also other than the Big 4 WWE PPV's, this is the PPV I look most forward to out of the rest. Thank goodness it's on Sky Sports and not Sky Box Office this time round :xyx

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Guest Jimmy Redman

The faces briefcase and heels briefcase is certainly going to make for some...interesting TV shows in the next two weeks.


And by "interesting" I mean "confusing and heatless".

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Guest FreeSpirit

Unless we get something like...


"Hold on a minute Playa. The All Stars and the Future Stars will compete in a six on six tag team match in the main event. Holla Holla Holla"


on next week's SmackDown Perhaps!!

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Guest Gomi
The faces briefcase and heels briefcase is certainly going to make for some...interesting TV shows in the next two weeks.


And by "interesting" I mean "confusing and heatless".


They can get away with it on Raw with the competitors matching up against each other in one on one matches, trying to one up and out perform eachother.


Smackdown is a whole other ball game. And the WWE could have booked themselves into a bit of a nightmare. Logic dictates that Shield members Rollins and Reigns should involve themselves in the match from the start to play their numbers game.

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Guest HH-Evolution

Eh, I don't think we'll see too much of an issue with the babyface MITB.

They'll all act Neutral/'Tweener'ish 'til the end - just because babyfaces doesn't mean they can't be competitive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kane's out of the MITB match. I just hope they don't put Wyatt in, it'd be too soon.


I think they'll keep it at six or someone will replace him. Maybe Rey Mysterio? How far is he?

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Guest BarrettBarrage
I think Mysterio had a setback so he's still out for a while. I do think they'll just keep it at 6...I can't really see who else would be an option considering that it's an "All Star" MITB. Which pretty much would put Wyatt out of the running, I don't think they're even considering Wyatt.
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Guest Ciaran The King

7 was an odd number so maybe six is more manageable?


I do expect Brock to be involved though

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The way they talked on SmackDown, it looks like they will be keeping it a six-man match. I would frankly be surprised to not see Brock interfere and directly affect the outcome of the match. I fully expect CM Punk to be the only one in the ring and, before he can get the briefcase, Lesnar rushes in from the crowd and drops Punk with an F-5. Then they will probably have a couple of minutes with just "carnage shots" of those downed around the ring before Daniel Bryan hobbles up the ladder and retrieves the briefcase for the win.


With that said, I think it would be awesome to see Brock go nuts and F-5 every single one of the participants (remember the sick F-5 that RVD took awhile back?) in the match.

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