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WWE Money-in-the-Bank 2013 Discussion Thread - July 14, 2013 from Philadelphia, PA


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Anyone want to see the Wyatt family highjack the Smackdown MITB match and take the briefcase?




Just been thinking about Big. E Langston (hey, who could say no to that voice). Would of been a pretty cool dynamic if Ziggler's bodyguard had the briefcase.

Edited by Gomi
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Guest Ciaran The King
Bryan is the only logical winner, would love to see Orton win it but it just wouldn't make any sense. Punk is gonna get F5'd out of the match and RVD is there for I don't know what, he doesn't need or deserve to be in the match
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Guest Ciaran The King

I'm really bothered that RVD is in the All star match, his last stint in WWE wasn't exactly amazing and now he just walks back in to a top spot??


Alright so the crowd is gonna be pumped for his return but so what, after Summerslam RVD is gonna be an afterthought. Did anyone see his last run in TNA?

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Guest Magic

He's in for some cool high spots and to (hopefully) add a little bit of extra interest in the match in the hope it draws a couple of extra buys from the odd older fan. He isn't gonna win it, and it isn't gonna be the start of some megapush, so I'm not sure what the problem is?


I would hardly call it a top spot. You don't like him, fair enough, but don't let that cloud sense, RVD as a name is more or less on par with the guys in that match.


His run in TNA was poor but that was down to TNA not RVD. They didn't care to use him right. As for after Summerslam? Well he's probably gonna be on a part time deal so I don't see it being much of an issue.


This is all coming from someone who isn't even that big an RVD fan. I'm all about the DREAAAAMERRR man.

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As if any one cares what RVD did in the past few years, no one remembers. He's a name and in contrast to every one who isn't in the All-Star match, his spot is rightfully deserved.
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RVD returning in ECWland in an extreme match was the money decision to do. The vignette's make him appear like a star and he has a MITB history. He's a Haymen guy while theres a huge Heyman story in the WWE that has been brewing over the last year. It is perfect timing for him to come back really. I doubt also, that anyone of the WWE audience cares enough of TNA to know what is going on there.


With RVD being on a limited schedule, this whole tenure can be in the upper midcard slot and I really feel it is a win-win for both WWE, the fans and also RVD's motivation.


Lastly, when WWE go forward with the Randy Orton heel turn. The best first fued in my eyes would be one with the returning RVD. Now I know WWE do not keep history too well usually, but recall that the last time RVD was on WWE (bar Royal Rumble) he was put out of action by Randy Orton after that Stretcher Match at Extreme Rules.

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From Wrestling 101:


It’s Money in the Bank time folks! In a sea of gimmick PPVs, this is the one I actually quite like. I even class 2011’s edition as one of my favourite PPVs of ALL time. So will this year’s MitB live up to the ridiculous hype I tend to put on this event? God I hope so…


> WWE Money in the Bank 2013 Preview

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Inflamatory tweets sent, time to relax before the PPV. Waiting to see of John Cena replies to my tweet to say if he doesn't do the salute in his entrance then Henry is winning. Here's hoping..
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From Wrestling 101:



It’s Money in the Bank time folks! In a sea of gimmick PPVs, this is the one I actually quite like. I even class 2011’s edition as one of my favourite PPVs of ALL time. So will this year’s MitB live up to the ridiculous hype I tend to put on this event? God I hope so…


> WWE Money in the Bank 2013 Preview


"WWE intend to stay with the same familiar route they always take (which in this instance would probably equate to Sheamus winning) or whether they are prepared to go with something a little different and try something new (which equates to someone like…say…DANIEL FREAKIN’ BRYAN winning)."


This would be the same Daniel Bryan who won, and cashed in successfully, the Money in the Bank briefcase? And this would be the same Sheamus who has never won Money in the Bank?


Surely this means that WWE going with Sheamus would be a different thing and giving the case to D.Bryan would be the familiar route?

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Guest Jimmy Redman
Have people been watching the same shows I have lately? The ones where Sheamus has been in a midcard feud with Damien Sandow? And Bryan has been main eventing Raw? No?
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Guest Ciaran The King

Got work tomorrow but I'm staying up for this


Blank screen anyone??


No blank screen:)

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