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*** Official WrestleMania 21 PPV Discussion Thread ***


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HHH-Best Entrance EVER


Ok my verdicts


Opener of Rey vs Eddie was a good opener. Some big spots, shame Rey won I was cheering for Eddie to turn heel all the way through


Ladder Match wasnt as great as it could of been but then when Benoit, and Edge have both had neck surgery and Christians had a bad back you cant expect massive things. I marked out like a BITCH when Edge won, as did Jayden cause he text me. Great Tbone from the top. Again Jay text me about that, fool.


Uh the rest. Loved RKO vs Taker, great finish, i genuinly believed Orton would win for a while. Glad he didnt though.


HBK vs Angle was fantastic.


Pipers Pit was ok. marked out when Carlito came down. STUNNER!!!!. It was basically a rip off of Pipers Pit with Snuka in TNA a few months back


EUGENE!!!!! Mark Out. ME and My mate brought the house down when Real American Hit. Amazing to see Hulkamania running wild baybee


Cena vs JBL was over sooner than I expected. Great that Cena won


And then they ruined the entire god damn PPV. Batista should NOT and I repeat NOT of won under any circumstances. I seriously hope they put the belt back on H TONIGHT on RAW. Or else Im not watching again until H or Edge is Champ. Im seriously pissed off that Batista won

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Guest The Beltster

I really enjoyed the show for the most part. The Sumo deal was a washout, but anybody expcting anything different must have been nuts. Even Trish vs Hemme wasnt terrible, Trish has become a ring general and held it together when Hemme started getting sloppy.


Opener was pretty good, and at least they were given more than 4 minutes. Angle vs HBK was extremely slow starting, it took ages for them to do anything decent and then the near falls and such kicked in and it was great at the end.


Cena vs JBL, eh, who cares. I'm not a Cena mark and am not happy he won, plus did anybody else notice his pop was tiny, it was if nobody cared, which is wierd because Cena is usually the most over guy there.


Pipers Pit was GREAT. It was classic Piper antagonising people, he was the star of the Pit for sure, and Austin was entertaining as usual. I also noticed Austins pop wasnt very impressive, and I'd have honestly thought he would have got the pop of the night, no doubt.


Ladder match was good, although Edge didnt actually do hardly anything. It was obvious he was gonna win though.


Dont remember the other matches apart from the World title, which was also a slow starter but we got the result most people wanted, new World champion.


Overall a good WM, and with Hogans awesome segment and pop of the night, I couldnt have asked for more. I was a bit gutted he didnt hit the legdrop, but apparently his new hip hasnt been in long enough for it to be considered fully healed, so no legdrop. I loved the segment though, and woke up my son with my screaming and yelling, heh.


(Sorry, I know its not in order, just as it came to me).

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"And then they ruined the entire god damn PPV. Batista should NOT and I repeat NOT of won under any circumstances. I seriously hope they put the belt back on H TONIGHT on RAW. Or else Im not watching again until H or Edge is Champ. Im seriously pissed off that Batista won"


Lol Fletch have you actually watched Raw then, in the past 3 months, or have you missed the part where they've been building Batista up as the next big thing, and even Eugene could have told you Batista would be winning the title. Don't get why you are so surprised by it. Why shouldn't have Batista won? He's the most over guy on Raw, he's been pushed the most, it makes storyline sense, and the big face always wins the big one at Mania. Thus I don't understand your method of thinking at all. Unless of course you simply don't like him, and that's the reason for the claptrap you just said.

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Guest Christof

I one show that you hope delivers delivered last night. A thoroughly enjoyable PPV that has set up / kept alot of story lines going for the rest of the year. The Cena era has begun but that was not the kind of victory he needed to get going with, they need to find him some new moves, just anything to make his less mundane.

Batista got the victory which all in this house were happy with. Especially as the Cena victory threw it all into doubt. Really enjoyed the opener but that was spolit by Mysterio adjusting his mask after every move. I can't wait to see what they have planned for those two.

Edge gets a title shot in the next year, so lets send him to Smackdown, if he doesnt go then Christian is the man they need to get a good match out of 4 move Cena.

Was good to see the Hulk, shameful to hear Hassan doesn't like midgets though, I expect that to be dubbed from the DVD, if not then there is no Hall of Fame place for Dink.

Carlito is cool and should have got to apple spit Piper before Austin intervened.


On the whole very very enjoyable, especially as Michaels did the right thing.

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Guest MartynJ
Theres not much left for me to say now ive read all your posts and agree with most of you, it was a good wrestlemania better than last years, it went down as i predicted apart from i thought HBK would win and HOGAN would give the big legdrop on HASSAN, and im so happy TAKER didnt job to orton because i was realy unsure about that one, i thought we would have seen ORTON be boasting that he'd killed the legend of the UNDERTAKER for the next 5years or so but i enjoyed most of it anyway, apart from the bigshow sumo match
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I thought this WM was the best yet, great matches with great spots, overall a bit disappointed that i didn't see eugene pose with hogan or that the pipers pit didn't go on for long but I loved the mic skills used by Piper, legend!!!!!! Also a bit confused on why they picked Carltio, i would of liked to see Hassan on Pipers Pit and Carlito in the hogan segement because even though they used it that way now because Hogan is the tyoical american man of the wwe and Hassan's gimmick is anti american, they didn't show that much i don't think.


Rey and Eddie i thought was brilliant, really worked well together but for some reason was expecting Eddie to turn heel and remove Rey's mask seeing that his mask at WM looked pretty easy to take off.


Money in the bank was better than i thought it was going to be, i didn't really want it to end.


Trish vs. Christy was ok, not as good as the other women matches i have seen but passable.


Randy Orton vs. Undertaker was a brilliant match in my opinion with them really putting Randy Orton over well. Loved the RKO on Taker. Was actually expecting an RKO for Hogan when the Hall Of Famers came out seeing that he was with stacey and she had said he couldn't win, who better to add to the list than Hogan.


Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle, the best match of the night but i wasn't expecting anything different, knew it would be good but it was better than i expected because of the way they went through every style of wrestling, I think Kurt's moonsaults are the best I have ever seen but I have always thought that, you can't beat Michael's elbow's off the top though, classic match.


Akebono vs. Big Show, a good match and done well to make the match longer by making the traditions. Wasn't surprised by Akebon winning becuase I didn't think it was actually a work.


JBL vs. Cena, thought it would be the poorest match but wasn't actually too bad, JBL was put over well by going out on his own and dominating cena through most of the match. Surprised to see that Cena's FU actually looked a bit better than normal.


HHH vs. Batista, typical main event WM match, good match all the way through showing exactly what everyone wanted to see, power. Completely overdone the other Title match but that didn't surprise me.


Overall a very good mania, I belive the best one yet so far.

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Rey and Eddie i thought was brilliant, really worked well together but for some reason was expecting Eddie to turn heel and remove Rey's mask seeing that his mask at WM looked pretty easy to take off.


Yer he was fiddling with it all the way through the match so i thought that Eddie would of pulled it off to make the heel turn, obviously not, But what the hell was Rey wearing!, I was pleased that Dave and Cena got there wins because i was getting bored of Bradshaw and his flying $100 notes, and HHH spitting everywhere!

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Guest hbk fan

Well Wrestlemania lived up to the hype for me this year. As i thought, the Angle/Michaels match was the showstealer. Even though i really wanted HBK to win, i was pleased with it. The other matches were good, except the sumo and the womens match. At least Trish kept the title, i was getting worried as i had heard Christy was supposed to win and that would have been a traversty.

Loved Piper's Pit, and thought including CCC in it was great, i did have a good laugh through out that segment.

I didn't do too well on my predictions though.

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Loved it.... Best event in a while....


Hbk/Angle and the ladder match match stole it for me.....


Hogan was a great moment but far too predictable...


Overall i was very happy but tired man come 4:30 am

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Guest johnny knoxvill

I enjoyed Mania really a lot



Eddie v Rey

7 1/2 10 Good match


Ladder Match

Benoit is so hard. Shelton was insane. Great match




Taker vs Orton

I loved this match that Chokeslam into an RKO was so sweet

7 1/2 out of 10



HBK VS Angle

Superb match I love it. Angle proved he can still go full pelt and his moonsault was awesome.HBK hit a sweet cross body thing onto the table



Big Show vs Akebono

I was looking forward to this because I wanted to see If Show could overpower him. He picked him up which was cool. That bump the big show took was sick BOOM



Trish Vs Christy

All three looked so hot match was nothing good really.




I like that Eugene came out even if his music did not come on till he was halfway down to the ring. The Hassan came out I knew Hogan would come out so did the fans. His music came on and I went crazy doing the poses and running around my living room. He has put on a belly aint he.


Pipers Pit

This was cool. Austin was awesome so was Piper. Loved the little dispute they had. I love Carlito the guy is so awesome. He is too cool to boo. Austin is the man.


Cena vs JBL

The crowd were pretty spent by now but still supported Cena. Short match and was okay. Great to Cena my main man win the title. I cheered so much when theref raised his hand.



Batista vs HHH

Cool opening by HHH even though Lemmy was really shitty. Batista ruled as usual.

Okay match but I was really tired by this point because I have sitting up till 4 am every night for the last few days. I though HHH would retain after the low blow but a nice block from the pedigree and then the powerbomb and it was over.


Great event best since 17

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Guest MartynJ


Overall a very good mania, I belive the best one yet so far.


i agree it was better than last years, but manias 6 ,7, 17 18 well i can name a fare few that were better than last nights, but overall i was happy with it

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I thought it was a very entertaining show and don't regret forking out £15 for it (although there were 3 of us so it's split £5 each, but that's besides the point :P)


Surprised there were hardly any backstage segments. Think JBl/HHH was the only one. I mean, Batista & Cena win the belts and there hadn't been anything from them on the show beforehand? That's very unusual. No Bischoff or Long either. If there would have been no point to them, fair enough, but perhaps Cena would have got a bigger reaction if he'd had a quick promo backstage with one of the hall of famers instead of them showing one of the Wrestlemanina trailers. Which incidentally, I just saw on the repeat and they've edited out JR forgetting to promote the Backlash PPV despite prompting from King (and then presumably being shouted at by a McMahon down the earpiece), haha! Anyhow;


Eddie V Rey: Not a show stealer as it perhaps could have been, but got the PPV off to a good start with some decent moves, though Rey seemed to be constantly readjusting his mask which was a bit annoying. I had Eddie down to win by cheating, so a little surprised that Rey got yet another victory over him, but a solid 7/10


Ladder match: Really enjoyed this, had no idea who was going to win. When Edge did, I was rooting for him to come down after the main event and demand a title shot there and then, hit Batista with a steal chair, start the match and get the belt in less time than it took for Hogan to beat Yokozuna at WM9 (I think). :D Alas, the WWE didn't share my creative genius! Still, 8.5/10


Taker V Orton: Better than I expected, some very nice counters and althoguh a Cowboy Bob run in eas expected, was still good to see. I wonder if the result would have been different if Orton didn't have his injury? 8/10


HBK V Angle: Superb match and the longest angle lock ever! Was pleased Kurt one, was interesting to hear the crowd seemingly split down the middle as to their favourite. 9/10


Big Show V Akebono: Well, least it was kept short...didn't really see the point of it beforehand and still don't after. Perhaps even less so as a Big Show win would have let his character gain even more momentum, but instead he's lost to a guy we'll probably not see on WWE TV again. I can only think they were looknig for a higher Japanese PPV buyrate. Hmm. Minus a point for the close up of Big Show's ass after he was eliminated. 3/10


Trish V Christy: Better than I expected and kept just the right length. Glad they didn't give Christy the win. 5/10


Cena V JBL: It seemed kinda obvious Cena was going to win so was never really into it that much as I've liked JBL as champ. Pretty average really, bit shorter than I expected. Think a stipulation match would have helped. 8 months as champ then to lose it like that isn't good. 6/10


Batista V HHH: I was gonig back and forth as to who'd win throughout the night half expecting HHH to be DQ'd or get an unfair win then Batista to win it at Backlash, or perhaps Davey boy to get the victory after all. Thankfully he did, in a solid match with a great entrance from HHH. 7/10


Overall, I'd give Wrestlemania a very good score of 8, maybe 8.5 as the Piper's Pit/HOF/Hogan segments were fun too, out of 10.

Edited by headshrinker
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Guest Christof
Just going on one of your ideas - Edge running in after one of the title matches. Had JBL retained, an Edge challenge right there and then would have been cool. Especially if it had been done in such a way as to not totally kill all of Cena's heat.
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Guest Devilish Angel

Eddie vs Rey

Great way to start WM off, great match and with Rey winning it will add fuel to Eddie's heel turn. Although I'm not sure poor Rey was comfortable with his new mask, it looked like he had to keep adjusting it etc.


Ladder Match

Another good match, I was so sure Chris Jericho was going to win, so I was surprised when Edge did.


Eugene/Hussian/Hogan thingy

It was predictiable, I even said to my mum that Hussian would come out, and that Hogan would make the save.


Undertaker vs Randy

Great entrance by The Undertaker, that was acutally all I remember of the match, I'm not sure if I fell asleep or not :lol


Kurt vs HBK

Match of the night IMO, although one thing I did hate was the annoying "lets go Angle, lets go Michaels" chants, those chants annoy the hell out of me. :evil


Pipers Pit

I marked when Piper came out, was suprised that Austin did not get a big pop. Also loved Piper's comebacks regarding the "What!" stuff.


JBL vs John Cena

I marked for JBL entrance :lol, I still do not like Cena's new music, and to be honest I had no emotions at all when Cena won.


Triple H vs Batista

Was surprised to see Motorhead there, as I'm pretty sure that WWE had not annouced they will be there, I acutally thought that Motorhead sounded awful, but by that time I was half sleep again. Not suprised to see Batista win, but I still marked when he did.



Really surprised to see both main titles change hands, as I was so sure they would not. Also it was nice to see Christian winning the award for the best punch line :). All in all I thought it was a good show.

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Guest Da Pimpsta

wrestlmania was brilliant the opener was a great match best bit was when rey did the corckscrew over the top rope 7out of ten

the ladder match was i think the best match kanes entrance great shelton running up the ladder great kane jumpin on everybody brilliant 9 out of ten

hogan hassan eugene was brilliant favourite bit was when eugene said u dont like midgets and when hogan posed in front of the american flag

the womans match wasnt great christy faked every move so much 4 out of ten

the legend vs legend killer match was actually pretty good undertakers entrance was great [bit freaky] but great the rko from the choke slam was cool i was suprised that randy was able to lift undertaker up for the tombstone 8 out of ten

the shawn vs angle match the second half was way better than the start because all it was were 10 minute long submissions loved the bit where the table didnt break

7 out of ten the sumo match i actually liked it big shows entrance was funny great win for akebono 6 out of ten pipers pit was funny as hell i loved the remarks piper said about everyone sayin what suprised that carlito came out i thought that someone big would come out not him 8 out of ten hall of fame wasnt bad 5 out of ten

cena vs jbl i liked this match loved jbl s entrance police escort and raining 100 dollar bradshaws the boot that cena got looked painful 7 1/2 out of 10 [4 of that rating is for jbls entrance] batista vs HHH this was a great match suprised that the referee but himself on the line for batista when he dived off the apron and knocked the chair out of HHHs hands 9 out of ten Wrestlmania rating was 9 1/2 out of ten

i think this was the best wrestlmania in long time

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Cena vs Bradshaw was one of the worst looking championship victories I've ever seen.


I'm no fan of Bradshaw but that was no way for him to lose his belt - that was a basic Velocity squash match.

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Guest tazz13

because i enjoy ranking things, here's how i think the WM's shake out after last night from best to worst


the best

17 (winner and still champion), 3, 20, 21, 19, 8,


very good

10, 7, 14, 5,


not bad

6, 16, 12, 1, 18,


average - poor

13, 4, 11, 9, 15, 2

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Guest The Beltster

I shall rank mine, in the way Tazz did:



6 (winner and still champion), 3, 5, 7, 19, 18, 21


Very Good:

4, 8, 9, 13, 17


Not Bad:

10, 14, 15, 16


Average - Poor:

1, 2, 11, 12, 20

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