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just a quick post as I'm wanting to get back into Japanese films, and also Manga at the moment. I used to love both and have been watching a few films recently which have rekindled my interest.


In terms of Eastern movies I bought Ichi the Killer today, which I've already seen and love. Have also seen kinda what you would have expected somebody to see if they were into Japanese movies a few years ago. Ringu, Battle Royale, Ichi, Hard Boiled etc etc. Nothing that obscure though.


As for Manga again, same sort of thing, pretty usual stuff. Akira, Golgo 13, Couple of the Hellsing's, Couple of the Guyver's. Again, nothing that obscure.


So, I went out this morning and bought "Blood the Last Vampire" just coz I picked it off the shelf and it looked good. Also got Ichi just because my copy ended up with the psycho ex like everything else I owned.


So does anyone have any suggestions on other stuff I should be checking out?

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I downloaded this video that said Japanese Anime popeye. Cool i thought and it was all futuristic and weird and this massive captain who looked like Captain Birdseye on the Triple H diet of steroids turned around.


Whoa, i thought, Popeye is lookin good.


Until then a door opens and its popeye. Exactly the same as normal. Even spawning the same old catchphrases. Classic

Ghost In The Shell. 'Nuff said.


See where the Matrix really came from.


lol HDC

The Matrix is a heap of crap, it's a really average movie that does nothing for me. Looks nice though. If Ghost in the Shell is anything like it I doubt I'd like it. However, if Ghost in the Shell is a great movie, which the Matrix ripped off and turned into a heap of crap then I'm sure it's great.

Yup, Ghost In The Shell, if you don't have it already, is a must have, which I would consider far superior to The Matrix.


Also, check out Cyber City: Oedo 808, a three-parter with three main characters up against a host of baddies, including vampires, so you might like that.


Devilman would also be a good choice. It's a two-parter I seem to recall and involves humans being possessed by demons when they lose their reason. Devilman fights back by being possessed by a really strong demon but then controlling the demon with his own will, leading to some massive scraps and gore.


I used to watch loads of anime but I struggle to remember most of it now, even though a lot of it was really good.

yeah basically MLM, anything involving vampyres (especially vampyres), demons, darker kinda stuff i usually love so those sound like good choices.
In that case Vampire Hunter d is a good buy. Its my fave Manga after the Guyver series. Im a HUGE Guyver mark!

There is a film I seen in the flicks a few weeks ago called 'Save the green planet'.


It is a film about a man who may be either a/mad or b/is mankinds saviour from an alien invasion.


To say more would spoil the plot but if you like oriental films I sugggest you check this out if it is still showing anywhere near you.

If you like the strange sid of cinema try "Happiness of the Katakuris" ,"Audition" and "Freezer" all 3 of which were directed by Miike Takashi who directed Ichi the Killer.

There is also the Ichi the Killer anime which was o'k and you should check out Story of Ricky which has far more gore than Ichi and totally nuts.(but in the good old Peter Jackson movie kind of way).

In that case Vampire Hunter d is a good buy.

What a film! A colleague lent me his copy of Vampire Hunter D, and i thought it was amazing. It was the first proper Manga style film i had ever seen, and now i am hooked. I do enjoy a bit of blood lust and killing, so the film fit right in with what i like! Its a good one to get started on as well, its a fairly simple story which is easy to follow, and at times its actually quite funny as well!

Audition is a class film, one that can really creep you out at times. Good call on that one Bub.

Ringu is good too, better than the remake apparently but i haven't seen the US version nor do i intend to as it would only encourage them to make more! :oops


Also get the Neon Genesis Evangelion box set and it's 2 movies. Considered by some to be the best Giant Robo anime ever including me


Martian Successor Nadesico is a good laugh too

Edited by Anime Otaku

anything by Miyazaki. Spirited Away is a good place to start.


Otherwise, Nadesico or Ranma 1/2 or Perfect Blue.


Akira was my introduction to anime and probably isn't a bad place to start either.

Tajiri san they already have made more ring sequels in US, the next one is out any day now.
  • 3 weeks later...





Another good one, although I'm not sure it's actually anime is Aeon Flux.


Try and see it before the movie is made, which being live action, is sure to make a hash of the story.

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