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Have we ever had one? Like of tattoo's members have? If not, I am starting one. If so, oh well, I tried. So post them all you like. (I'll post mine as soon as I can remember my photobucket password)
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I'll have to get some updated pics of mine, I have 11 so far, so will post soon. Ace idea for a therad, i'm a bit of an addict!
I don't have any Tattoos but a family tradition says I have to get a sword with a snake wrapped around it on my right forearm before I die (which I have always wanted) but if I do have that (or any) tattoo done then my best friend (who I one day hope to marry) will never speak to me again never mind marry me

You hope to marry your best friend? Does he know about this?? I thought that was illegal in England :lol


I have a few but their hard to take a good picture of by myself. I'll try tomorrow....

My best friend is a woman you fool :P
I don't have any Tattoos but a family tradition says I have to get a sword with a snake wrapped around it on my right forearm before I die (which I have always wanted) but if I do have that (or any) tattoo done then my best friend (who I one day hope to marry) will never speak to me again never mind marry me
If she loves you (i'm assuming she's a she) then she would understand it's a family tradition.


I have plans for about 7 or 8 more tattoos...I don't know if DC knows this.

Her name is Sheila and she lives in Newcastle just to clear that up for people :P


She hates tattoos hence why she is so disaproving of me getting one, I probably will eventually, will just have to keep it covered around her at all times :lol

Trust me, women have a way of finding these things out. Tattoos are sexy, as a general rule. Have you told her the story behind it?

Yep I have and she said get a tattoo and i'll never come see you again :lol


I'm not that bothered right now being 23 i've got plenty of time in my life to get inked, i'll do it when i'm in my late 30's and tell her its a mid-life crisis :lol

She gave you an ultimatum? What happens when she next gives you an ultimatum? I've seen this happen before. It's one small piece, then it's another and another, until it comes down to you not doing this, saying that, wearing something else.


She honestly wouldn't want to be in contact with you if you had a tattoo? So she cares more for your appearance than she does about the person inside?


Do any of your friends have tattoos? If so, will she want you to stop seeing them too?

I have one. It cost me £50 and didnt hurt whatsoever, which surprised me as I was sh*tting myself when I walked in to get it. It felt like somebody drawing on my forearm with a warm marker. I bled all over the place. I walked around all Summer wearing a jumper so my Nan and Grandad wouldnt see it. At the end of the Summer, my Nan said she knew the day I got it, but enjoyed watching me walk around in 80 degree heat because I didnt come right out and tell her.


Always had plans for more but never went ahead with them, I got mine 12 years ago so I have the feeling the time has passed for me to get more. I'm almost 29 now, I feel too old to get more.

I want a tattoo just too chicken to get one. I like the TWOStars little box and a welsh flag.

Yes isn't she wonderful DC :D


Being serious though she is actually a really sweet and kind person, which isn't comming accross here at all is it :lol she doesn't mind anything other then tattoo's, I could get pierced head to toe and it wouldn't bother her but tattoos are where she draws the line, if I did get one I very seriously doubt she would not want to see me again, she'd just never let me hear the end of it and be moody for a while

I'll post mine as soon as I can remember my photobucket password


I've seen your ink before and it's exceptionally cool, Dante, and it's good to see you back on TWO. On topic, I have no tattoos, and currently don't plan on changing that. I would never say never, though.

NE, what does she have against tattoos? Has she given a reason for disliking them so much, but being okay with piercings?
Always had plans for more but never went ahead with them, I got mine 12 years ago so I have the feeling the time has passed for me to get more. I'm almost 29 now, I feel too old to get more.


My Mom has only gotten hers within the past 5 years or so and she's 39. Never too old.


As for me, I'm currently in the stage of getting a quote for one of these down my forearm (in red):



Edited by DraVen

I don't actually know exactly why she dislikes them so much, she has said before that she finds them unattractive to look at, once they are on they are perminant and some other stuff I can't bring to mind right now


Its just a whole collection of things she dislikes about them really



This is the only one I have a picture of on my computer at the moment. Sorry about the size,I dont know how to make it smaller :lol

Her name is Sheila and she lives in Newcastle just to clear that up for people :P


What part of Newcastle does she live in?

What part of Newcastle does she live in?


You leave his damn woman alone :lol

I am thinking of getting a few, there is one I'm almost 80% sure of getting. I want Carl Barat's "libertine" tattoo that he has on his arm.



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