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Is South Park overrated?

Guest Jayfunk

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I love South Park, but strangely don't watch enough of it. There was a Game of Thrones/Black Friday episode that was brilliant that was on TV pretty recently. I also creased at an episode where the kids managed to convince Cartman he was invisible.


True fact: I've been to the actual South Park, Colorado. It's kinda been absorbed by the neighbouring, much bigger Fairplay, and they've attempted a remodelling of one of the streets to make it look cartoony. Looks a bit naff actually. Saying that, you can clearly see that the South Park sign on the cartoon is based on the sign for the South Park Recreation Center. It's pretty much an exact copy, with the same bleak mountain view in the background.



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Guest John Hancock

You should have gone to Casa Bonita.


EDIT: Unrelated;




One of my recent favourites, and one of the saddest things on T.V. in ages. Watch it if you want to be sad and angry.





Edited by John Hancock
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Guest The Beltster
The one that I still laugh about when it pops into my head is those 2 old black people talking about the Loch Ness Monster. Tree-fiddy!
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Casa Bonita is overrated. The food is pretty shitty honestly.





I checked the wiki and I left off on season 13 so I'm not as behind as I thought. Time to play catch up.

Edited by Maxximus
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Guest fattyfudge
I've never liked it. There's been countless times where I've tried to get into it because my friends love it and always quite it, but every time I try and watch it I never even snigger... I don't know if its my sense of humour or what
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I think part of the reason SP seems to have become better is that the animation is now quicker for them to produce so they're much more able to latch onto a current trend and parody it than most other shows. Things like FG and AD seem to constantly be 6 months behind the curve joke wise and The Simpson's seems to have just about reached the mid naughties.


I think SP's main failing point is when they try a little too hard to drive a point home. I tend to find the politically aimed episode are the weaker ones. I also tend to find sometimes the labour the Jew jokes with Cartman a bit, like "Hmm, we need to fill 5 minutes, lets do some Jew Jokes".


Just going to start a "favorite current Animated shows thread"......

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I think part of the reason SP seems to have become better is that the animation is now quicker for them to produce so they're much more able to latch onto a current trend and parody it than most other shows. Things like FG and AD seem to constantly be 6 months behind the curve joke wise and The Simpson's seems to have just about reached the mid naughties.


I think SP's main failing point is when they try a little too hard to drive a point home. I tend to find the politically aimed episode are the weaker ones. I also tend to find sometimes the labour the Jew jokes with Cartman a bit, like "Hmm, we need to fill 5 minutes, lets do some Jew Jokes".


Just going to start a "favorite current Animated shows thread"......


Well the big thing with South Park is that they produce an episode in 6 days, so they are able to make an episode on something that has been in the news that week. I'd recommend folks checking out the documentary "6 Days To Air", which details the process they go through for making each episode by showing you behind the scenes of the "Human Cent-iPad" episode.


It's worth it if only for getting to see how much Matt and Trey crack up when they're trying to record the voices.


***NSFW but very funny***






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I don't think South Park is overrated at all. Sometimes they cross the line (as do Family Guy), but overall it's hilarious.


As for the people saying that the early seasons don't hold up, I disagree with that too. Chinpokomon is still one of my favourite episodes, for example. That being said, Butters is pretty much my favourite character from the show, and he wasn't really in the early seasons....I'm rambling now, South Park is overall great, that's that.

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Guest Laffy
To be honest i do not watch it any more, I only every watched the occasional episode but I loved the songs in South Park the movie. I remember when it first came out I was banned from watching it but learnt the songs from friends at school. I do not think it is overrated as there is always one part of an episode that makes me laugh, sometimes when i shouldn't.
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Guest Edgehead

I haven't watched an episode in years but this thread got me to watch one last night. I quite enjoyed it but I noticed that there was a lot less focus on the kids than I remember there being & there was no sign of the "Oh my god they killed Kenny!" thing that used to happen every episode (not that I'm saying its necessarily a bad thing if they've dropped that) I just wondered if the episode I watched was a one off or if that's the way the show has evolved over the years I haven't been watching?


For the record the episode I watched was called Broadway Bro Down & it was about broadway musicals sole purpose being to make women give more head :lol

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I watched a few last night myself, One of the being the KFC/Medical Marijuana episode Johnny recommended and, oh my god, was it hilarious. Even though I knew it was coming, the 'Buffalo Soldier' bit killed me.


Also, among the episodes I watched was the two part Tom Cruise/Mohammad one and I have to say I'm really disappointed in Comedy Central for being pussies but I guess I understand. No, I take that back, I really don't understand. I liked that they addressed the whole double standard thing with showing Buddha doing coke all willy nilly but we gotta censor Mohammad in ever singe way.

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Guest John Hancock
Even when they're being censored they're brilliant. Mohammed in a bear suit is the most effective way I've seen the stupidity of the situation being expressed.
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Guest dpddave

I never go out of my way to watch it anymore but sometimes if I'm channel hopping and come across it I'll leave it on. I used to love it.


Butters trying on the condom is one of the my favourite scenes and anything with Randy Marsh is gold.

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I think Randy is probably my favourite character. I kinda love how he's even worse than the kids in some regards.


And then there's the Blockbuster/The Shining episode. Or Creme Fraiche. Or the Bane masks. Or a "spooky, spooky ghost" with "Brazilian Fart Porn".


Randy kicks a*s.

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Randy's one of my favourite characters in T.V., but I think I have a thing for childish Dads, because I love Louis C.K. in Louie and Brian Cranston in Malcolm in the Middle too.




For the Randy lovers.






That's a good point actually, because Phil Dunphy cracks me up in Modern Family too.

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