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Past favorite female wrestler

Guest Ravishing Empire

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Guest AmyRichmond
Beth Phoenix is pretty impressive. I can see why she ended up being called "The Glamazon". Apparently she started wrestling in high school. I am in the UK, and have never heard of wrestling being a thing in UK high schools. Overall, it looks as though the US wrestling scene is more active than the UK one, and it looks as though there is plenty of opportunity for women in US wrestling.
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Same here. She participated in a lot of events that up until then had been male only. I think she opened the door for serious female wrestlers. It became less about sex appeal and more about talent.

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Same here. She participated in a lot of events that up until then had been male only. I think she opened the door for serious female wrestlers. It became less about sex appeal and more about talent.


Chyna definitely broke some barriers - being a bodyguard for a guy, taking part in the Royal Rumble and becoming IC champ however, WWE did have a women's division before her:


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Chyna definitely broke some barriers - being a bodyguard for a guy, taking part in the Royal Rumble and becoming IC champ however, WWE did have a women's division before her.

Oh, definitely. So, are one of those two women your favourite female wrestlers from days of yore? I've always seen Alundra Blayze as mostly known for dumping her WWE title belt into the trash during the WCW vs. WWE rivalry years. Bull Nakano was mostly known for her rivalry with Blayze. Their notoriety was more about gimmicks than their skills in the ring. I'm sure I've forgotten what's what since then. I miss the drama between WCW and WWE. Monday Nitro was the gift that kept on giving.

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