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Shows to watch before you die!!!

Guest Fiona

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Guest Da Showstoppa


DS9 is my favourite Trek too.



It was my least favourite of "the big three" I much preferred Voyager, some of the two parters were fantastic, especially "Endgame"

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Battlestar, I had no problem with the ending. Let's face it, we all knew (or you must've been a bit distracted if you didn't cop to it) that it would end up being us and that the Cylon God was our own God who led us here. This was never, ever a big secret. Kara Thrace returned from the dead, for frak sake, how much more biblical can you get? People didn't like the end because it was too pat and blatantly flouted a scientific explanation in favor of a religious one, which is bound to upset all those "open minded" atheists. That's the writers choice, and it's amazing how because people don't agree with it, suddenly it's a bad show. Just goes to show how pathetically small-minded and idiotic most people are. Battlestar, like any good show, is not about the destination, it's about the journey, which is why Sopranos is also ludicrous and I look forward to Lost jumping from the DO to the DON'T list when it ends. Retards.


Firefly is also brilliant, dare I say better than Dollhouse, which is Joss Whedons newest show.


Speaking of Joss, I utterly support Buffy, since it can be watched in so many ways. It was the first show where I cried through an entire episode and which came even close to presenting the unrelenting apathy and emotional disconnect which occurs when a loved one dies unexpectedly in "The Body", S5E16. I can honestly say that this is the show I would watch again if I was dying and couldn't do anything else. This would be closely followed by Angel, which is the spin off, and though very different, is sometimes more compelling as a moral tale.


I also love the way the final season of Buffy is "looked down upon" when it made a very conscious and deliberate decision to close the circle and, in a lot of ways, go back to the start and shows how the characters have changed. It's actually astonishing how much character development there is in what is essentially a supernatural dramedy.


Let's clarify something here : Buffy peaked, for most people, in Season 5, though 3 and 4 were damned close and Buffy skewering Angle and damning him to hell in S2 broke my heart. Seasons 6 and 7 went to places a lot of the audience couldn't or wouldn't follow emotionally and utterly alienated the casual audience. I don't care, decent shows require that the casual audience goes "Huh, wtf did I miss?". BSG is a show that does this too. It wasn't the acting in Buffy's later seasons that was the problem, it's that the characters emotions were difficult to connect to for most of the audience. It asked for more than most people in the audience have or are willing to give. Buffy especially became very hard for some people to understand.



Freaks and Geeks and Carnivale are both on my "got to get to them at some point, dammit!" list. As is 24 S3 onwards and Supernatural S2 onwards.


Point Pleasant was mediocre, but I loved the ending, since it's rare a show actually has the realistic consequences of the behaviour of its' subjects as an end.

Edited by etz
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Guest Chriscare
It wasn't the acting in Buffy's later seasons that was the problem, it's that the characters emotions were difficult to connect to for most of the audience. It asked for more than most people in the audience have or are willing to give. Buffy especially became very hard for some people to understand.


No, it was most certainly WAS the acting. You take a bunch of people who you've cast for a light hearted teen action/horror tv series and then try and take it all serious and you're bound to struggle to have your actors keep up. There's a reason why none of them have really done anything respectable since, because they're not talented enough actors to pull it off. Buffy was an ok show that just tried to be alot more adventurous than its cast was capable of delivering. It's best moments were generally down to the writing and production, certainly not its cast.

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The acting was fine, Nicholas Brendon for one was a huge surprise in the later series as he matured as an actor.


Tony Head is also a damned fine actor. In fact the weakest link was Alyson Hannigan (God I hated having to say that), and shes the one who had the best career outside of Buffy.


There's a reason why none of them have really done anything respectable since, because they're not talented enough actors to pull it off.



Depends on what you see as 'respectable' realy.

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My TV "DO Watch List" would probably consist of: Bones, Lie To Me, The Office (UK), Life On Mars and Entourage. Love those programmes! Oh, and Wallander too. Has anyone watched Wallander? Great crime drama.


There are a few other shows like Invasion (watched all of that show, loved it, and haven't seen it since!?), The American Office, Fraiser and probably the earlier series' of 24. Ibiza Uncovered was a landmark show in its day (for the wrong reasons perhaps).


For some reason I keep missing out on shows like The Wire, Heroes, Lost, Deadwood and the suchlike. I watch a couple, miss a couple, decide I cannot watch another episode until I've caught up, keep forgetting to catch up, and then give up altogether. :lol


There are a couple of comedy shows that I'm a little undecided about. I watched a funnyish show last night called "The Lunch Brigade" (or something like that, The Lunch Something, at least) and thought it was quite funny, trying to put a hip slant on The Office. There's also a new show in the US called Parks & Recreation. I only watched a couple of those shows, and found it funny as hell, but then I left the US. :P


"Do NOT Watch List" - awww, crap. Stuff like What Katie Did, Kerry Katona's Shameless Unravelling on TV, Rebecca Loos, The Osbournes, Hulk Knows Best, Brooke As Well, The Fattest Loser, Beauty & The Geek...you get the idea. Sh*t like that.



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Since I'm rewatching the first seasons in anticipation for the fourth, I have to say Dexter, Dexter and more Dexter.


Damn straight on that one.


For me, Twin Peaks, Phoenix Nights, Eerie Indiana, Life On Mars, early Family Guy (up to Series 3), Sliders (first 2 series), The Sopranos, Scrubs, The League of Gentlemen, The Office (UK), I'm Alan Partridge, The Day Today, Brasseye, Father Ted oh and Jonathan Creek.


Each great in their own special way.

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Can I just say that Season 1 and 7 were by far the most enjoyable seasons of Buffy. 7 brought it full circle, and Series 1 was just amazing start to end.


Having said that, there was a lot of crap in Buffy, mostly the series with the army crap underground and Adam.

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The Fringe just started it's new season last night. Still don't really understand it after watching it all last year, but it's a great show. Definitely worth a look. Edited by Fiona
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It's like a combo of CSI, The Profiler and The X-Files. I've caught up on all episodes as well as the first of the new season. It keeps getting better. Walter Bishop is a new hero of mine. I love that crazy ol' bastard!


Re watched season 3 of Dexter and episode 1 from season 4. Beyond amazing.

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It was my least favourite of "the big three" I much preferred Voyager, some of the two parters were fantastic, especially "Endgame"


voyager was good i think my order of treks are


1) TOS (by a mile)

2) Voyager

3) DS9

4) Enterprise

5) TNG

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It's like a combo of CSI, The Profiler and The X-Files. I've caught up on all episodes as well as the first of the new season. It keeps getting better. Walter Bishop is a new hero of mine. I love that crazy ol' bastard!



Your right with a dose of Criminal Minds thrown in for good measure.



In the opening when Olivia was thrown from the car window, was that a continuation of last season when she went back in time to meet that guy whose memories she has. And who is that crazy bitch with the artificial arm.


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