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Terminator 4: Rumours and News


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Guest Jaycey Baby
It's probably a good thing Arnie won't be involved this time 'round. Of course, the first two films probably wouldn't have been half as good without him, but he was skimming pretty close to self-parody in the third and now, being best known as a somewhat lecherous politician, I don't think he could have pulled it off again with any real credibility. I'm not a fan of most of Diesel's films but he'd make a good lead for another Terminator in Riddick mode.
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Guest Al Stevens

Right this post is intended to screw with your mind so warning in advance


You see i suppose you could look at the Termantor films as a prime example of when a dystopia future tries to create a Paradox by destroying the one person who was born to save the world (aka John Connor).


However the results are that if the T-800 was never sent back to kill Sarah Connor then Skynet would have never gotten the Techonology to create the T series and even more so then it wouldn't have resulted in Sarah Connor having a one night stand with Kyle Reese which would have then resulted in the birth of one John Connor.


So the futures aim to end the humans last stand by killing Sarah Connor actually created it and also the chance to mass produce themself.


And not one part of this post was done with the add of drugs

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Right this post is intended to screw with your mind so warning in advance


You see i suppose you could look at the Termantor films as a prime example of when a dystopia future tries to create a Paradox by destroying the one person who was born to save the world (aka John Connor).


However the results are that if the T-800 was never sent back to kill Sarah Connor then Skynet would have never gotten the Techonology to create the T series and even more so then it wouldn't have resulted in Sarah Connor having a one night stand with Kyle Reese which would have then resulted in the birth of one John Connor.


So the futures aim to end the humans last stand by killing Sarah Connor actually created it and also the chance to mass produce themself.


And not one part of this post was done with the add of drugs


Ah but you forget that if the Terminators / skynet didn't exist in order to send a T-800 back then what you say would not matter. They had to exist in the first place to come back.

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Guest Al Stevens
Actually when you think of it Terminator one is Predestination paradox basically for the none geek it means that because of the actions of the film they made sure they would be around for the future
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From Batman to John connor,


Actor Christian Bale has reportedly signed up to star in the fourth 'Terminator' film.


The actor will play John Connor in 'Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins', which is to be directed by Charlie's Angels filmmaker McG.


The character of John Connor has previously been played by Edward Furlong in 1991's 'Terminator II: Judgment Day' and Nick Stahl in 2003's 'Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines'.


California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who starred in the first three 'Terminator' films, is not expected to be a part of the fourth instalment.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Credit: http://www.totalfilm.com & http://www.chud.com




By Devin Faraci


When Ain't It Cool broke the story that Christian Bale was in Terminator 4, playing John Connor, one of my sources became confused. That couldn't be true, I was told - John Connor is barely in the movie. Turns out that it's true, and that yes, John Connor is barely in the movie. Over the last week I have been gathering some details about Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins, and while I am trying to steer clear of serious spoiler material, people who don't want to know anything about this movie should step away from the computer right now.


John Connor is not the main character of Terminator 4; that character is someone named Marcus. Marcus was put 'out of commission' before the nuclear holocaust on Judgment Day and he wakes up about 15 years before the future we see in the original Terminator films, which puts the movie at about 2015 or so. Marcus is a bad ass - think along the lines of Riddick - and what he finds is a blasted world filled with horror. Radiation poisoning, starvation, rampant jaywalking - all the things you expect post-apocalypse. There's also John Connor, who is trying to build a utopian society while running the human resistance.


Connor's role is apparently bigger in the second film; whoever they hire for Marcus (my understanding is that the part is not yet cast) will be around for all three films. Terminator 4 is going to be the most male-centric of all the Terminator films, but there is a butt busting female character by the name of Blair, a pilot for the human resistance.


They're going to need some buttkickers, because the scope of the action in Terminator 4 is HUGE. Lots of machine action in this film, including some battles with the T-600s. Yup, the rubber skin Terminators. And there's another familiar character that shows up - Reese shows up in a scene with John Connor. I don't know what his involvement in the next two films will be, though.


Finally, here's a story point that's probably a legitimate spoiler (although it's sort of the main crux around which the story revolves, so it will probably get blown in the advertising), so I'll invisotext this stuff:

A big aspect of the story is the degrees of difference between a human and a Terminator. By which I mean cyborgs. By which I mean human brains in robot bodies



I've gathered this info from a number of different sources, and while they all have different takes on the material (all mostly positive, with one of my sources saying that the story is great and that the action promises to be incredible), they all bring up one point of comparison: The Matrix films. Make of that what you will. For me, the information I've gotten - including really spoilery stuff I won't inflict on you - has gotten me jazzed. This film feels like it could be epic and erase the taste of the workmanlike T3 from my mouth. Let's hope McG can pull this off.

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Guest MojoPogo
Personally, I REALLY liked T3, its possibly my favourite of the three, seriously. I'd give it a look if you have a night free with nothing to do, you might be surprised.


Yep. Me too. And it has the guts to actually go with a seriously dark ending. I dont understand the hating of this movie, hell, i even went to the cinema to see it. Which was awesome given the effects going on, and that crane chase, which is one of my favourite ever chases.

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  • 1 month later...

Some more news...


Sam Worthington Faces Terminator

He'll play the lead, Marcus

Source: Variety


Aussie actor Sam Worthington, currently starring in Avatar for James Cameron, has landed the role of Marcus, the star of McG's Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins.


Despite what you may have heard, John Connor is currently said not to be the central figure in the films - despite the casting of Christian Bale for that role. It's Marcus around whom the planned three-film story arc revolves, as a small group of survivors struggle to fight back against the machines.


The fact that Worthington is currently starring in a film for Cameron, the original Terminator and T2 director, has led some to conclude that Cameron has given his seal of approval to this film, after rather distancing himself from T3. But equally he might just have been recommending his latest leading man for a new job when McG phoned him in New Zealand, so who knows? We're sure he'd do as much for Bill Paxton.


Helen O'Hara

Credit: http://www.totalfilm.com


From what I've read, Worthington should be a good choice, but I'm more excited about the (very slim) possibility of James Cameron being involved again, no matter what his role would be.

Edited by DC
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  • 2 weeks later...
Terminator 4 Gets A Release Date

See ya May 22, 2009!

Source: Variety

26 February 2008



OK, so you've already cancelled any non-cinema related plans for May 22 this year, what with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull opening that Thursday. Well, prepare to cancel next year's May 22 plans too, because that's the date that Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins hits cinemas. So if May 22 is the birthday of someone you hold dear, tell 'em you'll see them in 2010 - probably.


This release date puts T4 head to head with A Night At The Museum 2: Escape From The Smithsonian, making it a battle of the CG critters out to destroy humanity (well, Ben Stiller anyway) at the box office. While the last Museum movie earned more than $100 million more than the last Terminator movie at the worldwide box office, Terminator's longstanding franchise may nevertheless give Museum 2 a run for its money.


Sam Worthington (strictly, he's still said to be "in talks") and Christian Bale are starring in the film, with production due to start this May 5 in New Mexico. Now, if you'll excuse us, we need to go buy a 2009 diary.


Helen O'Hara

Just over a year to wait. :)
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Guest The Genetic Jackhammer
On the basis that I thought the 3rd Terminator was useless (ruined it as a trilogy for me at the time) I wasn't looking forward to this at all but with the best actor around Christian Bale in it I am quietly looking forward to this. If this is anywhere near as good as the first or the second then I cant wait for it, and the script must be at least half decent with Bale partaking in it.
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Guest Nemesis Enforcer
I really liked T3 personally, not as good at T1 or 2 but it was a good movie in its own right I thought. Really looking forwards to this one too
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Some more details about the movie's storyline.


News: Terminator 4 plot points revealed

Spoiler alert...

04 Apr 2008 9:59am



When The Hollywood Reporter told us yesterday that Anton Yelchin could be in talks to star in the fourth Terminator, we didn't quite believe it. After all, the part he was said to be up for was Kyle Reese, John Connor's dad. Which would be fine, if Christian Bale wasn't playing John Connor. But then we remembered that this is a time travel movie, dummy, so anything is possible.


And it seems the relationship between Reese and Connor is going to form the main story arc of the new Terminator flicks. Which sounds like a good idea to us - we can't wait to see how Reese develops his Terminator terror, and seeing Bale emote as he has to send his protégé / dad back in time to his certain death. Well, we did give you a spoiler alert.


For more details head over to Cinema Blend.

Credit: http://www.totalfilm.com
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