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Marvel's Jessica Jones


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Guest Yodahew
Finished JJ last night and holy moses what a show. Very different feel from DD but I love them both. Marvel have knocked these 2 shows out of the park so far. Luke Cage next please.
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I finished this the other night and for the most part really enjoyed it.


Kilgrave is up their with Fisk and Loki as the best Marvel on screen villains. Tennant plays him almost as a villainous 10th Doctor there are many mannerisms that almost seem lifted from Doctor Who but with that villainous twist.


Ritter does a great job as Jones although i would of preferred it is she was a little more fleshed out. Shes a Alcoholic as well as a PI but both of these things are only just touched on.


I also thought there was a bit too much filler. It could of easily been trimmed down to 10 episodes. I appreciate that Hogarth may have a bigger role going forward in the Netflix shows but her divorce subplot was just plain dull. The whole thing with Jessicas accident, IGH and Simpsons seemingly bizarre heel turn resulting from his super soldier program really felt as filler and they almost acknowledge that its as much with Jessica casually brushing it off.


Also having Claire Temple just pop up in the final episode felt forced almost as if it was a last minute decision to include her.


But yeah it does alot of things right, bringing up subjects such as abusive behavior and rape, as well as the whole tone of the show really. I really like the show but for me it never quite reaches the heights that Daredevil did earlier this year.

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I thought her alcoholism was pretty well portrayed, it's an obvious result of what Kilgrave did to her and her terror at the idea of falling under his control again. She couldn't really try to clean herself up with that hanging over her head. I expect she'll become a recovering alcoholic if this gets a second season.


All the stuff you're calling filler is pretty clearly set up for stories into a second season too. For instance, if, as seems likely, IGH created Jessica Jones by accident, then it's likely Simpson's drug regime is an experiment to attempt to replicate what happened to Jessica. So why does it send him off the rails, but Jessica wasn't affected? Also, we've already seen she holds herself responsible for things beyond her control, so how will she deal with the guilt of being the root cause of the ruination of many good people at the hands of these experimental drugs?

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Also having Claire Temple just pop up in the final episode felt forced almost as if it was a last minute decision to include her.
I didn't see it as a forced decision.


Jessica Jones is set in the same area as Daredevil, so it makes sense that if someone ends up in an emergency room at a hospital, someone who works as a nurse at that hospital would make an appearance. Add in that she is aware of what is happening beneath the sugar-coated reality most people see and it's logical she would gravitate towards someone "special".

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