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HHH best damn wrestler? *SPOILERS*

Guest Litas daughter

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Guest SiMania
Originally posted by Simon

I think this thread came about because of your silly remarks about HHH. Anyway, to claim its cool to hate HHH on the internet now is just a pathetic attempt by HHH fans to undermine criticism of him.


Who claimed that?

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Guest Litas daughter

ok forget the remarks justshut up andstop replying.i still think HHH is a good wrestler and will always suport him. but anyway is there anyway for me to get this forum removed so u can stop replying???? (seriously)


p.s. wait till i find u in the chatroom Perv oops i mean Perf!

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unless a mod takes pity, it'll stay. Now you know the same as I do - if you have an opinion that isn't accepted, don't post it. Wait until a gang of people say something then agree with it - that way you'll be accepted into these forums quciker.


Having your own opinion is WRONG and EVIL and should be discouraged at all costs.

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Guest Simon
Originally posted by SiMania

it seems he's the latest guy that the internet fans are knocking, it was only 2 years ago that he was the best thing since sliced bread.


You might not have used the exact same words but I think it was you Si :)


Lets lay it down here then that it aint a craze. It's like claiming that someone who likes Jericho is jumping the Y2J bandwagon or something.

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Guest The Vulcanized One
Originally posted by Litas daughter

how did one little paragraph get so many replies????plzzzzz stop!!!!!!:?


If you don't wanna read it then DON't CLICK ON IT!


No Flaming

Edited by Grapple
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Guest Seabass

[seabass grabs the mic]


well lita...maybe it's your chrisma, maybe it's the way you talk (in a posting kinda way), maybe it's the fact that you are the daughter of a talented female wrestler, maybe it's cause we like destroying people's self respect...nah that would be going too far. it's simply that- we -like you- like posting are opinions on stuff, no matter how riduclous the claim (or rather post) is.


[fans cheer]

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Guest SiMania
Originally posted by Simon


You might not have used the exact same words but I think it was you Si :)


Lets lay it down here then that it aint a craze. It's like claiming that someone who likes Jericho is jumping the Y2J bandwagon or something.


Jumping the gun a bit aren't we???


all I did was commented that it was strange how he went from being "that damn good" to being "that damn crap" in 2000 the internet fans couldn't get enough of him, now everyone says he's crap, it's just kinda funny how people's views change so quickly

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Guest Litas daughter
sea bass even tho u trash HHH i still think ure cool.I LOVEUseabass.:bg (hoping this willscare him away from forum)
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Guest Litas daughter
Originally posted by Sparky


If you don't wanna read it then DON't CLICK ON IT!


i will flex a muscle in my finger and click if i want bumbum

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Guest Seabass
Originally posted by Litas daughter

sea bass even tho u trash HHH


first off, i still think at the end of the day HHH is a good wrestler and entertainer.



i still think ure cool.I LOVEUseabass.:bg...

:D - right back at you / feeling's mutual - :D

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Guest Jayden
all I did was commented that it was strange how he went from being "that damn good" to being "that damn crap" in 2000 the internet fans couldn't get enough of him, now everyone says he's crap, it's just kinda funny how people's views change so quickly


Whilst people's views can change over the course of a year, so can a wrestlers ability, effort and the way he is booked.


I used to love the Rock when he first joined the WWF, but I grew tired of his promos and his in ring stuff eventually


2000 was the year of Triple H, best feuds, matches, and promos. Everything revolved around him. At that point I'd started to question whether I even wanted Austin back.


2001 was the year of Austin, for much the same reasons. He proved me wrong in a way I didn't think he would. Yet I couldn't wait for HHH to come back after the year he'd had in 2000.


2002, he comes back and everything's been a bit of a disappointment really. I think the booking team have used him badly (shouldn't have won the Rumble after like two weeks of being back), and I just generally haven't been entertained by much of his matches since being back, or of his promos. Great heel, average face.


Over the course of one year (actually not that short a space of time), people's attitudes and opinions can most definitely change, in the same way a wrestlers ability, gimmick, way he's booked, charisma etc etc etc. I used to love the Warrior, I now don't. Nothing wrong with that.

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Guest Simon

Hah..yeh *stands behind Jayden.. You tell him :)


When HHH won the WWF title for the first time, i was a great fan of his, I thought "excellant, a new guy at the top" etc. I was happy for him. It wasnt until around about after No Way Out 2000 where i started to hate the guy, as he provided us with one of the most boring feuds in wrestling history against the Rock and in turn made most of the year 2000 boring as hell in the WWF, with HHH never seeming to get off top spot for most of the year. From there it just seemed to get worse and here we are now...


And thats my story :D

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Originally posted by Litas daughter

:bg (hoping this willscare him away from forum)


We've tried for how long, but he still comes back. He's like a cold.....just when you think he's gone, he comes back and pees every1 off again. Hehe :devil

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